Status: Construction

Behind closed doors

Calling all demons.

She who was born through the blessed realm, born of the sixth month, on the sixth day, in the sixth hour; will journey into the defeat of Zanuri. She is to become conlie (evil being conqueror). The most powerful conlie to defend Terra (supernatural) realm.

“Zanuri,” called Gardlin a damnable prophet. “I had a very disturbing vision,” Gardlin stops and analyzes Zanuri’s expression which only appears on half his face. Even though Zanuri’s right half of his face has been scorched 542 years ago, it still intimidated him. Zanuri was a statuesque, immoral devil. His various tattoo’s stretching from his bald head to the tips of his fingers, tell of his continuing obscene endeavors.

“Tell me of this troubling vision of yours,” Zanuri demands impatiently. Gardlin meeting Zanuri’s deep, dark, emotionless eyes in respect told him of the conlie and her destined forthcoming. Gardlin noticed a glimpse of worry on Zanuri’s bisected face. Gardlin straightened his long, faded black rode and smoothed his short, gray hair and overly bushy eye brows.

“What are you going to do,” Gardlin questioned in anticipation of a cruel plan. “Simply kill her before she is to come of her powers,” Zanuri calmly replied. “Perhaps, Zanuri, we could salvage her life and manipulate her into using her powers for our, I mean your bidding.”

Zanuri contemplating Gardlin’s suggestion admiring the thought of having a powerful conlie battling by his side. “And how will we manage to convert this future child?” Zanuri wondered out loud directed at Gardlin.


In a frigid, depraved area is where the lower level demons held an urgent meeting to spread the terrifying future of a conlie. A tall lanky demon, but in no doubt powerful, stood a top an uneven massive rock waiting for ever confused looking face to quiet. When all was quiet Devillan spoke of the prophecy he mistakenly overheard. After Devillan finished everyone in silence glancing at each other for a practical explanation but not any one had one. As the news slowly started to sing in and they began to understand what the prophecy meant, it initiated into panic and chaos. Devillan pleaded for all to calm down, but it was useless to ask someone to relax after finding out there is a destined conlie to kill them all.

Demons were turning on each other and killing even their closest friends in order to absorb each others powers. The demons thought the more powers they have, the better chances of survival. In a normal situation, yes that’s true, but to go against this certain future conlie’ you might as well already be demolished.

While things were turning demented and all the evil in purgatory was becoming pandemonium, an amoral child was born from a succubus. Three weeks after being born he was taken to Zanuri’s throne and abandoned. There Zanuri found this mysterious child left whit a note. The note was difficult to read as it was written in blood.

To Zanuri,
A demonic bounty is on my head, the reason, I don’t know. I don’t have time to explain much but I fear I will not survive. My son, Blang, is half incubus and half human. Please, I beg of you to protect him and teach him the ways an incubus lives.

Gardlin walking in just as Zanuri finished the note asked about the child. Zanuri shoves the note into Gardlins hands with a look of disgust on his partial face. Gardlins eyes skim the note with a small squint every so often at a smudged, blood-splattered word. Gardlin read each word carefully not understanding Zanuris look of disgust. “What is wrong,” Gardlin questioned. “This succubus is a traitor, she fell in love with a mortal,” Zanuri said in anger. “If Tara would have followed my directions she would have never fallen in forbidden love. She was no longer a succubus the moment she began to grow a heart,” Zanuri’s anger turning into rage. “I’ve told you too much.”

Gardlin stood for a few minutes while Zanuri sighing a deep breath calming down. After building up enough courage, Gardlin asked” why did Tara send you the mistaken child instead of mortal father?” Zanuri stood up straight with a crooked smirk on his face. “I killed him.” Zanuri told him.

“You killed the succubus traitor’s mate?” Gardlins expression looked amused. “Gardlin, you have a lot to learn about me. I will tell you my secrets and journeys but you must swear to not tell a soul. You must accompany me, and share all you visions against the conlie. I can not have you betraying my trust so I tell you now that if I find others know things only you and I should; you will never breathe air again.” Zanuri looks hard at Gardlin with a serious look. “You have my honest word,” Gardlin assures him. Zanuri continues to stare for a minute longer then relaxes and makes a sarcastic joke, “demons don’t have honest words,” as Zanuri emphasizes the words honest.

“I sought out to kill Tara’s mate after I found out about his stupidity and weakness in hopes once he was gone she would realize her mistake and beg for forgiveness. Unfortunately she chose to leave purgatory behind and live as a mortal. In return to her actions I sent the demonic bounty hunter after her. I have no use or time for traitors as they can not be trusted with anything.” After Zanuri completed the short version of one of his past with Tara, Gardlin look almost relieved; but Zanuri knew that the expression was an understanding expression.


Gardlin had a thought about the succubus son but was unsure of Zanuri’s reaction to it knowing how much hate he already had toward this half blood child. Even though he felt a little un-eased he blurted it out anyway swallowing down his fear. “What if we used the traitor’s son to gain the conlies trust?”

Zanuri did not turn around to face Gardlin. He just held his hands folded behind his back. “How do we convince the half child to do this quest?” Zanuri questioned. Gardlin shifted nervously and reply slowly, “We raise the child to ou…. Your beliefs and teach him these things so he knows nothing else.” Zanuri although expecting something like this he was impressed with how well Gardlin was thinking. He thought hard about this. Maybe Gardlin had a good point of view.
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