
Chapter One

Fear was evident as the dream began, but there wasn’t a thing I could do about it. It was like I couldn’t wake myself; like I had to see it. The dream was slow moving. Stretched out before me was what look like a lavender field.

It smelled exactly like the perfume my mother wore when she went somewhere special. I always loved to snuggle up against her when she wore it. I sighed and breathed in the familiar scent. I reached out and scooped up a few pieces and it the field changed before my eyes.

A long a hallway replaced the lavender, and it pained me to see it go. It was a long corridor illuminated by a soft golden light, but it didn’t help my vision improve at all. Even though elves see fairly well in the dark, it was like my eyes were working against me. I felt along the wall for some way out, but came up with nothing. That’s when I heard it.

“Lunette.” I know that voice. That was the thing that scared me the most. I took a struggled breath, but the air inside the corridor felt insufficient.

My mother’s voice rang through the hall and into my ears. A shadow fell across the floor disturbing the pale, golden light. My eyes widened and I took a gigantic step back.

“Do not be frightened, my sweet daughter,” The voice of my mother became more amplified and hurt my sensitive ears. I clutched the sides of head and cried out. My breathing became unruly and I staggered back. My body was shaking with sobs and I sank to the ground.

She emerged from the shadows, taking long strides towards me before stopping almost three feet away. Her grace was uncanny, her step beautifully nimble and light. Of course, elves are supposed to be slightly graceful anyways, but she was dead. She stared at me through a mess of dark brown tangles. Her lip coiled into a smirk. The light washed across her features and I notice a hint of insanity in her ghostly eyes.

“This isn’t real,” I blurt, helplessly glued to this place on the floor. She gave a chilling laugh and I shuddered.

“You are wrong, my dear. This reality is far from fake. Some say, a dream is like another dimension of the mind or even the soul.”

“But you can’t be real, you died almost ten years ago, when I was barely six.”

Her smirk grew until it stretched across her pale, white face, “Do I look dead?”

I finally took a good look at her. She was as beautiful as I remembered. Before her death, I mean. Even though she was pale, it was like everything about her was flawless. She seemed younger almost, more vibrant at the least. The only true thing that was different was her eyes. They seemed to be in some sort of crystallized-state and showed no emotion of the love she once had for her life or her family.


“Because I’m not,” She cut in.

“But, I saw you. You were lying..” I choked on my words for a moment, and she leaned her head back and laughed. It sent chills down my spine. That’s when I saw it and the image glued itself to my brain.

Her elf ears were no longer pointed like mine, but round like the monsters who killed her and my father. Fear shook through me and I cowered like a lost animal. She took a step closer to me, reaching out one slender hand as if to take me in her grasp.

“What are you?”


“You can’t be,” I stuttered helplessly.

“I am, and soon you will be too.”

“You are lying.”

She ignores my words as though I never even spoke and continued, “Your magic will disappear and you will end up the one thing you hate most in existence .”

“No, you are wrong!”

I shriek as she reaches for me again and turn to run, but I am not quick enough. Soon enough she is on me and I can no longer move, no longer feel my limbs. I am frozen in what feels like a black abyss with nowhere to turn and no way to break free. I didn’t stop screaming even when everything faded into blackness.
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Please Comment :) Oh, and I take criticism, but it comes to a limit. Which means no burning, thank you.