Arcane Guardians

Chapter 15

I sunk down in the water, only my head was out. My headache was still going on strong, but somewhat being numbed by the hot bath. I reached into the water, pulled out a wash cloth and scrubbed the dried up blood off of my nose and the top of my lip. Sweet cleanliness. The water splashed up when I threw the cloth to the other side. I picked up the bar of soap that had fallen in the tub and sunk to the bottom. The soap was so slippery that when I picked it up in my wet hands, it slipped out and once again ended up at the bottom of the water. Stupid soap. It always has to be so darn slippery. I searched through the water with my hands. I finally found the soap at the end of the bathtub near the wash cloth. Finally I can wash up. Then I can relax. I took the soap and lathered a clean wash cloth and started scrubbing my body clean with it. I started with my arms, then the rest of my body. Bubbles were all over my body and face- some big, and some tiny. I took in a big breath before I went under the water to wash the bubbles off. I stayed under for a few seconds, making sure the soapy bubbles were off my face. I pushed myself to the surface and wiped the water off my face. I pulled my wet hair back and sunk up to my neck in the water. I let myself enjoy the now luke-warm water for a few more moments before I stepped out and drained the water. I wrapped a towel around my hair while I used another to dry myself off with. The mirror was still fogged over from the steam earlier, so I walked over and wiped it off. I looked at the reflection in the mirror. The person in the mirror was flawless. The only thing that was basicly the same was my violet eyes. They were as violet as they were when I was born. I started pushing and pulling on my face. Perfect? Yeah right. I look the same, just a little prettier. But I'm so glad my eyes aren't a freaky color. I stood there, looking over my face. Nothing was actually different, just enhanced. Oh well. Better get dressed. I looked around the bathroom- searching for my clothes. Oh yeah. I threw them in the hamper with other dirty clothes. "Guess I'll have to get some new clean clothes from my room." I said whispering to myself. I walked over to the bathroom door and opened it, then walked slowly to my room. I opened my bedroom door- and to my surprise- I find Sintry standing in my room looking out the window.
Sintry turned around to see who came in, and he saw me. He threw his hands over his eyes. "I'm so sorry! I-I didn't see anything." Sintry had his hands over his eyes still when he ran past me. Sintry didn't run out of the room immediatly. Before he left the room he accidently ran into my bedroom door. "Ow! Crap! I'm sorry again!" Sintry attempted to run out of the room again. This time he got it right. I just stood there with my mouth wide opened. It happened so fast that it felt like it never happened- so I ignored the fact he did that. Well, I tried to forget. Him running into a door was just too hilarious for me to forget.
I walked over to my dresser and opened it. I looked through the clothes in it and found a black tank-top, some black girl boxers and a bra. I closed the top drawer and opened up the second one- I found nothing to wear in it, so I opened my third drawer and looked through the contents. I couldn't find anything in that drawer either. I opened the first drawer and threw the black tank-top back in it, but kept the boxers and bra. Guess I'll look in my closet for something. I walked over to my closet and opened it. My closet wasn't giant, but it could hold quite a bit of stuff in it. I looked through the pile of clothes on the floor. It was just a pile of old clothes that I was supposed to throw out. I looked in the back of my closet. To my luck, I found an old chest with dresses in it. I opened up the chest and took out the dresses. White. Nah, not my color. Lavender with white polka-dots. Nope not that either. After several attemps to find a dress, I finally found one.
A black, knee length dress with long flaired out fairy sleeves. The bottom of the dress was sheer with a non-see through material under it. The back of the dress was lace-up, and the front was a silky black material. "Perfect," I whispered to myself. I went over to my bed and threw the dress on it. I took my towel off my hair and off my body. I quickly put my bra on, then my boxers. I picked up the dress and pulled it over my head. I walked over to my opened closet door and looked in the mirror that was hanging on it. I rather have my skinnies and a shirt. But this will have to do. I looked at the reflection a second more. I turned away from my mirror and towards my door. I tried to push my door opened, but something was leaning against it on the other side. "Umm..." I started knocking on my door. "Hello? Can I get out." I pushed on the door again. Surprisingly it opened. Sintry was waiting outside my door. I looked at him. "I'm sorry. I didn't know you wanted out. I thought you were going to rest, so I guarded the door." Sintry was leaning on the wall beside the door. "Oh. It's fine," I said as I started walking down the stairs. "Where are you going?" Sintry asked me as he followed behind me. I stopped at the bottom of the stairs and turned to face him. "I thought we were going back to the den area?" I said a bit confused. "No. You have to rest. And you can't go straight into strange places. The more you go through your normal daily routine, the more your senses will get used to the other surroundings slowly. We have to work with it, or you'll temporarily lose some senses." Sintry stopped on the second to last step for a moment to speak before he started stepping down to the last step. "Oh. Okay. I guess that's alright." I thought for a second. "Wait. That means I get to go back to school right?" I asked Sintry as I stood beside him. "Is that part of your normal routine?" Sintry asked. "Umm..." I thought for a minute to debate whether I wanted to go back to school. "So is it?" Sintry looked at me. "Totally!" I said in excitement. "Okay." Sintry brought his hand up to his face and started rubbing his head. "What's wrong?" I asked. "This means I'll have to go to school with you." Sintry closed his eyes and shook his head. "Why?" I asked him. "Well. Victor may have hunters out. Not my kind of hunter though. His hunters are vampires that are under his control, who want to rule by his side, and who were made my him." Sintry walked towards the kitchen, and I followed in his shadow. I started thinking to myself about Demitry. He was made by Victor. But he couldn't be one of his hunters, could he? He couldn't. He hates Victor. This was very confusing to me. I didn't know whether to tell Sintry about Demitry or not. Should I?