Arcane Guardians

Chapter 17

It didn't end like he planned. The chair fell back, but he jumped forward. That also didn't end pretty. When Sintry jumped, somehow his long black coat got caught under the chair's back legs and with that it sent his head into the edge of the table. I jumped up out of my chair and quickly got over to Sintry's side. "Sintry! Are you Alright!?" I lifted his head up. "I'm fine, I'm fine." I looked at his forehead. A big red line went across his head. "I'll go get you some ice." I ran over to the cabinets and searched through them, eventually finding a plastic zip-lock bag. I ran to the freezer and popped a few ice cubes out of the ice tray. I slipped them into the bag and went back over to Sintry.
"Here." I kneeled beside him and placed the bag on his head. Sintry's head was a little swollen and still really red. His face was also red. Was Sintry embarrased? I held the bag as gently as I could. I didn't want to hurt his already hurt head. Sintry's hand came up and he gently placed it on top of my hand that was on the bag of ice. He looked up at me. I slowly took my hand off the bag and let him hold it. I'm not sure if he actually likes me. He said he loves me, but also said he hates me for it. I think I shouldn't urge his feelings- I mean, I shouldn't let him know how I feel about him. I stood up. "The bus will be here around seven." I said in a low voice.
I picked up my bowl- still full of cereal- and put it in the sink. I walked back over to Sintry. "You'll have to drive yourself to my school. It's called Kinyerd High. You should be able to find it easily." Sintry raised his eyebrow at me. "In the front it's got a huge oak tree and there should be a few tables out there to. And if you don't see those things, then there's also a smokey black stone pathway that leads to the front. The parking lot is on the right side of the school, so follow the road past the front of the school and turn at the next left." Sintry stood up. He was still holding the bag on his head. "You might want to get there a little early if you want a parking spot." Sintry nodded a little. I turned to leave but Sintry grabbed my arm. "Please be safe." Sintry let go of my arm. "I will," I said as I headed in the direction of the front door.
I grabbed a jacket that was hanging beside the door on a coat hanger and left the house. Autumn is nice isn't it. Beautiful colors. Yellow, orange, red, and many more colors. It's not to cold and not to hot- It's about neutral. I love it so. I watched the leaves dance in the slight gust of wind. My hair faintly followed the wind also. I turned my attention forward. When I looked outward, I saw Demitry waiting at the end of the driveway. I took off walking and ended up beside him. "Why are you out here?" I asked him. Demitry looked at me. "I'm goind to school." Demitry looked down the road and watched a car as it passed by. "But why?" I asked as I stuck my hands in my jacket pockets. "I'm going to protect you. I'm sure Sintry already told you about Victor's hunters. They are sure to be at your school looking for you. But don't worry, they won't make a scene infront of a huge crowd." The sides of Demitry's mouth curled up ever so slightly. "Why are you smiling?" I asked him. "Oh. It's nothing." Demitry reached out to me and pulled me over to him. He pulled my under his arm. "Nothing is going to get you as long as I'm here." He did his creepy little smile again. You don't have to tell me. I know that you will be my protector. I looked up at his face and smiled. I leaned my head against his chest. I trust you with my life Demitry. I closed my eyes and stayed in his arms until I heard the bus at the stop before ours. "Heh. Bus is here." Demitry took his arm off me and we waited in silence.
The bus stopped just feet infront of us. I looked back at the house. I saw the door opened and Sintry in the doorway with his arms crossed at his chest. I pulled my arm up a little and waved at him. He just nodded slightly. I turned around and followed Demitry onto the bus.