Arcane Guardians

Chapter 16

Sintry stopped when he got to the fridge. "Umm... Sintry?" I asked. "Huh?" Sintry looked at me. No. I shouldn't tell him. "Oh. Nevermind." I said to him. Sintry just looked at me weird. "Okay." Sintry opened the fridge and looked at its contents. He reached in the fridge and pulled out a soda. Sintry closed the fridge and turned towards the counter. He spotted some apples in the middle of the counter and grabbed one. He took a bite out of the apple then looked at it. He did a funny face and shrugged his shoulders. "This apple is a little sour." He looked and me. I just chuckled a little at him. "Duh." I said to him in a joking manner. He smiled and opened his soda.
I left the kitchen and walked towards the living room. I stood in the doorway of the living room. It was pitch black. I searched the dark room and came upon a pair of green glowing eyes. I jumped at the sight of them. The eyes moved towards me slowly. Eventually the eyes turned into Demitry. "What's wrong?" He asked me. "Uh... Nothing. I was just checking on you." I said. "Oh. Thanks." Demitry looked at me in a strange way. "Well, I'm gonna go up to my room now. Bye." I turned and climbed up the stairs. "Ayden." Sintry said as he ran up the stairs to me. "Yeah?" I asked. "How do I enroll?" He asked as he stepped up a step above me. "Umm..." I paused for a moment. "I can show you better then I can tell you. We can leave early and go to the front office to have you enrolled. After that, I'll show you to your classes." Sintry looked puzzled at me. "Have you ever been to school before?" I asked him. "I went to hunter school." Sintry pushed his hair backwards. "Well... that's not a real school." I climbed the rest of the stairs and opened my door. Sintry put his hand on the door. "Is to." He added. "Whatever. Anyway, I'll go with you to the front office so you can get enrolled." I pushed his hand off the door and stepped into my room. "But..." I cut Sintry off. "Goodnight Sintry. We have to get up early." I gently shut my door in his face. I jumped onto my bed and buried my entire face in my comfy pillows, eventually drifting into a sweet dream.
"Wake up." A voice said quietly. "Hmm..." I said as I rolled over to my side. "Get up. We have school to go to." I opened my eyes slightly. I saw Sintry kneeling by my bed. "Get up Ayden." Sintry said again. "I'm up." I said in a sleepy voice. Sintry stood up. "Good. Now get ready." Sintry smiled ever so slightly. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I looked up at Sintry. "Thanks for waking the dead." I joked. "Welcome." Sintry turned and headed out. He stopped by the door and turned back towards me. "Don't you fall back asleep." He said. "Ha ha. I won't." Sintry left the room, closing the door on his way out. Felt like I just fell asleep. My hair was down, so I pulled it back into a temporary pony-tail. I stretched my arms and legs before hopping out of my bed. Now what to wear. I looked around my room. I probably don't have anything to wear. I might as well just wear this dress. I examined the dress I had on, seeing if it was suitable for school- it was. I opened my bedroom door and headed down the hall- which was painted in a vanilla color- to the bathroom. I walked into the bathroom and opened the medicine cabinent that held my make-up. I took out my eyeliner and eyeshadow. I made my eyeliner really dark, and applied on my eyeshadow. The eyeshadow was a smokey, greyish black color. I took my hair down, looked at my reflection, shot a few comments about my new features and headed out of the bathroom.
I went back into my room, grabbed some flats that were under my bed and headed down to the living room. I entered the living room. It was still a little dark in the room, but a little bit of sunshine snuck a look inside the room through the window's curtains. I walked over to the window and slid the curtain aside. Looks like a nice enough morning to go to school. Except the getting up early part. I looked down the driveway, and around the neighborhood block. It should be around six o'clock right now, or maybe a little later than that. I glanced around at the houses and even watched a squirrel chase another squirrel through the fallen red and orange leaves for an acorn. I chuckled for a minute when I watched the squirrels chase each other. Oh well. Better go find Sintry. I turned away from the window and headed for the kitchen. As I walked to the kitchen I watched my feet and counted every step I took. I was about to look up because I knew I was about to be in the kitchen, but I bumped into something as my head pulled up.
"Oh, Sintry I found you," I said as I grabbed his arm and drug him to the kitchen. I pulled him over to the table and made him sit. I walked over to the cabinets and took out two bags of cereal. I sat them on the counter and opened the fridge. "Milk. Where's that milk?" I asked quietly as I scanned the contents of the fridge. I moved a couple things around until I finally found the milk. "Can't have cereal without milk." I grabbed the bags of cereal and the milk and headed towards the table with Sintry at it. "You always have to eat breakfast before you go to school." I sat down beside Sintry. "No thanks." Sintry said. I grabbed the bag of cocoa pebbles and held them in front of his face. "You will eat it, and you will like it," I said with a slight smile. "Whatever." I dropped the cereal in front of him. I looked at Sintry. He was searching the table for something. "What are looking for?" I asked him. He stopped and looked up at me. "How can I eat cereal without a bowl and spoon?" He chuckled. Oh. Duh, that's what I was forgetting. The bowls and spoons. Silly me. "Oh, okay. I'll go get them now." I stood up and walked over to the cabinet that held all the dishes and opened it. Two glass bowls is what I grabbed. One was a plain white with a gold rim. The other was a blue tint. On my way over to the table I made a stop by the silverware drawer and got two spoons. "Here. A bowl and spoon. I handed him the white bowl with the gold rim and a spoon. And if you don't like cocoa pebbles, then I also have fruit loops right here." I held the bag up and dangled it infront of him. "I'll eat these. They're chocolatey and delicious." He sounded like a commercial when he said that. Sintry poured himself some cocoa pebbles, while I had fruit loops.
I poured some milk into my cereal then sat the milk right infront of Sintry's bowl. Sintry grabbed the milk and poured it into his cocoa pebbles. He looked at his cereal for a moment. I think I knew what he was thinking. I'm being forced to eat cereal... by a girl. I laughed at the possible thought. I lifted my spoon and scooped up a spoonful of fruit loops. The fruit loops entered my mouth and I chewed them up. "These don't taste the same as I remembered them. And if I'm not the slightest bit human, then why am I able to stomach human food?" I asked Sintry. Sintry looked up from his cereal. He had a mouthful of cocoa pebbles in his mouth. I started laughing at him. "Stop laughing. I'm trying to eat these. Just like you commanded." Sintry said through his mouthful of cereal. He took another bite. "Keep eating like that and you'll choke." I was still laughing a little bit. "So. Why is it that I can eat like humans?" I asked him. Sintry swallowed his mouthful of cereal. "I'm not sure. Bloodsuckers can't stomach human food. Not even a little. I guess your special." He looked at his remaining cereal and gagged. "I'm not eating anymore of that stuff." Sintry lent back in his seat. "I thought you said they were chocolatey and delicious." I looked at him. Sintry glared at me. "I lied." Sintry pushed backwards in his chair, making the front two legs go up and leave the ground. He pushed backwards again. "Your going to fall Sintry." He looked at me like I was crazy. "Yeah right." And with that he pushed backwards once more.