Arcane Guardians

Chapter 19

I watched him fill out the first sheet. It consisted of general knowledged questions like: Full name, age, phone number, address, and some other questions. He left the address blank, the phone number blank, and he didn't put his last name. But I did find out that he was eighteen.
Sintry finished filling out the papers and gave them to the woman. "Here." He said as he handed the papers and pen to her. "Thank you. Please sit until I call you back up. I have to put your information into the computer." The lady started typing on the computer that was infront of her. Sintry came back to his chair and sat. "This is stupid. Why do they need to know where I live?" Sintry asked as he leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. "I'm not sure." I asnswered him. Sintry opened his eyes and looked at me. "Are you going to be late for class?" He asked. "It depends. But most likely yes." I shrugged my shoulders. "You know that you have to give her your address." I said to him. I looked over at the woman and back to Sintry. "I don't have an address though." Sintry smiled at me. "Sintry." The woman said. "Your form is incomplete. Please complete the form." Sintry unwillingly stood up and walked back up to the front desk. The lady asked him something in a whisper. He shook his head and whispered back. He came back and sat. I looked at Sintry strangely. "What did she whisper to you?" I asked. "Heh. She wanted to know if I was homeless or if I had a place to stay." Sintry was kind of laughing at the question. "What did you tell her?" I asked. "I said no." Sintry looked at the papers then at me. He sighed. "Can I borrow your address?" He asked me. I raised my eyebrow at him. "It's the only way I can go to school here." Sintry said in a convincing voice. "Whatever." I said. Sintry is so weird sometimes.
Sintry walked back up to the desk to grab a pen. When he came back to his seat he handed me the paper and a pen. "I don't know your address. You'll have to write it down." I grabbed it from him and wrote down my address. "Here you go." I handed it back to him. He once again went up to the desk and gave the lady his papers. He put the pen back where he got it. Sintry stood there at the desk until the lady made him sit, so he came back and sat beside me. "How many times do I have to walk back and forth?" Sintry said sarcasticly. Seconds after he said that the bell rang. "You should get to class. If I get enrolled, then I'll look for you." I nodded my head once. "Okay." I stood up and headed out the door without looking back at him.
I went through the halls and found my locker. I opened it up and and got my science stuff out. I slammed my locker and headed towards my science class.
I walked in the middle of the hall and looked into some classrooms as I passed them. I turned a corner, but as I did so I stopped in my tracks and backed up behind the corner. I poked my head around the corner and spotted the white haired guy that I sat with on the bus. Not him again. His back was towards me, so earlier when I turned the corner he couldn't have seen me. And that was a good thing. That guy scares me. I looked directly at him. He was leaning against the wall like he was waiting for someone. I started breathing heavier. His head inched in my direction, so I pulled my head back around the corner and got against the wall. My back went perfectly straight against the wall. He must have heard me. That would be a bad, really bad. I took in a big breath. Well I can't stay here all day. I poked my head around the corner. When my eyes got a clear image of the hall there was nobody there. I let my breath out. I looked around the hall a few more moments and decided it was safe. I brought my head back behind the corner and check behind me.
"Boo!" I jumped out of my skin and dropped my science stuff when I saw who said that. The white hair dude was behind me, and he was smiling. "Get back." I told him. "Why? I don't bite." His smile got bigger. "Stay back." I tried backing up but the wall was in the way. "Dude. Just stay away." I scooted sideways a little. "My name is not dude. It's Salem." His smile remained the same. "I don't care what your name is." I slid against the wall sideways again then took off running. Salem took off right behind me. He caught up and grabbed onto my jacket then pushed me against the wall. He held me against the wall tightly. "I don't want you to leave." He chuckled. He had my arms locked to my sides, and I had no way off loosening his grip. His hands tightened around my arms. Pain shot up my arms. I tried to muffle my scream that accidently found it's way out. Salem put his hand around my cheek. "Can't let anyone hear us." He put his hand around my mouth and pushed down. He grabbed both my hands and held them tightly in his one hand.
I screamed again, but even I couldn't hear my scream. I wiggled and turned every way possible, but I couldn't get away. Salem started dragging me down the halls and past lockers. I tried to scream again, but it still didn't work. "Don't be like that." Salem said to me. I could tell he was smiling. I continued to struggle against him. But he just tightened his grasp that was already unbearablely tight. I clenched my teeth and refused to let a tear fall onto my face. I know I couldn't get loose from struggling, so I thought of ways to get out. Then it hit me. He's a guy. I lifted my foot and kicked him somewhere it hurts bad.
His grasp loosened, but not enough. I kicked him in the same spot again and he fell to the floor. I took off running. I was afraid to look back, but I did it anyways. Salem was right behind me and catching up fast. He was only feet behind me when I turned a corner. It was useless running. Salem had caught ahold of my jacket again. This time he slung me into the wall and held me there by my throat. "Try that again and your dead." Salem said angrily. His smile was gone and his muscles were tensed up. I clawed at his hand that held my throat. "L-Let me go!" I managed to say. "What was that?" He said sarcasticly. "She said to let her go." Salem turned to see who the owner of the words were.