Status: On-Going,In-Complete

Reach For The Sky

Chapter 5

Stabbing at a meat ball Chanxe shrank down in his seat. He could hear Gwenneth and Chauncy arguing in the living room. They had bickered during dinner,while washing dishes,and now are continuing.
"Gwenneth! Stop drinking and leaving the bottles on the floor!" a deep voice angrily said.
"You drink too!More than me!"
"At least I don't leave them on the ground! Chanxe lives here now,with a broken leg. What if he trips over your beer and shit?" Chauncy argued back.
"Chanxe is smarter than that!" Gwenneth fiercely said
"Accidents happen!"
"Ugh!" Stuffing the meat ball into his mouth, Chanxe got up cleaned his plate,drank a cup of water,chocked on it,and scurried to his room. Once inside he fell upon his bed.
Thankfully he could not hear them two arguing anymore. Curling up to a ball he shivered as the wind blew across his skin and through his hair. His leg was still broke, well its only been about two days but the doctor said by the end of this week the cast can come off. He didn't know what to do when Gwenneth and Chauncy started arguing, it was scary and he didn't enjoy it.
Chauncy stood up from the couch, he had a long day but thankfully he sold 2 paintings for a couple of thousands each. That already covered the water bill and such. Grinning he walked towards the Kitchen. Stopping in the middle of his tracks he saw two beer bottles laying on the ground."Gwenneth" She turned around and tilted her head."What?" Her eyes traveled to what Chauncy was looking at, they went wide. "What the hell? How many times have I told you not to leave bottles on the ground! Drinking! Do not drink its not good for you!" he preached on and on. Chanxe sat on the couch both of his legs against his chest, though his leg that was casted was slightly off the couch. Looking up he bit his lip nervously, why was Chauncy screaming at Gwenneth?
"I'm older than you! I can do whatever I want to do!"
"As long as your under my roof, you will not drink so god damn much! You'll show Chanxe a bad example!"
"Are you serious? Chanxe is old enough to know what is good and what is bad! DO NOT LIMIT MY SUPPLY OF DRINKS!"
"Do Not Raise Your Voice At Me!"
"GWENNETH TAYLOR YOU WILL STOP LEAVING YOUR DAMN BOTTLES ON THE FLOOR BEFORE I SMACK YOU WITH ONE!!" Chanxe quickly stood up and got between them, a look of worry all over his face. Frantically looking at both of them he gives a small whimper."Please don't argue" he said softly. Gwenneth took a step back and nodded, she then left to the Kitchen. Chauncy stood there, he didn't seem to have an emotion, but he took a step closer to Chanxe."I'm sorry" he then to left, towards the Kitchen.
Alone in the living room Chanxe looked down at the ground. Picking up the bottles he went over to the kitchen. "Chauncy Taylor, why the hell is this multi grain???" "Because unlike someone I want to feed you people healthy Nutritive food!" They continued arguing, when Chanxe went in they bickered softly, when he left they shouted. . . why?
Getting up he went towards his balcony, stepping out he felt the cold wind brush against him. The moon was out and shun over the trees. Small stars twinkled along a line of scattered shine. He didn't move for a long time. Just stood there, the wind blowing his hair away from his face, a small scar on his forehead was revealed. Biting his bottom lip he wrapped his arms around himself, he wasn't cold. He just wanted to be hugged even if he had to do it himself. Turning around he went towards his bed, the feel of the blankets under his touch felt silky. It warmed the tips of his fingers. That feeling of warmth, he wanted it.
Interrupted by a knock Chanxe allowed the person to enter. He didn't even pick up his head, it didn't matter if it was Gwenneth or Chauncy. "I'm sorry for all the arguing Gwenneth and I are doing" Chanxe stayed quiet, he didn't know why. He wanted to say oh it was fine, but it wasn't. Something about two siblings screaming at each other and threatening to do things, it was horrible. "Gwenneth and I just have a few things that get us worked up with each other" still Chanxe didn't say a word, he sat on his bed, pulling his legs as close to his chest as he could. Chauncy huffed. If Chanxe wasn't gonna reply or accept the apology there was nothing he could do. Walking towards the boy Chauncy took caution, Chanxe seemed so fragile, but once close to being broken something would snap and he would be infuriated a fire would burn and melt away everything damn thing.
"Come with me to my Art room" It didn't sound like a question, more of a command. Quickly standing up Chanxe followed Chauncy across the hall and towards the room. Being a "gentlemen" Chauncy held the door open for Chanxe, shutting it he leaned against the door.
"Look around and tell me what you see"
"The sky,fuchsia sky,animals,people, . . . Gwenneth" Chauncy nodded,getting off the door he walked over to Chanxe. Putting his hand over one of Chanxe shoulders and gave it a light squeeze. Bending down so his lips were leveled to Chanxe ear he whispered."Be my Model?" A spine chilling shiver exploded through out Chanxe body. Goose bumps went over his arms, his whole body felt cold now.Chauncy breathed on Chanxe ear seductively, was it a accident? The sweet minty smell, the warm feel of it, Chanxe shivered once more. What was he feeling? The mix of cold and hot,Chauncys breathing, his heart pounding against his chest. A fever? Hell no. "A-alright" Chauncy took hold of Chanxe hand and led him to the leather couch he had in the room. Pushing him down lightly Chauncy ran his hand down Chanxe arm,feeling the softness of the boys skin. Accidentally too . . . right?
Grabbing a pencil Chauncy stood there in front of a Canvas and ran the pencil across the surface. Chanxe shuddered at how Chauncy looked at him. Feeling a tad bit self conscious Chanxe bit his lip hard."Done" Looking up quickly Chanxe stood up, he felt rather awkward. Rubbing the back of his neck he took some nervous steps to the door, hoping Chauncy wont speak to him or call him over. Luckily for him Chauncy didn't say a word, walking out the door Chanxe shuts it.
Laying agaisnt it he breaths in deeply, what was that feeling? He felt like he has never been that close to anyone, the way Chauncy breathed against his ear. When Chauncy hand ran down his arm, touching his exposed skin. Getting off the door Chanxe went to his room quickly. Once inside he toppled over to his bed, his own breath was uneven. He didn't feel like that when Gwenneth touched him, or the lady in the mall. Maybe the boy who was hitting on him. That guy brought a smile to Chanxe face. "Good Night Chanxe" Peeking he saw Chauncy at the door, his well built figure was a shadow but some of the light reflected his face. His heart stopped, why? "Good Night Chauncy . ."
Looking away Chanxe had to take a second look at his sexuality.
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HAHA! When I was writing about how Chauncy breathed on Chanxe ear,I was getting light headed xD lol. Rate and message