Emmalinn Claire.

Le One out of One

$3.50. plastic stick, my future dreams of being a writer down the drain, Jack's future ruined.

I was hiding from my boyfriend, Jack, in my basement bed room. He had told me he was coming over after band practice today, like they need practice, they have 3 CD's out, writing for a fourth. Finding out I was pregnant with my first child in my junior year of college, was not my plan. I told Jack not to come over and I packed my bags. I wasn't going ruin this for him, so I called my aunt Chelle,

"Hello?" her high pitched voice said.

"Hey Aunt Chelle, um I was wondering, if that offer for me to come stay with you was still open?" I said.

"Of course, are you and Jack having problems?" she said. I sighed.

"You could say that" I said.

"Come on up" she said. I packed a couple bags and went straight to NYC. As soon as I got there, I had a text from Jack. It said. "Where are you?."

I'm on vacation
When will you be back
Not for a long while, why?
Just wondering.

I walked inside and found my Aunt and Uncle in the living room.

"Hola"I said so they would look up from they 3 month old twins they had just adopted. Already had one daughter, Lilly May, she was adopted when was a baby, 3 years ago. Now they had Brody Andrew and Brendan James.

"Hello Heather" they said. I sat down on the couch and they looked at me.

"So how far along on you?" My uncle said.

"2 months. How did you know" I said.

"Because you and Jack never fight, does he know? Or are you protecting him and not ruining his career" my aunt said.

"It would ruin him. He's not near ready to be a father. I don't even know if I'm ready to be a mother. But I'm willing to try." I said.

"I think you should tell him, give him a chance." she said.

"I will eventually. But they have so much going on right now. Tour, Writing for their CD. We were always safe, I can't figure out how this happened. The condom had have broken. We always said that if I did ever get pregnant, we'd be married. I don't know if I'm ready for that kind of commitment." I said.

"Listen, Heather, You and Jack have been together since your Freshman year of highschool. You've been through so much" she said.

"I know, its just so hard. When I thought of having my first child, I pictured us at least having a house. Not living in a basement apartment at his parent's house. " I said.

-Back In Baltimore(Switching to Jacks POV)-
"Where do you think she could have went, Jack? Its been a while since she's texted you" Alex said.

"I don't know. That’s why I'm freaking out. I was going to tell her I found us a house, but she left. I know she's tired of living in my family's basement." I said.

"Hey, it'll be okay. She's probably just visiting her grandma or something." Rian said.

"I probably fucked up. What if she left because she's pregnant or something, guys. And she's afraid I'll freak out on her. I probably fucked up not telling her that the condom broke that one time. I'm scared shitless." I said. Heather was my soul mate. I loved her more than anything, I was scared that she wasn't going to come back at all.

I watched as the months passed by and my stomach swelled to be a huge size. The guys started the "Dirty Work" tour and I decided to go start buying stuff for me and Jack's daughter. I went to Wal-Mart first. I was looking at sleepers and stuff when I heard my name in an all to familiar voice.

"Heather?" it was Flyzik. I turned around to see him staring at my daughter.

"Jack was right." he whispered.

"What?" I said.

"When you first left, Jack said "I probably fucked up. What if she left because she's pregnant or something, guys. And she's afraid I'll freak out on her. I probably fucked up not telling her that the condom broke that one time. I'm scared shitless." The little freak was right" he said. I stared at him

"Please don't tell him you saw me, I'm coming home right after she's born." I said.

"Hey, Flyz- Heather?" Alex said.

"Oh my god, how many of you are here!" I said.

"All of us. Jack's still in the dumps." he said. I smiled at him
"Where is he?" I said,

"Getting notebooks and stuff for us with Rian." he said.

"Go see which direction he's looking so I can sneek up on him? Being 8 months pregnant isn't going to stop me." I said. He nodded, then led me to where I could sneek up on the jerk. Rians eyes got big as I walked into the aisle. I held my finger up to my lips and hugged Jacks torso. He tensed up.

"Rian, who's touching me?" he said.

"Turn around and look." Rian said. Jack turned around and then looked down at my dark brown hair and its curliness.

"Heather" he breathed. He hugged me as tightly as he could because of the belly and then he started crying, I only know this because I could feel tears dripping onto my hair.

"You left the same day I was going to tell you I found us a house. I figured you'd come back eventually, so I bought it anyway." he said.

"Want to go back to my aunts with me. You can all come, my baby shower is today." I said. He nodded and we all checked out. He drove my car and we talked, it was like I never left.

"You're really big," he said.

"She's going to be a big baby." I said. "They've already said that, and next appointment, they're scheduling to induce because she's getting too big.” He stared at me and then my belly as he finally pulled into the my Aunt’s driveway, the guys cars pulling up behind us. Jack helped me to the house.

“Hey Heather the shower starts at 3" she said.

“Thank you” I said. Just then she noticed Jack.

“Hello. Jack.” She said.

“Hello Michelle.” he said. Aunt ‘Chelle watched him carefully all afternoon and right before we were opening presents, he decided to go first.

“I would like to ask Heather a rather important question.” he said. I stared at him as he got down on one knee in front of me.

“I, uh. I was going to do this before you left, but I chickened out. Heather Jade Mitchell. I have had you for 6 years. You are my world and that little girl we’re about to have will be too. I love you, I want to make you mine forever. Will you marry me?” He said. I couldn’t handle the tears. I just nodded fast. The ring was on my finger and he kissed me. As soon as everyone was gone(Which wasn’t until around 11pm because my aunts friends and her love to talk) I decided it was time for bed because I was tired and my doctor’s appointment was at 10:30 in the morning.

Jack laid beside me, playing with my hair and running his hand over my baby belly. I turned over so I was looking at him.

“It’s surreal” he said, with a small smile.

“I know. I still don’t have a name.” I said. He grinned.

“What are you thinking?” he said.

“Well, what about after your mom?” He said. I felt the tears coming into my eyes. My mom had died for me 3 years ago, when her ex-boyfriend tried to kill me. Her name was Claire Emmalinn. I looked at him smiling.

“How about we flip the names. Emmalinn Claire Barakat” I said. He grinned at me again.

“I love it.” he said. “Will you come back to Baltimore with me?”

“It depends when are you going back?” I said.

“Two days” he said.

“If they don’t induce me then” I said. He grinned before he kissed me and let me go to sleep. When I woke up, he was already downstairs talking to my aunt and uncle.

“Good morning.” I said, walking into the room.

“I told them that we’re going back to Baltimore in a couple days. Are you ready for your appointment?” he said. I nodded and we left. By the time we got there soon, and it wasn’t that busy so we got in quickly.

“So how are you, Heather” Dr. James said.

“Good.” I said. “I’m going back to Baltimore” I said.

“Okay. Since I expect that you’ll have this baby soon. I’m going to call and set up an appointment with Dr. Barakat, which is one of the best doctors around there. Do you know who I’m talking about?” she said. I nodded. Jack sat beside me, as she called his dad.

“Dr. Barakat’s office. Bassam Barakat speaking.” his dads voice said.

“Hello Bassam. It’s Marisa James, from medical school. I have a patient due soon who’s coming to Baltimore in two days. So, I’m setting up an appointment.” she said.

“Hello Marisa, I just need her information.” he said.

“Okay, so it’s Heather Mitchell. Age 23, expecting a girl. Birthday-“ she was cut off by his dad.

“Heather Jade Mitchell, age 23. Expecting a girl. Birthday June 3, 1988 in Baltimore, Maryland. Born to Claire Emmalinn Mitchell and Brady Nicholas Burns. Twin - Brother Kyle William Burns. Parents divorced. Father got Kyle and moved to Dallas. Mother got Heather and stayed in baltimore. Mother died 3 years ago. Father of child is Jack Bassam Barakat, age 22, birthday June 18, 1988 in Baltimore, Maryland” he said. I held back a giggle as he said that.

“How did you know that?” She said.

“It’s my granddaughter. I think I should know!” he said. She laughed and they hung up.

“You guys are good to go. Oh, do you have a name picked out.” she said. I smiled and nodded

“Emmalinn Claire” I said. She smiled at the name and let us go out to our car. Jack smiled at me and took my hand as he drove.

“So did they decided to induce you?” was the first thing out of my aunts mouth when we came in.

“No, she set up and appointment for us in Baltimore with Jack’s dad.” I said. She nodded and me and Jack went upstairs to pack.

“So what do you want to do first?” he said.

“Baby stuff.” I said picking up a box and labeling it “Emmalinn Claire Barakat” on it before starting to fold stuff and put it in. Jack handed it to me and I finally got the stuff packed. We then packed my stuff up and him and Alex(who had just showed up) took it down to the bus.

“We decided to leave tonight, because my mom wants me there for my dads surgery tomorrow” he said. We nodded and I went downstairs to hug my aunt and uncle.

“Thanks for the support.” I said. Then Jack hugged them.

“Thanks for watching over my babies” he said. They smiled and he helped me onto the bus. Lisa and Cassadee were there now.

“EEEP! Look at you! You’re so big!” they said, excitedly. I laughed and hugged them.

“What are you having?” Cassadee asked me, once I’d sat down.

“A girl.” I said.

“Hey! Did you ever decide on a name?” Alex asked me, sitting next to Lisa.

“Yep. We’re naming her after my mom. Just flipping the names. Emmalinn Claire Barakat” I said. They grinned at me.

“It’s beautiful. I think she’s going to be built like Jack and have her moms looks.” Lisa said.

“I really hope she has his eyes though, that’s what made me attracted to him.” I said.
“Hey! Are you saying you didn’t like my body when we first met?” Jack said.

“I meant we were still in highschool, so the first thing I noticed was your eyes. Your body was impressive too!” I laughed. He grinned again.

“You know what I think? I think she’ll be beautiful either way” he said.

“That’s because you’re her father.” I said.

“That means nothing!” he said. I rolled my eyes. It was good to have Jack and Alex back because they always made my life interesting. Like right now, Alex and Jack are rolling around on the floor and Alex is trying to kiss him. Gotta love my boys. Lisa and Cassadee are sitting beside me while texting their families.

We got home at 12:00am on Saturday. My back hurt and Jack was unlocking the door. He led me upstairs and to the bedroom.

“You okay?” he said.

“Yea, back just hurts.” I said. He kissed me and we fell asleep. I was out for a good 14 hours because when I woke up, Jack was on the phone.

“Hey Heather?” he said.

“Yea?” I said.

“My dad wants us to come to the office” He said. I nodded and got dressed. My backache was worse today. So that was the first thing I told his dad.

“Well I want to do a ultrasound to see how much room she has left in there then I’ll decide what do” he said. I nodded and he laid me back to do the ultrasound.

“Well she’s not as big as they thought she was, about normal for a baby around this time. There’s either a lot of fluid or something else. Let me see” he said. “Yep, just a lot of fluid. Now. About your backache. How long have you had it?”

“Since about 1:30 yesterday after noon.” I said.

“So is it better or worse today?” he said.

“Worse.. Way worse.” I said. He gave me a look.

“Let me check and see if your dilating yet” he said. I let him check and he said.
“And that’s your problem. You’re in labor. And since I know, its probably your high pain tolerance that keep you from know this. I’m going to send you two on over to the hospital and I’ll meet you there.” he said. I got up and Jack drove us to the hospital.

“Are you nervous yet?” he said.

“Nope. But I think we better let the guys know” I said, since it was good 30 minute drive there. I called Alex’s phone.

“Hello?” he said.

“Hey who all is over there?” I said.

“Everyone except you and Jack.” he said.

“Okay, put me on speaker then” I said.

“You were already.” he said.

“Okay than. Guys. I think you should know. That it’s go time. Operation baby is starting.” I said.

“Are you fucking serious? How long have you been in labor?” Alex said.

“Since 1:30 yesterday afternoon.” Jack said.

“Yep. His dad just sent us to the hospital.” I said.

“We’ll meet you there!” Alex said before he hung up. We called his parents and siblings and of course Aunt Chelle and Uncle Grady. We got to the hospital ten minutes later and there was a nurse waiting for us. I was starting to get nervous. This was real. This was happening. I was back in Baltimore with my family and friends. I was hours away from being a mom. Jack was next to me, he wasn’t going to miss his daughters birth.

“Why are you crying?” Jack whispered. I hadn’t realized I had been until then.

“I’m scared I’m not going to be a good enough mother, that she’ll hate me. I never thought that you would actually be here for her birth, you know. I thought I was going to have her in New York, because I was such a chicken shit and I couldn’t tell you about her. I thought I would have to raise her alone. Then Flyzik ran into me at Wal-Mart yesterday and I just wanted nothing more than to have you here with me. That’s why I tracked you down. I’m scared Jack. I’m really scared” I said.

“Heather. You’ve always been the bigger person. You’ve always taken care of little kids and shit like that. If anyone should be scared, it should be me.” he said. Kissing my temple. That’s when his dad walked in to check me.

“Well, Heather, you’re almost there. I suspect we’ll have a baby in the next two hours. Has your water broke yet?” he said. I shook my head.

“Well if it doesn’t break in the next hour, I’m going to do it. Just chill out for a few more hours and you’ll be a mommy. Have you come up with a name?” he said.

“We’re naming her Emmalinn Claire. After, my mom.” I said. He left us alone then, and Jack cracked his knuckles in the chair beside me.

“June 17, 2011.I’m almost 23.” he said.

“She was due tomorrow” I said.

“Really?” he was shocked, to say the least.

“Yeah. When I asked Dr. James when I was due, she said June 18.” I said. He grinned.

“What if she decided to come just after midnight.” he said.

“It would be amazing” I said. He nodded.

“I just hope she’s here soon” I said. I felt my water break about 5 minutes after that. Jack went to tell his dad. Because I was starting to feel a lot of pressure down there. And I felt like I needed to push. So his dad came in to check.

“You’re ready to go. I need you to push the next time you feel like you need too” he said. I did as he told me for forty-five minutes. Jack just watched.

“The next time you push, you’re going to be a mommy” he said. I pushed again and a high pitched cry reached my ears. My daughter was laid on my stomach and I started crying. She was beautiful.

“Emmalinn Claire Barakat. June 17, 2011 at 11:58pm. 9 pounds 3 ounces” His dad said. “She was a big baby. Congratulations guys.” he walked out of the room. Jack was holding his daughter for the first time, silently crying.

“Hey baby” he whispered finally, running his hand lightly over the dark brown-almost black hair that covered her head. He leaned over to kiss me quickly before Alex, Zack, and Rian came it.

“Where’s our All Time Low baby!” Alex said. Jack handed her over to Alex, who went weak in the knees as soon as he saw her. He started crying in front of us for the first time since his brother died.

“Where are the girls” I asked.

“Cassadee has finals tomorrow and Lisa has to work at 8am. So they went on home.” Rian said. I nodded and looked to see where my daughter was now. I found her with Zack, who then passed her to Rian. Who passed her back to Jack. They all told me congrats before they hugged me and left.

“Can you believe she’s here?” Jack whispered. I shook my head.

“I just can’t wait to take her home to our house and be an actual family.” I said. There was a knock on the door and a familiar blonde haired boy came in.

“Hey, sis. Alex tweeted something about you having a little girl tonight. We’re in Baltimore so I just had to come see you” he said, giving me a hug.

“I haven’t seen you in 15 years, Kyle. How did you know?” I said.

“I’ve seen pictures of you and Jack. You’re my twin sister. How am I not going know what you look like.” he said. I smiled.

“So what’d you name her?” He said taking her from Jack.

“She’s named after mom. Emmalinn Claire” I said. He started crying. I don’t know if it was because I mentioned mom or that he was holding the only thing of her he probably had left.

“Oh, Heather. She’s beautiful. And her name is beautiful. I can’t believe something this beautiful came from Jack” he said.

“Hey now, no picking on Jack. It’s his birthday.” I said. Kyle grinned at me.

“So where are the rest of the guys.” I said.

“Out in the bus, we’re leaving tomorrow. Gotta finish this tour. I really wish I could stay longer. I want to be here when she goes home” He said.

“Don’t you guys have a back up drummer?” Jack said.

“Well yeah.” he said.

“Why don’t you just have him fill in for you. Take a couple weeks off tour. It’d be good for you. The guys will understand, I promise.” I said

“I know. But I feel bad just leaving tour for a couple weeks. Plus I’d have to get a hotel and..” I cut him off.

“Kyle you’re going to hurt yourself talking again. And you would stay with us. You’d go back for the last couple weeks of tour, and then Jack would have to go on tour with Mayday Parade and I’d be stuck with Emma alone. So you could come stay with me for the summer” I said.

“Yeah, Kyle” Jack said.

“Are you sure?” Kyle asked. We nodded and he went handed Emma back to Jack to go tell the guys. Who automatically jumped in on me and Jack’s plan.

“How long until you get out of the hospital?” he said.

“I get out at 9am tomorrow.” I said. I was drifting off to sleep.

I woke up to Kyle and Jack talking and Emma crying. Great. It was 8:30 though so I guess I had to get up.

“Alex and Rian picked this outfit up at the house for us. My dad said we could go as soon as you woke up” Jack said, changing the screaming baby’s outfit and putting her in the car seat. There was a shiny new black pick up in our driveway.

“Who’s here already” I said as I got out and got Emma.

“That’s Dad’s truck” Kyle said, as he unlocked the door so I could get in. As soon as we were in, Dad got out of the truck to come up to the door. I had talked to him a lot during my pregnancy. So I knew he’d show up eventually. I met him at the door.

“Get your butt in this house now!” I laughed as he came up the steps. He sat on the couch next to Kyle.

“Dad gets her first” I said.

“But I’m your brother!” Kyle pretended to be hurt.

“You held her last night!” I said. He frowned at me and I rolled my eyes. It was a typical Kyle William Burns move.

“What did you name her, Heather” my dad said. I took a deep breath and looked at him.

“Emmalinn Claire Barakat.” I said.

“It’s a beautiful. And your mom would have loved it.” He said. I smiled at him. Before I knew it, Jacks family and friends were there and she was being passed around. Kyle had ran into his room and Jack had just got Emma back when most of the people leave. Jack’s dad sat us on the couch and took a picture. First on his camera then on the phones.

The first few weeks with Emma were tense. She didn’t sleep much and we fought quite a bit. Jack left for tour when she was 3 months old. Kyle stepped in and fed her and everything. I talked to Jack quite a bit, and he flew us out every month so we could see them. I video taped everything that she did. From sit up for the first time to her first time to crawl. Now, though, Jack was home from tour and we were ready to face our lives together.