Arcane Guardians

Chapter 22

When I woke up I heard arguing down stairs. It sounded like Sintry and Demitry, with a word or more from Alex. What are they arguing about? I picked my head up and leaned it towards the arguing. I could barely make out what they were saying. I lifted myself up. Then moved my arms and feet. I swung my legs around to the side of my bed and pushed myself off with my arms. I was standing, but I didn't know how long I would be able to stand. For a minute I check to see if my body worked fine- which it did.
I walked slowly over to my bedroom door and leaned on it. As soon as I leaned on my door it opened and I fell to the ground. I guess Sintry, Alex, and Demitry heard me fall because they were running up the stairs. "Are you okay Ayden?" Demitry asked. I just started laughing. "What's so funny?" Sintry asked as he grabbed my arm and pulled me up. "It's nothing. I just fell, and I thought it was funny." The guys just looked at me funny. "Oh." Demitry and Sintry said together.
I giggled a little longer before I looked at Alex. "What were you arguing about?" I glanced at all of them. "It's just... this stupid vampire hunter was supposed to watch you, but he didn't." Demitry said harshly as he pointed to Sintry. "You could have been taken to Victor if Alex wasn't there to help." Demitry admitted. "It's my fault, I should have gone straight to class, but I didn't, so stop blaming each other." I said as I leaned against the nearest wall to keep from falling. "Are you sure your alright?" Demitry asked me. "Me? Well, yeah I'm okay." I smiled at all three of them. "Okay, if you say your alright then I belive you. But I still think it's Sintry's fault." Demitry said as he leaned on the wall beside me. Sintry raised his arm up and pointed his finger at Demitry. "It would be best if you shut your mouth." Sintry said harshly to Demitry. "Or what? You'll set me on fire?" Demitry chuckled. I left the comfort of the wall and walked a step forward. "Okay. If you say so." Sintry raised his hand. "Fire... come." A small red and orange flame appeared in Sintry's hand, dancing around on his palm. "You wouldn't!" Demitry yelled. "Oh, but I would. Fire..." Before Sintry could finish, Demitry had shrieked like a kid and ran behind me. "You baby." Sintry laughed. Demitry poked his head out from behind me. "I am not!" Demitry slowly came out from behind me. "Thanks for being my shield." Demitry whispered in my ear. He kissed my cheek and then glared at Sintry. Both Alex and Sintry got this wierd look on their face when he kissed my cheek. It looked like they wanted to to kill him. I bet they would put their differences aside for a day just to team up and hurt Demitry. I laughed at the thought, but also shuddered at the thought of them hurting Demitry. Sure I like them all, but I've known Demitry for a while, and he is special to me. I trust him with my life.
I looked back and forth between Alex and Sintry. "Please don't be offended by Demitry kissing my cheek. And please don't try to kill him." I blushed a bit when I mentioned the kiss that I had just recieved. "Fine. We won't kill him... yet." Sintry whispered the last part. I just rolled my eyes. Demitry smiled and grabbed my hand. Now he was just trying to annoy the two of them- mostly Sintry though. I smiled slightly, but to small for anyone to see. I took my hand out of Demitry's hand. "So what now?" I asked.
"Well it seems like the hunter that came for you is probably one of Victor's weaker hunters, but he is strong." Alex said as he walked to the wall and leaned on it. His hands folded at his chest, and his muscles tensed. He was probably stressed out about the attack at school. "His name is Salem." I told Sintry and Demitry. They turned their attention towards me and lifted their eyebrows at me. "I thought you might want to know his name." I leaned my head forward and let my hair cover my face. "How do you know his name?" Sintry asked. "Well... he kind of told me." I shrugged my shoulders. Sintry's eyes lit up. I backed up to the wall, and my back went straight against the hard wall. "Usually a vampire that is loyal to his master won't state his or her name to anyone unless they are told to do so by their master, but I learned and read about that in hunter school. But some of the stuff in those books I read wasn't true at all. Other stuff I read was stuff I couldn't live without." Sintry explained to the three of us.