Arcane Guardians

Chapter 10

Demitry and I passed by many trees and anything else you'd find in the woods. "Are we there yet?" I asked Demitry. "Almost." Demitry smiled. "When though?" I complained. Demitry stopped infront of me and grabbed my shoulders. "Now." He moved out of my way and pointed towards an open field. I walked a few steps forward, getting a better look a the huge field. "Wow! It's so beautiful," I gasped in amazement. I looked at the field, looking at the grazing animals, flowers, and everything else. "So." I turned to Demitry. "What am I doing today?" I asked. "Watch and see." Demitry walked forward into the field. I watched him, and out in the field. Demitry closed his eyes for the slightest moment, as if calling something to him. Moments later a deer came up beside him. My jaw dropped in amazement. "Most vampires can control animals," Demitry said. He was petting the deer's throat, feeling the warm liquid inside. "So, is that the training today?" I asked. "Well that, and to feed. Anyway, you can use animals to fight in battles for you if your wounded or can't fight at the moment." Demitry took his hand off the deer. "Oh. But what about the feeding? I am not drinking blood." I looked at the deer, and it's throat caught my eyes. Burning returned in my throat, and in my chest. "If you want to be ready for battles, or lets say live, then you'll wanna feed." Demitry and the deer walked towards me. "You wanna do the honors?" Demitry asked. "Huh?" I asked confused. "Do you want to break her neck.?" Demitry stepped forward a step. "Why would I, or anyone wanna do that?" I said shaking my head in disapproval. "It gives you a rush. And it feels good to." Demitry looked at the deer when he said that, then back at me. "I'll pass." I surely wasn't going to kill that poor deer. "Ok," Demitry said. Demitry grabbed to deer's neck, grasping it really hard and twisted it. I could hear every bone in the deer's neck breaking. It send a kind of chill down my spine, but not the bad chill. It was the chill of a rush- like Demitry said. Demitry bent down over the deer and started drinking it's blood. A small gust of wind brought the smell of blood to my senses. I couldn't stop myself. I ran over to where Demitry was, and slung him off. He hit a tree- hard, and fell to the ground. I was worried about him, but my legs wouldn't move. They were glued in the spot beside the deer, and my face was buried in the neck of the deer, gulping down mouthful after mouthful of blood. Eventually the burning sensation was numbed by the blood, and I was feeling alot better. I got up and licked my lips. I heard bushes rustling on the other side of the field but ignored it thinking it was an animal. I turned around, spotting Demitry sitting by the tree I slung him against. I ran over to him as fast as I could. "I'm so very sorry Demitry. I didn't mean to." I put my hand on his back, but felt something warm. "Blood?" I asked in a whisper. I took my hand off his back. Blood covered my hand. I lifted the back of his shirt up and looked at the wound. There was a hole in his back, a bloody hole. I turned my attention to the tree for a second, finding a sharp broken branch sticking off the tree. Blood cover the broken branch on the tree. Demitry grabbed me, turning my attention back to him. "It's fine. I'll heal up soon." Demitry was trying to smile. "I-I'm so sorry. I should of held myself back, but I didn't." My eyes were getting blurry from stray tears. "You don't have to cry." Demitry said in a soft voice. "I'm not crying." I wiped the tears off. "Yes you were." Demitry was smiling. "Ok, I had a few tears," I admitted to him and smiled with a little laugh. I looked at his back again. It was slowly healing. "This would be a great time to use the animal controlling powers if you were in a fight or battle. You'd have time to heal while the animals fight for you." Demitry pulled himself up and leaned against the tree that I slung him against. "And I have to admit. Your way stronger than me." Demitry laughed. "Any other vampire to try that stunt would be on the ground before they could even touch me." Demitry stood up. "You should try to control an animal now," Demitry said moving his shoulders around. "Hmm... I'll try." I walked into the open field and stopped. I looke back at Demitry, and he nodded his head. I closed my eyes and called upon a bunny I saw earlier. Nothing happened, so I looked around for something smaller. I saw a Blue Jay, and tried again. Still nothing. I tried a couple more times, but nothing happened, so I decided to give up on the idea. "I can't do it," I told Demitry. "Maybe your just not ready yet." Demitry walked over to me and put his arm on my shoulder. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I couldn't control an animal. It took me a year to master that power, and that was with help from Victor." Demitry's smile disappeared when he mentioned Victors name. "Well anyways, we'll practice more tomorrow." Demitry grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the wolf den. I looked at Demitry's back. His shirt had a hole ripped in the back. "Is your back healed up?" I asked looking at his face now. "Yup. Completly healed." Demitry smiled. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Positive. I'll prove it." Demitry let go of my hand. "Wait here." Demitry walked forward and stopped. His back was towards me. "What are you doing?" I was curious of what he was planning on doing. "You'll see." Demitry stretched his arms up, and pushed off the ground. Demitry was doing... Backflips? What a surprize. "I didn't know you could do backflips." I said with a chuckle. "You never asked. And why did you laugh? Are backflips funny?" Demitry was still smiling and had a pleased look on his face. "No, I was just surprized that you could do a backflip." I walked over to him and we both headed back to the wolve's dens.
Alex greeted us when we came into his view. "How'd it go?" Alex asked me and Demitry. "Well, she got to feed. But the training didn't go to well." Demitry was swinging his arms back and forth. "Why not?" Alex asked him. Demitry stopped moving his arms and sighed. "She tried to control the animals, but she just couldn't do it." Demitry walked passed Alex and headed towards a nearby river. Alex caught sight of the back of Demitry's shirt. "Uh, why does your shirt have a bloody hole in it?" Alex asked Demitry. "Long story," Demitry said. "I've got the time to listen." Alex waited for the story. "Gosh." Demitry said under his breath. Demitry turned around and came back over to where I was standing. "Ok. Heres the story." Demitry paused and looked at me. I shrugged my shoulders at him. "Go on." Alex insisted. Demitry rolled his eyes at Alex. "So. I killed a deer... blah- blah- blah, nothing new. Then Ayden races over to me and the bloody-dead deer, slings me off the deer and I hit a tree really hard. The tree had a sharp branch sticking out of it, and I hit the brand dead-on. My wound is completley healed though." Demitry wasn't enjoying this story, but for Alex- He was on the ground- laughing so hard that his stomach was hurting. "H-How c-could you let a g-girl sling y-you into a tree." Alex could barely talk because of his laughing. Alex was holding his stomach. "Ha ha ha. Ya, very funny," Demitry said walking away. Alex stood up, still laughing a little. "Hmm. At least we know how strong you are are." Alex was wiping his watery eyes. "Nice job." Alex was holding his hand out for a high-five. "Uh." I hesitated but eventually gave him the high-five he wanted. "Guess so," I said finishing the high-five. Alex looked at me, and he was calmed down now. "Well. I better be going now. Gotta help with the fire tonight- it's gonna be a big one," Alex said. "You should hang out with everyone and really get to meet them." Alex smiled. "Oh. Ok," I said. Alex waved to me and left. "Now what's there to do." I sat on the ground near a tree. I heard a ruffling above me in the tree. "Probably a bird." I kept my eyes down. The ruffling stopped for a second but started again. "What is that bird doing?" I stood up and and walked forward a step or two. I was about to turn around, but something jump out of the tree and landed behind me. It poked my back so I turned around. It was a black hooded figure. "Hi," The hooded black figure said. I opened my mouth to scream, but the hooded person put their hand over my mouth. "Once again... Can't ya just say hi instead of screaming?" The hooded figure took his hand off my mouth. I blinked a few times. "Huh?" I asked. "Are you that stupid?" The hooded man lifted his hands and pulled his hood down.