Not The Same

Dead Doll Eyes

I remember the day; the day that I had witnessed it. I was only 7 years old and did not know what was going on. I did not know what to do. It was raining outside; it was forecast to be thunderstorms all week. My mom had to bring my half-sister to her mother’s house, which was an hour away. It was my father’s weekend to have her. It was only my younger sister, my older sister, my father, and me in the house.

My father was sick with a cold, so my older sister, who was his step daughter, was going back to his room in intervals to ask if he needed anything and to make sure he was okay. My younger sister, older sister, and I were in the living room watching the movie “Paulie” for the hundredth time since we had gotten it. My father yelled out my older sister’s name and she stood up quickly then looked down at us.

“I’m going to check on dad again,” she said with a smile. She was 13 years old. Too engrossed in the movie, I waved her off not caring where she went at that moment. I heard her sigh and she walked to his and my mom’s room.

After the movie ended, I looked at my younger sister.

“Want to watch it again?” I asked her, to which she nodded vigorously. I looked around the room and could not find my older sister, so the thought that came to my head was that she went to her room to read, which she did a lot. I sighed, got up and walked to my sister’s room, which was by my parents. I opened the door and she was not in there. I sighed again and then heard a noise coming from my parent’s room. I rolled my eyes and walked to the door, opening it without knocking.

And what I saw I can never forget.

My sister jumped up from the bed, her shorts and underwear at her knees and she quickly ran to my parent’s bathroom. My dad was lying on his back and quickly put away his penis before I could see it.

“Spencer, get out.” I quickly shut the door and walked back in the living room. I sat on the couch by my sister and she looked up at me, she was 6 years old.

“Where is she?” My little sister asked. I did not say anything. I just stood up and put the movie back in myself. At that moment I did not know what was going on. All I knew was that something like that was not a good thing. I could not think of what to do.

A few minutes passed and my older sister came back into the room. She sat down beside me and looked at me. She nudged me and I looked up at her. She looked like life had left her. Her eyes were as dead as dolls.

“Do not tell mom.” And I did not.

Three years later I came to find out that my father has been sexually molesting my older sister since she was 8 years old. I have never forgotten what I had witnessed and I my whole life I felt that it was my fault for not saying anything to have stopped it. This event that happened changed my life.

And I will never forget it.
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All true. It helped writing about it.