Sequel: Painting Flowers
Status: Finished. :)

Six Feet Under the Stars

Fairy Tales

"What are you doing sulking in the corner?"

Standing against the back wall behind the curtain, I was trying to stay out of everyone's way. My manager had told me earlier to 'observe' the process of running a concert. Mostly, I think he just wanted me hidden away so he knew I wasn't causing some sort of catastrophe.

After a long sigh, I denied the accusation. "I'm not sulking, Alex."

"I don't know... You look pretty sulky to me." He playfully protested.

Putting fingers to my temples, I applied pressure. "Can we stop saying 'sulk'? It's giving me a headache along with the rest of this noise."

"Noise?" Alex scoffed. "This is the concert atmosphere; loud, exciting, rebellious. Please tell me you've been to a concert before?"

"Don't insult me; of course I have. First one: Brian Jonestown Massacre." I said, proudly.

Alex rubbed a hand along his jawline. "Interesting. I would have gone more with Van Morrison. Seems more your style."

I scrunched my nose, "I can only take so much of him."

"What, no 'Brown Eyed Girl' for you?"

"I'm blue-eyed, thank you very much. When Van Morrison writes another song about the other half of society maybe I'll start listening to him more."

"Testy." Alex observed.

"Stressed." I corrected.

"And what seems to be the problem?"

My head spun with thoughts. I was in the middle of an abusive relationship, barely treading water and unable to grasp onto a life preserver. Starting the new roadie job was obviously going down the tubes; the close-knit group of workers kept to themselves and kept the jobs away from me. And not to mention stumbling across confusing feelings about Alex at the same time and feeling terribly guilty about it all the while.

I needed serious help.

"Nothing's wrong." I finally replied. Lying to myself I couldn't even manage.

"Bullshit." He laughed, "I'll have to interrogate you later about this; we're about to be on."

"Good luck!" I called to his back as he trotted out onto the stage to face the roaring insanity filling the auditorium.

The screams crescendo-ed as the four band members entered into their view. It was all a clatter of screams and cries, love declarations and song requests. The jumble of activity was overbearing, and I wasn't even the one on stage.

Kindly, Alex greeted the audience from his microphone describing part of their tour journey on the buses. When he mentioned eating chocolate chip pancakes in a family-run diner, I had to smile at the memory. Soon though the band members picked up their instruments and began to play an opening song.

Not being a fan of the music, I wasn't sure the name of the number. It was a mid-tempo song, one to get the energy booming. Not like it wasn't already.

Hearing Alex's singing voice for the first time was spectacular. Something about the way he sung the words just put meaning behind all of the lyrics. The feeling injected into the words was simply astounding. When the band started on an acoustic number, my heart flip flopped unsteadily at the raw beauty they intoned in the music.

It was strange knowing a little of the people behind the music. Having memories with the band members and then seeing them perform was an experience to remember.

And Jack was right; it was badass.

When the band finished a third encore, they exited the stage with huge smiles. Standing next to Dorian, I watched them drink water and talk amongst themselves. My pulse quickened when Alex glanced my way. Breathing heavily from the stage exertion, he flashed a tired smile at me. A sheen of sweat from the high-powered stage lights coated his face and made his brown hair slightly damp. Quite frankly, the look was very attractive.

I cleared my throat, tearing my eyes away. It was harder than I thought.

"So what now?" I asked Dorian.

He laughed, "We clean up."

"Anything more specific?"

"Um, not really. It's just something you learn along the way. You're just supposed to be watching tonight, so there's no use getting worked up about it. Us guys can take care of it."

"The guys?" I raised an eyebrow. "Is that why you all don't want me helping out? It's a power struggle thing."

"No, no. Of course not." Dorian denied immediately. "It's just like having guy time with my buddies back home. Sometimes you don't want your girl around, you know? Don't be mad."

"I'm not." I lied. "Wouldn't it go faster with an extra person though?"

"Babe, just don't worry about it. I wouldn't want you to break a sweat." Thinking the joke was hilarious, Dorian laughed and clamped a hand on my back. "Just wait back here. It'll be done before you' make those sandwiches."

I didn't crack a smile, but Dorian practically wheezed with laughter.

"I know you hate those woman, sexist jokes, but I just couldn't resist." He told me, grinning ear to ear. As I still remained expressionless, Dorian added, "C'mon now. Give a guy a break." Leaning in, he kissed my cheek lightly. "I'll catch up with you after all of this is wrapped up."

Sighing, I stayed rooted in my spot feeling like a whipped puppy. The roadie guys greeted Dorian into the group happily and they began to devise their own plan of action to split the clean-up into smaller bits. Kicking at the cement floor, I felt drained.

Anger burning low on the inside, I strolled around the hallways. I thought exploring was a better way to pass the time. It was better than feeling like a sidekick anyway. Most of the rooms held various standard equipment for use of the facility. There was closet filled with cleaning supplies and the pungent smell of mold. Coming farther, I opened a door to the costume dressing room.

Interested, I pulled the door closed behind me and ran my fingers horizontally along the lengths of the filled clothes racks. There were all types of costumes hanging there: vampires, Shakespearean inspired peasant outfits, alien costumes. A blue gown caught my eyes and I maneauvered it out from between an oversized pumpkin and a police officer uniform.

The dress was magnificent. It was sparkled in the dim lighting of the room. Holding it against my body, I looked at myself in the mirror. It reminded me of Cinderella; the dress she had worn to the ball to meet Prince Charming. Just the thought of it made me smile.

Why couldn't real-life be as simple as a fairy tale? Everything always worked out in those stories. The girl always found her guy. The princess, a prince. Not to mention fairy godmothers. Hell, I needed a wish right now.

"You'd look beautiful in it, you know."

Startled, I jumped in surprise and my hold on the gown tightened into a strangle. The fabric twisted in my hands and crinkled.

"Alex, what are you doing back here?"

"I could ask you the same thing." Laughing softly, he came into the closet and shut the door again behind him. The wood made a heavy bang as it clicked into place.

"Just exploring. The guys out there seem to be doing a pretty good job without me. No use for a woman around roadies apparently."

He waved a hand. "Forget about them. They're missing out on a good worker."

"Thanks." I said quietly, staring at the blue dress in my hand. Wistfully, I hung it back up on the hook.

Alex fingered through some of the clothes on the same rack and stopped when he met my hand in the middle. We both stood, facing forward concentrating only on the skin of ours that was touching. I breathed softly which was becoming increasingly difficult in the close proximity to Alex. Goosebumps rose on my skin.

"Scared?" Alex whispered, a slight challenge in his voice.

"No." I replied strongly even though we both knew I was lying.

Deliberately, Alex linked his fingers with mine. My fingers fit perfectly between the spaces of his. "How about now?"

Turning my head to him, I met his eyes. They were just as fierce as mine looked. Shaking my head minutely, I answered his question. His lip quirked into a smirk and he inched closer to me.

"Alex..." I warned.

He didn't stop. Closer he came, until we were a breath apart. One move forward on any of our parts and our lips would be touching. I could feel Alex's breath on my face, a mixture of mint and something stronger. Even the scent of his cologne floated around me, engulfing my senses.

Alex met my eyes and I knew he was going to kiss me. I could see the decision reflected in the wild intent of his gaze. And I would let him; he could see that all too well written all over my face.

With that, the room turned black as the power shut off.

"Shit." Alex cursed. Leaning down in frustration, he rested his forehead on my shoulder. "I always have the worst fucking timing in the world."

I laughed, shakily. Words were escaping me as my brain had to reboot from the near-kiss. Clearing my throat, my voice sounded strange to my ears. "Maybe we should get out of here."

"Probably a good idea." He sighed.

Keeping a grasp on my hand, Alex led the way to the door. We groped along the carts of clothing and I stumbled over a loose shoe but quickly regained my balance. Alex stood at the door and stalled.

"Hurry up."

"I'm trying." Alex spoke. "Try the handle."

Searching along the door, I felt for the handle and then jiggled it. "It won't budge."


My stomach dropped. "What do you mean 'exactly'?"

Alex confirmed what I already knew. "We're locked in."
♠ ♠ ♠
Longer. :) Comments? Enjoy!