Status: active

Jonas Next Door

Moving in

A warm summer glow fell on me as i gave my best friend the last box to put in the car.It was kind of a bitter sweet day,I was leaving my home in Beverly hills California to live with my best friend and her family in New Jersey.Although she was my only family since my dad couldn't take me along with him.He was a Sergeant in the navy and he was stationed in Germany.I couldn't come with ''Too much of an hassle'' he would say,so after months upon months of begging he agreed to let me stay with my best friend Kat and her family.''OK that's the last of it''i said looking back at the house that i use to called home.''Well lets hit the road before i have to pee again''Kat said hopping in the back of the car and i got next to her shutting the door.''Dad put this CD in''Kat said handing her dad our favorite band:''the Jonas brothers CD,he put it in the CD player and pressed play.Hearing the first song on the CD come on was a wrap for me and Kat's sanity and by the time we were on the highway me and her were screaming the chorus to the song ''OOOOOO this is an S.O.S don't wanna second guess!!!'' me and Kat screamed.I could see her father's smile from the back of his head.He just chuckled at our craziness for most of the ride me and her chatted about the happening on TV and high school and what not.Then we would make much needed rest stops because Kat has this weird bladder condition.I would call her ''Tinkler Bell'' she would punch me in my arm and just laugh.''That isn't funny i have a serious condition''she giggled back.Biting my lip trying to hold in laughter.''BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Tinkler bell'' i blurted out.We laughed and ate twizzlers,and soon fell asleep for the rest of the ride.

I woke up to Kat pushing and shaking me ''Wake up bitch,We've made it home''she said i got up and looked out the car window to see that it was dark but i saw Kat's house with the front door open and her brother and father carrying some of my boxes into the house.''C'mon c'mon you have to help too plus i want to show you your new room ,i decorated it myself''Kat said and jumped out the car grabbing a box and ran into the house.I moved slower because i was still tired i picked up my suit case and walked up to the house.Not paying much attention to the house i slowly walked up the steps.Excitedly ''Are you read for me to unveil my fantastic work?her eyes were a glow as she stood in front of the door for some reason i was slightly scared but excited too nonetheless..''Tada'' she exclaimed.It was beautiful the room was all purple with red and black stars clamored on the wall.Black furry rug,purple and red bed sheets with black canopy curtains.''Wow you did a fab job Kat thanks''i said aghast,she hugged me tightly''I'm so glad your here usually i didnt get a chance to have a best friend considering so i had to make this the best''she said sincerely.She was an army brat too but the only difference she got to stay with her family.''OK well you know your swamp so we will break in the room tomorrow OK?''..we bid our good nights and retired to our beds.i considered moving here but i never thought getting use to this place would be so hard.I was so used to listening to the busy streets of Cali and the whooshing of the ocean.Only this time it was the soft singing of a boy strumming away at his guitar.Curious i grabbed my robe and went out to the balcony .And there he was a boy about my age with curly untamed hair he had on his pajamas too.I'm pretty sure he didn't notice me because he was so into singing and strumming his guitar.I got my glasses from the bedside table and put them on wanting to see his face better.I went to the balcony and looked''Wait,wait is that? it cant be''i said quietly to myself but that did look like him...shaking my head yawning i turned back to my room to sleep.
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well this is my first jobro story and also my 2nd attempt on a collab so hopefully this will actually be completed so plz comments