Valentine's Day

One Shot

Zacky's POV

Another lonely Valentine's Day. I despise this holiday. It's filled with a bunch of happy couples oogling over each other and giving each other balloons and flowers and chocolates... And those sluts who use Valentine's Day as an excuse to get with a guy for one day. And then there are those people who have no one and spend today moping and wishing they had a Valentine. I'm one of those people.

My bus finally arrives after standing in the snow for ten minutes thinking about how much I hate Valentine's Day. Did I mention I hate snow, too? It's February, the damn stuff should have melted by now. I sit in the seat I sit in everyday and stare out the window. I have my earphones in blaring The Misfits so I don't have to listen to everyone else's conversation that I don't give two shits about. My house is close to the school, so it doesn't take long before I'm off the bus and walking down the hall to my locker.

I almost walk right past my locker because it's hard to recognize with all the stupid hearts and Valentine's Day flyers. As if I don't know it's Valentine's Day. No, I have to be reminded by a bunch of obnoxious pink and red paper covering my locker. I sigh, and rip off the flyers before putting in my combination and opening my locker. “What the hell?” I say to myself. I stare at the dozen roses sitting at the bottom of my locker. There's a card attached to it.

Be my Valentine?

I stared at the small white piece of card stock. Brian. Brian fucking Haner? He wants me to be his Valentine? This is not a very funny joke. I rip the piece of paper in half, tossing it in the garbage along with the roses. Grumbling to myself, I get my things and walk to my first class of the day, even though the bell won't ring for twenty more minutes. I sure don't have anything better to do.

I walk to the very back of my Algebra classroom like I do every school morning. It's empty and quiet, the teacher isn't even here yet. I pull out a notebook and start doodling on a random piece of paper.

“Hey there.” I jumped at the voice. I looked up to see the culprit behind the very cruel prank pulled not even five minutes ago. “What the fuck do you want?” I said, slamming my notebook.

“Now, now, is that any way to talk to a man who gave you roses?” He smiled, but not a sincere one.

“You mean the roses I tossed in the trash?”

He put a mock hurt look on his face. “Zacky! I'm devastated! Do you know what it took to get the man in the office to give your combination?”

“A blow job?” I sneered.

He smirked. “How'd you guess?”

“You're a pig.”

“So does that mean you want to be my Valentine?”

I gave him a blank stare. “Yeah, it was funny earlier. Joke's over. You can go tell your asshole friends how terribly hurt I was when I poured my heart out to you and you told me it was only a joke.”

“Zacky, hun, I'm not joking.” He smiled again, this time a little more sincere. But still not quite.

The bell rang. “Guess you better be going.” I said, turning away from him to get my things ready for class.

“So will you be my Valentine?”

“Get lost.”

“So that's a maybe?”

I stared at him while he smiled back at me. “No.”

“Don't worry. By the end of the school day, I will make you my Valentine.” He smirked, throwing a wink at me before heading off to whatever class he had.

Yeah. We'll see about that.

* * *

After class, I opened my locker again, and to my disgust and non surprise, there's a box of chocolates with another card attached to it. Begrudgingly, I read it.

Change your mind yet?

“So did you?” the guy responsible for the note said from behind me. I slammed my locked, leaving the chocolates to melt at the bottom. “No.” I was about to walk away, but the second I turned around, I was pinned to the lockers and Brian's face was only an inch from mine. My annoyance quickly turned to nervousness in the two whole seconds it took him to do that. “Are you sure?” He whispered seductively into my ear. I shuddered slightly at the feeling of his breath on my neck. Why hadn't I pushed him away by now? He moved his head away from my neck, and for some reason I turned to face him. His lips were dangerously close to my own and I was still trying to figure out why I was still in this position. The bell rang, and before walking away without a word, he placed a quick peck on my cheek. I stood there, dumbfounded, then I shook my head and hurried to my next class.

The whole class, I couldn't stop touching my cheek where Brian had kissed me. Nor could I stop thinking about why the hell I let him even get that close to me. I suppose it's time I let you in on a little something. I used to have a huge crush on Brian. But that was years ago. Elementary school. Through middle school, and this first year of high school, I came to realize he's a complete asshole. He doesn't love, he just wants sex. He'll keep a girl, or occasional guy around for a week or two, and then they get boring and he goes off to find some other suitable person to fuck. But anyway, back to my idiotic crush. Needless to say I was stupid and infatuated. But that's over now. least...I think it is.

My thoughts were interrupted by someone walking through the door with a rose and a box of chocolates. “Zachary Baker?” he called, looking around the room. I rolled my eyes. “Over here.” I said dully. He set the box and rose on my desk and I stared at it. How many chocolates do I need? I ripped the card in half, not bothering to read it. When the bell rang I instantly disposed of the chocolates, but for some odd reason I decided to keep the rose.

* * *

At the end of the day when I went to my locked for the last time, there was a note on the inside.


I know you think I'm an asshole, and you have every right to.
I know you this this is all a big joke, but it's not.
I really do like you, Zacky. And I want to know if you
like me too.
If the answer is yes,
I want you to meet me outside after school. If not, I
won't bother you anymore.

I didn't know what to think. Or say. Or anything. What should I do? I put the note in my pocket and shook my head. I argued with myself in my head the whole way to the front door. And when I did get to the door I stopped dead in my tracks. I saw him outside, pacing back and forth. He looked so nervous. Maybe...maybe it really isn't a joke. One way to find out. Before I started walking again, I saw him stop pacing. I think he might have sighed, and the he started walking away. I hurried outside.

“Brian!” I called, jogging towards him.

“ came.” he said, a small smile playing on his face.

“ you... Do you really like me?”

He nodded.

“Oh.” I replied awkwardly.

He took a step toward me, eyeing the rose I still held in my hand. “So... do you still think I'm a total asshole?”

I shook my head.



He smiled again, taking my empty hand. “Will you be my Valentine?”

I looked at him for a moment, considering very heavily what I was about to do.

I leaned forward, tilting my head up to meet his height, and pressed our lips together.

“Yes, Brian. I will be your Valentine.”