Arcane Guardians

Chapter 2

“That was so awesome!” Blake shouted. “It was way better than all the others, and then some.” yelled Luis. “Whatever.” Stephanie and Nicole said at the same time. Suddenly everyone was clapping- except Stephanie, Nicole and Mrs. Hughes that is. “Settle down class,” Mrs. Hughes said over the clapping. “Although what I just saw was quite interesting, the lines were incorrect. It does not necessarily mean they are the lead role.” Mrs. Hughes said.
Demitry let go of me, and grabbed my hand. We walked back to our seats, separating our hands when we arrived at his desk. Demitry looked at me, but I looked down. I was very confused about what just happened, and I just wanted to go home and think things through. Ring! “Class, before you leave, put your folders back up, and on Monday I will announce the lead roles, and the other roles.” I ran to put my folder up, tossing it onto the shelf it was on earlier, and ran straight for my next class. “Don’t run in the halls.” A teacher said, but I ignored him. I looked back to see if Demitry was following, but he wasn’t. I turned my head back around and kept running until I saw my classroom.
My next class was language arts, and I was so glad Demitry or Krista wasn’t in my class, because I needed to be alone so I could think. I stepped into Mrs. Lake’s class, took my seat, and rested my head on my desk. “Ayden, are you alright?” someone said. I looked up and saw Mrs. Lake. “Not really. I feel kinda sick to my stomach.” I said as rested my head on my hands. “Would you like to go to the nurse?” Mrs. Lake asked. “No ma’am. I would just like to lay my head down for a little while.” I said. “Ok. But if you need to go to the nurse, then take a pass hanging on the back wall.” She went to her desk and I laid my head back down. The bell rang to get into class, and then the late bell rang a minute later. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. The next thing I know is that Mrs. Lake is shaking me to get me up. “Ayden, get up, the bell just rang to go to 4th period, and if you don’t get up you’ll be late.” Mrs. Lake shook me again. I yawned and picked my head up. “Here are your things.” Mrs. Lake said as she handed me my school stuff. “Thanks.” I said as I stood up and stretched. I thanked her again and she handed me the class assignment that I missed while I was asleep.
I was gonna skip my next period, which was study hall, but I decided to go so that I could work on the assignment I just missed. “Half-way there.” I said as I thought about home. Study hall came and went, as did lunch and my next two classes; Social Studies, and Art. Guitar 1 was my last period of the day, and it had Demitry and Krista in it. I sat down in my usual seat in the auditorium, and waited for the teacher to allow us to grab our guitars from the storage closet in the back of the auditorium. Mr. Clarke walked into the auditorium as soon as the late bell filled the halls. Mr. Clarke called role. He has to call role because our class is so large. “Aby Tork, Allisan Ross, Alex and Andrew Mack and Ayden Crensh. Please stand up if you’re here.” I stood up, as did the others. Mr. Clarke looked at each of us to see if we were here, but if he doesn’t see you, then he counts you absent. Mr. Clarke went through all the names. “Ok. I will call out the absent people’s names, if I didn’t see you, and you’re on the absent list, but your here please tell me now so that I can mark you present. Ok. Let’s see. Carl Mathew? Nope, Not here. Cindra Down? Not here either. Cynthya Wilks? Absent also,” he continued with the list. He got to Demitry’s name. I looked around and didn’t notice Demitry anywhere, nor did I see Krista. “Krista Loke?” Mr. Clarke called out. “She got checked out in 5th period!” Alex shouted out. “Thanks Mr. Mack,” Mr. Clarke said to Alex.
Mr. Clarke finished and allowed us to get our guitars. “We will be practicing what I handed out yesterday.” Mr. Clarke said. I grabbed my black acoustic guitar and sat down.
“Hey Ayden, I believe you were absent yesterday, but I don’t have any extra sheets of music.” Mr. Clarke explained to me. “I’ll share mine with her.” A male voice said. I turned towards the voice to see who it was, but when I did so Alex sat down beside me. “Hey I’m Alex. I’ll share my music with ya. Well, if it’s ok with you.” Alex moved his black bangs with green tips so he could see better. “Yeah, it’s ok.” I said. Alex took out his music and handed it to me. “I already know it.” Alex said with a smile. “Oh,” I said, “thanks.”
“No problem.” Alex said. I began strumming my guitar. It sounded like someone scratching a chalkboard. Alex chuckled, and then took my strumming hand, and place it a little lower than it was. After he fixed my first hand he stood up and walked around to my other hand and placed them on different frets. “Now strum it.” Alex said as he watched. I did as he said, but this time it sounded way better than earlier. “Wow!” I said surprised, “I didn’t think I could ever learn to play, but now I do.” I looked at Alex, and he was smiling at me. I giggled a little and strummed again. It still sounded great. “Thanks, Alex.” I said. “No problem.” He said. I started strumming a different part, and it sounded good too, but Alex moved one of my fingers. I strummed again. “It sounds even better now. Thanks.” I said. After I said that Alex put his lips to my ear. “I kind of like you.” Alex said then placed a kiss on my head. My eyes widened, and I looked at him. He wasn’t looking at me, he was looking into space and he looked like he was in a bit of a daze. “Umm… Alex?” I snapped my fingers in front of his face. “Huh? What?" Alex said as he entered reality. "Oh umm… did I just… kiss your head?” He asked me. “Yeah, ya kind of did.” I said confused. “Oh, umm… I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came over me. Please forgive me?” He asked. “Yeah, it’s okay we all have weird moments.” I said. Alex smiled at me. I sighed and looked at the music sheet. "That was really strange of Alex to do that, but guys will be guys, I guess?" I told myself. I continued to strum the guitar, and Alex continued helping until class was almost over. "Ok students, we will continue to practice on monday. You may put your guitars away now." Mr. Clarke told us. Alex and I both stood up at the same time. I look at him and gave a teasing smile, and he smiled back. "May I walk to the guitar storage closet with you?" Alex asked me. "Sure." I said as I headed towards the back of the auditorium. Alex followed behind me as I made my way to the closet. I reached the closet and put my guitar in the same place I always put it, in the back corner. Alex laid his on the ground and kneeled down as he unzipped his guitar case. "Would you like me to hold your guitar for you so you don't have to lay it on the ground?" I asked him. "Sure, that would be great," Alex said as he handed it to me. Alex's guitar is a Les paul, it has a black finish, and on the back there is a pack of wolves howling at the moon. I gazed at the picture on his guitar. I look in all the features, it was so beautiful. Alex finished unzipping his guitar case. "Thanks for holding it for me," Alex said with a smile. "No problem," I said as I walked closer to him. "So were did you get your guitar?" I asked. "Oh, this thing," Alex said as he pointed towards his guitar. "My grandpa gave it to me." Alex stood up and both of us headed towards the door. "Where did you get yours?" Alex asked me. I looked at him. "I got mine on my birthday when I was 12, my dad bought it for me." I said with a sigh. "So why don't you know how to play." He asked as he stopped in front of me. "Well, my dad was teaching me the basics of how to play, but we don't really see each other very much any more. He and my mom are always on some type of vacation and never take me. I only see them when they come back to stock up the house with supplies, or give me money to stock the house up myself. They give me extra money to buy myself stuff, but I rather them be home themselves, like it used to be." My head was down so Alex couldn't see me crying, but Alex pulled my head up. Alex looked at me. He lifted his hand and placed it on my cheek, wiping away my tears. "You don't have to be sad, I'm here for you." Alex said to me in a low voice. I looked at him, and when I did he pulled me into a hug. It was comforting, and I felt as if Alex belonged with me. Alex slowly let go of me, and grabbed my hand urging me to follow him. "You have to meet my brother, his name is Andrew." Alex pulled me to where Andrew was. "Umm... Andrew, this is Ayden, a friend of mine." Alex said to his brother. Andrew was talking to his friends, and ignoring Alex. "Big bro, this is Ayden," Alex said as he tapped Andrews back. Andrew then suddenly grabbed Alex's hand and twisted it. "Ahhh!!!!!!" Alex yelled. "You don't ever place a hand on me," Andrew whispered to Alex. Andrew then twisted Alex's hand even more, sending pain through Alex's arm. "Ahhh!!!!! Let go, please! I'm sorry, just let go!" Alex was in tears. "Let him go!" I yelled as I shoved Andrew. Andrew fell a few steps back, still grasping onto Alex's hand. Alex tried yanking his hand out, but it didn't work. Andrew squeezed harder. "Ouch! Let go!" Alex was shouting as he once again tried to get his hand out of his brothers grasp. Andrew stepped forward, glaring at me. "No! Andrew, don't mess with Ayden!" Alex shouted. "Andrew and Alex, what's going on here? Do I have to send you two to the office?" Mr. Clarke stepped in and said. Andrew turned his attention to Mr. Clarke. "No sir." Andrew said in a dark voice. All the students were watching us, awaiting a fight between the Mason brothers: Andrew and Alex. Andrew growled under his breath. "Please let go of my hand now." Alex whispered to his brother. "Andrew, let go of your brothers hand." Mr. Clarke urged as the bell rang. Andrew slowly let go of Alex's hand. Alex fell to his knees holding his hand, so I kneeled down beside him to comfort him. "Alex, you should go get some ice for that." Andrew said as he laughed at him. Andrew grabbed his stuff and left with his friends, still laughing at Alex. The rest of the students in the class left the room also, which left Mr. Clarke, Alex and I in the auditorium. Alex stood up, and so I stood up to. "Mr. Mason, would you like me to get ahold of your parents and tell them about your incident with your brother?" Mr. Clarke asked. "No thanks, I'll tell them." Alex said as he grabbed his stuff and put it in his backpack, then threw it over his shoulder. I looked at his hand, and it was a purple color. Alex took my hand and we left the auditortium, heading towards the buses. "Please excuse my brother, he thinks he's the top dog, and doesn't like anyone touching him." Alex said as he looked at his hand. "Does this kind of stuff happen often?" I asked him. "Well, almost everyday, but not like this. Usually he shoves me or punches me, but this is only the third time he's done something this extreme, this is kinda minor." Alex said as he looked at me. I had a terrified look on my face. "How could he do that to you?" I asked as I let go of his hand and stopped to a halt. Alex stopped and walked the few steps that were seperating us. "Oh, I'm used to it." Alex said as he smiled to make me feel beter. Alex grabbed my hand and we continued to the bus ramp. "I would hate to know what Andrew has done to Alex that's worst than breaking his hand." I stopped my thought before I could think the worst. "Well here's my bus. I guess I'll see you monday, bye!" Alex said as he waved with his good unbroken hand. I waved back and headed to my bus. I got on my bus and sat in the seat in the very back and awaited my stop.