Arcane Guardians

Chapter 18

I walked slowly towards the back. I was getting strange glares and the cheerleaders that rode my bus were whispering to each other and pointing in my direction. I caught up to Demitry. "Do I really look that different?" I asked him trying to hide my face in my hair. "Not really different. Just an upgrade kind of." Demitry sat in the seat near the back beside a guy with ultra light blonde hair.. I looked around for a seat. "You can sit with me." I turned to see who said that. It was a guy in the very back of the bus. He had short snow white hair, and he was very pale. "Umm..." I didn't know what to do. The guy smiled and patted the seat. I tried to find another empty seat, but they were already saved for friends and others like, reserved seats for the jocks and preps. I sighed and sat with the white hair guy.
"Nice to meet you." The guy held out his hand as if he wanted a handshake. I hesitated but grabbed his hand to get it over with. His hand was ice cold- like Demitry's skin. I let go of his hand and scooted to the outer edge of the bus seat. The white hair guy gave a little chuckle. I looked at him from the corner of eye and saw that he was looking at me. I turned my eyes to Demitry. He was watching me intently. I knew he wouldn't let anyone hurt me. After I knew Demitry was watching me, my muscles relaxed a little bit. I looked back at the strange guy I was sitting with. "D-Do you mind?" I asked. "Oh. Sorry." He turned his gaze to my eyes then to the seat infront of us. I glanced out the window and realized that we where minutes away from school. This is the one time I was glad to be getting off the bus and head to school.
We closed in on the school. I looked back over at Demitry. He was still looking at me. I nodded my head at him letting him know I was alright now, and he didn't have to watch me. He turned away. The bus stopped and I stood up. But when I took a step I was held back. I looked over at my arm. The guy I was sitting with had a handful of my jacket in his grasp. He smiled at me. It was the same creepy smile that Demitry does sometimes. I pulled on my arm, but he didn't let go. He pulled me closer. "Let go!" I quietly yelled at him. Demitry came up behind me and glared at the guy. "Let her go." He said in a rough tone. Demitry grabbed my arm and pulled it away from the guy. The guy just watch intently as we walked away. "Stay away from him, and others like him." Demitry pulled me down the steps and we walked into the school. "Was he a hunter?" I asked. "I'm not sure." Demitry pulled me closer to his side. "We have to meet Sintry in the parking lot right?" He asked. "Yeah," I said. "Lets go there now." Demitry and I headed towards the parking lot - where Sintry should be waiting.
We walked down the halls and towards the right side of the school. Demitry opened the double doors that led outside to the parking lot. I scanned the parking lot. I found Sintry leaning against a black and red Kawasaki Ninja motorcycle. I walked up to Sintry. "I see you borrowed Leon's motorcycle." I smiled at him. "Yeah. Guess so." Sintry stopped leaning on the motorcycle and walked past me. "Where's the front at?" He asked me. "Well you can either go through the school, or you can follow that smokey black stone pathway." I pointed to a stone path near us. "I'll take the path." Sintry headed for the path and Demitry and I followed in his silhouette towards the front.
Sintry looked back at me. "How do I enroll?" He asked as he put his eyes forward. "Hmm. Well, I think you tell them that you want to enroll. They will give you papers to fill out, and when your done filling them out, they will ask you questions and I guess some other non-sense questions." I shrugged my shoulders because I wasn't actually sure if they did that. I was only sure that you'd have to fill out paperwork.
We follow the pathway all the way to the front of the school. "See. There's the old oak tree and tables." I pointed them out to Sintry. Sintry nodded his head and kept walking. Sintry stopped infront of the double doors that led inside. "Here it goes." Sintry pushed the doors opened. I followed behind him, but Demitry was sitting on one of the tables under the oak tree. Guess he doesn't want to come with us. I pointed out where the front office was to Sintry, and we went in.
"Please sit and wait." The lady at the front desk said. Sintry and I sat in the seats against the wall. The seats were hard and very uncomfortable. To past the time, I looked around the cream colored room. I spotted awards and other stuff hanging on the walls. Family photos were on the front desk, and on other small desks in the room. There were a few small tree-like plants in the corners of the small room, and smaller plants in pots on the front desk. The pens on the front desk looked like flowers and were being held in a small container that also had flowers on it. I looked over at Sintry. He was also looking around the room. "Sir. Please come here now." The lady said, motioning her hand in a back and forth motion. My eyes followed his dark coat to the front desk. I watched and listened to their conversation.
"Hello. I wanted to know if I could enroll here?" Sintry asked the woman. "One moment please." The lady pushed backwards in her chair. The chair smoothly rolled backwards on it's wheels, and stopped infront of a filing cabinet. The lady opened the cabinet, pulled out a few papers and rolled back over to Sintry. "I need you to fill these out. Right here..." She pointed to something on the papers. "'ll have to get your parents to sign. If you are eighteen or older, then you sign it." She handed Sintry the papers and a flower pen. Sintry came back over to his seat and started filling out the papers.