Arcane Guardians

Chapter 20

"Alex?" I could barely speak because of Salem's grasp on my throat. "Why would I let someone like her go?" Salem said with an evil chuckle. A loud growling sound left Alex's throat. His growl grew louder with each second passing by. "I think I won't." Salem tightened his grasp even tighter then before. "Ahh!" My scream echoed through the halls. "Now you've done it bloodsucker." Alex's eyes slowly turned black and his skin melted away, and was replaced with white fur. His wings ripped through his back and appeared in the open air.
Alex's wings started to move slowly. Feathers from his wings fell to the ground, but were scattered into the air when his wings lifted him. He slowly came back down and bared his teeth. "Poor little mutt. You can't fly in here." Salem rolled his eyes. Alex let out a furious growl and took off running at Salem. Salem let go of my throat, grabbed my arm and dodged him. Alex slid against the hall floor and hit a wall. He shook it off and lunged at Salem. I watched unwillingly as Alex ran towards us. Salem jump into the air seconds before Alex got to him. Salem landed a few feet away from his original position. "Try as you might, but you can't touch me." Salem smiled and laughed at Alex's attemps to catch him. Alex's fur rose at the sound of his voice. Alex let out a loud growl from the back of his throat and lunged at him. Salem jumped back again, but as soon as Alex got infront of him, he grabbed his throat and slung him down the hall.
Alex held his paws to the ground and his claws stopped him from sliding to far. Alex stood up straight and looked straight at Salem. I yanked on my arm, but it didn't help. Salem's grip on my arm was to strong to break. I lifted my foot up and slung it at him. He caught it right before it hit him. "Your not trying that stunt again are you?" He dug his nails into my skin. "Let go!" I started slapping him. Salem grabbed my arm and clenched it. "You'd better obey or something very harsh and painful will happen to you my dear." Salem let go of my arm, and it fell to my side. "Like what? You stupid bloodsucker." I whispered under my breath. Salem put his hand under my chin and brought my face towards his.
His lips touched mine. They were as cold as his skin. I pulled my face away as soon as possible. Why did he kiss me? "You'll soon see why I kissed you." Salem smiled. I saw the tips of his fangs when he smiled. I heard a growl come from Alex. I looked over at him and saw that all of his fur was raised. "Aww. Is your little wolf boyfriend jealous?" Salem teased. Alex snarled a few times and came after Salem.
Salem dodged him again. Alex ran towards a wall and jumped off it. Alex landed right beside Salem, giving him the upper hand. Alex grabbed onto Salem's arm with his razor sharp teeth and bit down. "Heh heh." Salem let go of my arm and pushed me into a wall. I hit the wall with full force and slid to the floor. Alex took his paws and forced Salem to the ground. I watched as Alex let go of Salem's arm to grab onto his throat. I lifted my arm, but it fell to the ground. I tried it again, but this time I couldn't even feel my arm. Huh? What wrong with my arm. Salem was still in Alex's jaws. He was keeping Alex from crushing his throat by holding onto Alex's jaws. His teeth were cutting into Salem's neck and cutting his hands.
Salem's blood fell to the floor. It wasn't alot of blood, but it did cover a small part of the floor. Salem lifted his legs and kicked Alex in the stomach a few times. Alex yelped and let go of him. Salem jumped up and walked towards me. He didn't make it to me. Alex grabbed onto his leg and slung him to the ground. Salem kicked him in the head as hard as possible. Alex flew back and landed on his side. Salem again walked over to me and kneeled infront of me. He placed his hand under my chin and brought my head upwards. "I see that your paralyzed. That means my kiss worked on you." He let go of my chin and my head fell down. The blood that he had on his hand was now drying on my chin. "It's to bad I have to leave you this time." He chuckled. "But I will be back for you." Salem stood up. Alex was trying to get up, but kept falling to his side.
"I'll leave you now." Salem walked over to Alex and grabbed the fur on the back of his throat. "You'd better train her and yourself before I come back." Salem said directly in Alex's face. "If you don't, then it will be to easy to kill you, and I might accidentaly kill her." Salem looked over at me. Alex snapped at Salem's face. Salem let go of Alex and disappeared into the halls.