Arcane Guardians

Chapter 13

I stretched my arms out towards the fire- the cold air was chilling. The fire warmed my hands up really fast and as my hands warmed- my body also was warmed- by Sintry leaning against me. "Are you tired?" I asked Sintry. "No. I just thought I could warm you up. I control fire- so I'm naturally hot." Sintry gave a teasing smile. "Ha ha. Very funny." I gave a sarcastic laugh to his joke. "What? It's true," Sintry said as he put his arm around by shoulders. Alex glared at Sintry and let out a warning growl. Sintry looked at Alex and raised his eyebrow. "I'm not doing anything wrong, so leave me alone you flea bitt..." I put my hand over Sintry's mouth to stop the flow of his mean words. "Sintry. Please don't talk to him like that." I looked at Sintry's face, and took my hand away from his mouth. Sintry rolled his eyes, "Whatever." Sintry took his arm off my shoulders and scooted back to his spot. I sighed and looked into the fire. I scooted forward- towards the warming fire. "So. What do you usually do at these bon-fires?" I asked Alex as I slid backwards. "We usually just sit and talk to each other- hunting and training is what most of us talk about. But tonight we'll just talk about anything." Alex smiled. "Oh. That's cool." I looked over at Sintry- his feelings were probably hurt from earlier, but knowing his personality- most likely he's fine. Alex was talking to Leon about who-knows-what, and Demitry was resting his chin on his hands, and talking back and forth with Vince and Andrew. "Demitry," I whispered in his direction. Demitry took his chin off his hands and looked at me. "Yeah?" Demitry asked me. "I just wanted to apologize again for slinging you against that tree earlier and hurting your back... well anyways, I'm really sorry." Demitry stood up. "Please excuse me Vince, and Andrew. I'll be back." Andrew nodded, and Vince was alright with it also. Demitry made his way over to me walking behind everyone. Demitry sat beside me on the ground and took my hand. "It's fine. I'm fine. Please don't worry about me Ayden. Beside, it was an accident. You can't control yourself when your in your hunger frenzy. Like the night I... well you remember that night. I couldn't control myself either." Demirty let go of my hand and gave me a hug. "Thanks," I whispered to Demitry as he stood up. Demitry smiled. "Well I gotta get back over there with Vince and Andrew. They were telling me the pack rules so I could stay in the pack territory." Demitry was pointing at Vince and Andrew. "Ok. Have fun." I waved to Demitry as he turned and walked to his previous spot. I looked around the den area, then to the night sky.
Dark stormy clouds filled the night sky. "Ok Everyone, it's gonna rain soon," Leon said to everyone surrounding the fire. A few wolves and Demitry looked up to the sky. The wolves sniffed the air, and nodded in agreement with Leon. Demitry looked at the sky a few seconds more. "Most likely a big storm," Demitry quietly said. A big storm? Not a good thing for the fire, I thought. "Well, we better get inside the dens soon. The rain's gonna put the fire out," Leon said as he stood up. "Heh, heh," Sintry chuckled. "I'm not going anywhere." Sintry put his hands on the ground and leaned back. "But you'll get soaking wet," I told Sintry. "Nah. I don't think I will." Sintry smiled. "But how?" I asked confused. It's going to rain- most likely. "I'll show you." Sintry stood up. "Well, first I would need someone to get some water," Sintry said. "I'll get it," Vince volunteered. "What will you put it in?" I asked. "A bucket. Duh?" Vince joked. "Why do you have buckets?" I asked ignoring his joke. "When we are in human form, we get water in the buckets. We cook with the water, drink it, and other stuff." Vince had a small hint of sarcasm in his voice. "Oh. Sorry I asked that." I felt a small chill so I looked to the fire- hoping it would warm me up.
Vince ran over to a den and went inside it, later coming out with a bucket- an old metal bucket with a warped handle, and headed for the nearby river. "When he returns then I'll show you guys something cool."Sintry said. I wander what it is, I thought to myself. Minutes later Vince returned with some water in the bucket he had. "Ok. I'll tell you when you can throw it over me. Sintry stood his grounds and lifted his hands above him. "Protect," Sintry said quietly to himself. Sintry held his stance for a few seconds. Putting his hands down, Sintry smiled and looked over at Vince. "Go ahead. Throw it over me now." Sintry's smile grew. Vince took the bucket of water and threw it in Sintry's direction.
The water didn't hit Sintry- it hit the air around him. "Wow! A force-field," Vince shouted happily. "I call it the protector-shield. It's really helpful. No magic can be used on me. Water is used in magic, so I can protect myself from it- fire also. But people, and other non-magic users can harm me even if I have the shield on," Sintry said to everyone- well who ever was paying attention to him anyways. "That's cool," I said to him. "Can you protect big areas or what?" Demitry asked as he stood up and walked closer. Demitry stopped beside me. "My shield only protects one. I can send it to protect a different person if I wish, but that leaves me unprotected, but the one I send it to is fully protected until I pull my shield back. If my shield is protecting someone but then I die, that person has the choice to keep my shield and its power. If they choose to do so, then they have full ownership and the knowledge of how to use that power." Sintry pulled his hands out towards Demitry. "Shield, protect," Sintry whispered. "Ayden. Please come and stand behind me." Sintry smiled. "Uh. Ok." I said confused. I walked over to Sintry and stood behind him. "What are you doing?" Demitry said in an uneasy voice. "Something." Sintry chuckled. "Fire..." Sintry said a little louder then usually. "Don't you even try that stunt on me!" Demitry yelled as he slowly backed up. "Burn," Sintry finished his spell. A huge orange and yellow flame left his hands and headed straight for Demitry.
The flame grew as it got closer to Demitry. It got closer and closer. The light coming from the flame was so intense that I couldn't see infront of me. The flame hit infront of Demitry- demanding entrance through the shield. Slowly the flames dispersed into nothing. I blinked my eyes- the light earlier blinded me and my sight was blurred for moment. When my sight cleared I saw Demitry on his knees. I gasped and walked forward. Sintry grabbed my shoulder. "He's fine. I promise." Sintry pointed at Demitry. I looked at him. Demitry was getting up. Demitry looked up- looking towards Sintry. "You are so dead!" Demitry yelled as he ran at Sintry. I didn't know what to do, so I ran out in front of Demitry and stopped him. "He was just showing you that it worked. He wasn't going to hurt you. I swear!" I was holding onto Demitry's shoulders- separating him from Sintry. "Yeah. Sure." Demitry pushed me to the side and walked inches from Sintry. "If Ayden weren't here, and if she didn't like you, then you'd be six feet under right now." Demitry stepped back. "Like you could do a thing to me," Sintry laughed. "It's like you said earlier- If it's a person or non-magic user then they could hurt you. I may not be human, but I don't use magic." Demitry stood still, watching. "We'll deal with this some other time," Sintry said and he turned around and walked away. Demitry looked over to me. "Yup... Mortal enemies." Demitry smiled at me and we both sat back down at the fire.