Arcane Guardians

Chapter 14

We sat for only minutes before the rain started. "Guess we better get somewhere dry," I said as I stood up. "Yeah," Demitry said. I held out my hand and helped him up. "Thanks," Demitry said taking my hand. I pulled him up and walked towards the dens.
Alex was waiting in the den-room that Demitry and I just walked into. Alex was in human form now- wearing black jeans and a black t-shirt. "Nice to know your in human form," Demitry joked. "Whatever," Alex said. Alex looked over at me. "Sorry that our bon-fire was cut short. Stupid rain ruined it." Alex smiled. "It's fine. But we should do this again soon." I walked over to the grassy bed. "Yeah, we should," Alex added. I laid down on the bed rubbing my aching head. "Headache?" Alex asked me. "Huh? Oh, yeah." I laid with my face buried in my arms. I lifted my hands to my head and rubbed my forehead. I sat up thinking it would help my head. "Hmm," I said softly. My headache just got worse when I sat up. "Do you need anything?" Alex asked me. "No. I'll be fine." I closed my eyes trying to force the pain away. Something warm ran down my nose and onto my top lip. "Guess I'm getting a cold- if vampire wolves can get those." I brought my arm up to my face and wiped my nose. "Ayden?" Alex asked. "Huh?" I replied to him. "Your nose is bleeding." Alex stepped closer. I looked down at my arm, and saw that blood was smeared on it. "Oh. I.. don't feel to good..." I started feeling sleepy all of a sudden, and swaying back and forth.
I looked over to the entrance and saw Sintry standing in it. Sintry walked over to me and picked me up. "It'll be ok. I'm gonna take you home. This woods and weather is sickening even to me." Sintry started heading out but Demitry and Alex stood between him and the exit. "She needs to be at her home. It will help her recover. She isn't used to this new stuff yet." Sintry walked forward, urging Demitry and Alex to move. "Do you even know where she lives?" Demitry said roughly. "No. But you'll show me the way." Sintry looked down at me. "Just hold on," Sintry whispered to me. I laid my head on his slightly wet chest. "Why can't she just stay here and rest?" Demitry asked concerned now. "Don't you know anything?" Sintry asked. "What?" Demitry asked. "Her sight, hearing, smelling, taste, and touch senses are way stronger now- way stronger than your senses too." Sintry paused for a moment. "There are to many different smells, sounds, and other things that made her senses overloaded. That's why she got a headache and nose-bleed. If she doesn't get to a surrounding that's normal to her, then her senses might decrease, or she may lose some of her senses forever. That would be bad." Sintry looked at Demitry and Alex's expressions. "Why did her senses start acting up now?" Alex asked. "Well I'm not entirely sure, but her senses might have tried to get used to the different surroundings but failed to do so." Sintry walked forward again, forcing Alex and Demitry out of his way. A slight growl left Alex's throat. Sintry stopped and looked at Alex. "If you want her to lose her sense of smell, or lets say her sight, or any other sense of hers, then take her from me now." Sintry held me outward towards Alex. Alex glared at Sintry then at me. Alex turned his head away. "Thought so. Now show me the way to her house." Sintry lifted one of his hands. "Protect." Sintry walked out into the rain and Demitry followed him.
"It's that way," Demitry said pointing down an old dirt road. Demitry was getting soaked by the rain, while Sintry and I were protected by his shield. "I thought you said it protected one person," Demitry asked as he walked over to Sintry's side. "Basicly, yes. But it covers a little area around the holder of it, so that means Ayden, or anyone could squeeze really close to me and be protected. Since I'm holding her, she's as protected as I am." Sintry looked down at me. My head was still on his chest- it was warming comfort.
I started to shiver a little, but the shivering took over me. Sintry lifted his hand and put it to my head. "You have a fever Ayden." Sintry took his hand off my head. "We have to hurry and get you home," Sintry said in a quiet voice. Demitry looked at me and then beyond the dirt road. "We're almost there," Demitry said as he walked ahead of Sintry. "Good." Sintry picked up his pace a little to catch up with Demitry.
"Here we are." Demitry bent a few tree limbs back to show a paved road just steps away. We stepped out onto the road and Sintry looked around. I watched the rain hit the pavement and bounce up, eventually hitting the pavement again. "Which way?" Sintry asked looking to the left, then to the right. "Oh. It's to the left and down about a mile and a half. But I'll just show you." Demitry took off slowly to the left, and Sintry fell in behind him. Sintry watched intently at Demitry. I felt bad for making the two of them go out of their way- just for me. I sighed quietly. "I hope I'm not making you two do something that you don't want to do," I said loud enough for the both of them to hear. "Not at all," Sintry said with a smile. "Ok," I whispered. I looked at the sky- the rain was pouring down hard. I thought everything was more vivid then this. This must be what Sintry was talking about- losing my sight would be bad. I looked around, and gathered street names, and houses that were familular. We past by many houses that were very familular to me- I knew exactly where we were- about a minute from my house.
"There's her house. The one with a black roof, red shutters, and a red paintjob." Demitry pointed towards my house. Sintry opened the door and walked in, as did Demitry. "Release," Sintry said to disperse his shield. "You should go to your room and go to sleep. But taking a hot bath would help." Sintry set me down and I headed up the stairs to the bathroom. I opened one of the bottom drawers and pulled out a clean towel. I set the towel on the counter and put the tub-stop in. I started the water and waited for it to fill up. While the water was filling the bathtub, I got undressed and grabbed the towel and wrapped it around me. I watched the tub fill up with the hot water. Steam filled the bathroom, and fogged up the mirror in minutes. I stopped the water when it got to where I wanted it. I unwrapped myself and put the towel back on the counter. The water was welcoming over my whole being. It was hot and comforting.