Arcane Guardians

Chapter 3

The bus stopped in front of my house, so I stood up and gathered my stuff laying in the aisle beside me. I passed by all the empty seats, well I was the last one off the bus. I jumped down the bus steps and jumped onto the ground. "Have a good weekend Ayden." Mrs. Blake, the bus driver said. "You too." I said back. I walked over to my mailbox and checked it. "Bills and some other mail for my parents." I said in thought. I ran down my driveway, slammed the door open and ran up the stairs to my room. I place the mail on my dresser, and laid on my bed. I put my hands in my pocket. "Crap!" I shouted. "I forgot about the note from Demitry!" I added as I took the note out. I took a deep breath and opened the note, it read: "Dear Ayden, please meet me in the Kinyerd Graveyard. I have to tell you something, but the only place safe enough to tell is at the graveyard, so please meet me there at 7:00 pm, please be there. With love, Demitry." My heart was pounding, demanding exit of it's cage. I jumped up in excitment and leaped off the ground. I went into my closet and grabbed a black t-shirt, red skinny jeans, and a black jacket. I ran out of my closet and into the bathroom that was in the hall. I slammed the door, locked it, and changed into the clothes I grabbed. I took off my old clothes and slipped on my skinnies and my t-shirt. I opened the medicine cabinet beside the mirror and grabbed my eyeliner and eyeshadow. I renewed my make-up and placed it back in the cabinet. I looked in the mirror and took in the picture. I sighed and left the bathroom.
As I entered my bedroom, I glanced at my black clock. It was 5:27 pm. "Time sure moves slow." I said as I laid on my bed. I buried my face in my pillow. "Maybe I'll just walk slowly to the graveyard. I mean it's better than staying here for another hour." I jumped off my bed, and went through my dresser to find my MP3 player, I finally found it under some clothes, and placed it in my pocket, then I slowly left my bedroom, eventually entering the hallway. I jumped down the stairs, counting them as I go. "1, 2, skip a few, 99, 100." I said joking to myself. I made it to the last step and jumped of really high onto the first floor of my house. "Oh well, I managed to kill a few minutes," I said to myself as I opened the front door. I stepped outside, turned around and slammed the door shut. "Why do I always slam the door?" I asked myself. "Oh well, I guess that's just me." I giggled in my mind. I was feeling kind of high because of all the excitement. I continued onward, towards the graveyard. I counted trees to pass time, but that got boring, so I decided to count my steps, but also soon after bordom surrounded me, choking out the buzz I had. "Guess I'll just kill time at the graveyard. It must be funner there than here." I walked faster, trying to lose the boredom that endlessly chased me. I ran the rest of the way to the graveyard. I halted to a stop when I was greeted by a sign stating that the Kinyerd Gravesites where just steps away. I finished reading the sign, then walked into the spooky death land. I walked around, reading tombstones and looking upon the trees. I stopped by a tombstone shaped like a rose, it read: 'In loving memory of Kyle Tayler. Loving Dad of two children. He will forever be in our hearts.' "Is he related to Demitry some how?" I asked myself. I tried to make out the date, but it was scratched out. The tombstone looked old, but so do all the others. I continued to look around, but eventually got tired so I sat on a tombstone and awaited the arrival of Demitry. I rested my head on hands. I sighed, "I guess I could always listen to my MP3 player." I took one of my hands off my head and stook it in my pocket. I pulled out my green MP3 player, turned it on and put my headphones on. I shuffled through my songs and eventually found my favorite song, 'The Grim Goodbye,' by Paramore and The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. I pressed play and surrounded myself with the sweet melody. I closed my eyes and fell victim to the music. I started singing softly to the song. "You have a voice like an angel," I faintly heard through the music. I turned the music low and took the headphones off. I turned sharply backwards, while doing so I fell off the tombstone. A kind hand was offered to help me up. I looked up and my dreams fell. It was Demitry, holding out his hand. "Here I'll help you up," Demitry said. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. "So...?" I asked. "Ya? Oh and I'm sorry I startled you." Demitry said as he walked closer. "Oh. That's ok, it's my fault, I turned to fast." I walked around and stood in front of the tombstone I was sitting on earlier. "So, what song are you listening too?" Demitry asked. "It's called, 'The Grim Goodbye,' it's my favorite song." I turned my MP3 player off, and looked towards Demitry. He looked pale, ecspesially under the moonlight eluminating the graveyard. Demitrys eyes had a sparkle to them, but they only sparkle under the night sky. I gazed upon his wonderous features. "So, what did you wanna tell me, and why in a graveyard?" I asked as I stepped forward. "Well," Demitry said as he chuckled and stepped forward. He had an evil look on his face, so I took a step back. Demitry was scaring me now. Demitry came closer, so I kept going backwards dodging the tombstone behind me. I eventually came upon a tree behind me. Demitry put his hands on either side of me, pinning me against the tree. Demitry put his head down for the slightest second. When his face appeared in front of mine I yelped.
Fangs as white as winter appeared from behind his lips. His eyes, red as blood, but still glimmering. "Well, as you can see..." Demitry said as he leaned in closer. His lips were inches from my ear. "I'm a vampire." Demitry whispered. I started breathing fast, and my head started spinning. I felt like I was going to pass out. "Y-your a vampire?" I asked him stuttering. He just smiled, and when he did I saw his fangs again. I started to panic, so I started hitting his arms that surrounded me. It didn't work so I punched his chest. One punch after the other, and it still didn't work. I brought my fist back once more, but when I did so, Demitry grabbed it and locked it to my side, as he did with the other fist I had. "Ayden calm down, it's ok." Demitry said as he held me against the tree. I tried to get out off his grasp, but it just hurt my arms. I stopped trying to get free. "Why are you just now telling me this." I said in a low voice. I tear fell down my cheek onto the corpse infested ground. Demitry loosened his grasp, then he let go and sighed. I fell to the ground. The tree behind me was the only thing keeping me fom falling back. Demitry sat down beside me, and lifted my head up. He wiped the tears off my face. "I'm sorry I caused you pain Ayden." I was looking away from him. "Please Ayden, look at me." Demitry insisted. My breathing was still heavy, and when he said that, my breathing got heavier. Demitry cupped his hands on my face and forced my head forward, pulling me into a kiss. He let go of my face with his hand and pulled away. Demitry stood up. "I'm sorry," He whispered then he ran off into the foggy distance. I started crying harder as I laid down on the cold ground. "Why didn't I stop him from running off." I argued with myself. "I know I love him, so why did I let him go?" I closed my eyes, stopping the tears. "I could have stopped him," I said as I drifted into an unwanted sleep.
Howling woke me from my sleep. I sat up and rubbed my eyes to keep them opened. The sun was just now coming up, but it was still kinda dark and foggy. "Wha.. why am I here?" I said as I tried to remember. I gasped as I remembered last night. "What have I done?" I softly said under tears. I buried my face in my arms. I sat for what felt like forever. I sighed and stood up, wiping my tears off. I headed towards the exit of the graveyard. I stood in the exit, taking in all the graves, trees and memories. I turned and ran, running from all the horrible memories that recently happened. When I reached my front door I caught sight of a note on the door. "Ayden, we stocked the house and left you some money on the counter. You weren't here so we left this note. We're sorry we couldn't stay longer, but we were in a hurry. Love, Mom and Dad." I ripped the note off the door and ripped it up. "Ya. I'm sure your both very sorry, stupid parents." I said in my mind as I raced up the the bathroom. I slammed the bathroom door open, and it almost fell off the hinges. I grabbed the door knob and yanked it shut. I walk up to the mirror and observed the black mess on my face. "Crap, this stuff is gonna be hard to get off." I said softly to myself. I stepped back a step and rummaged through the towel cabinets to find a wash cloth for my face. I found a white cloth near the back, grabbed it, and put soap and water on it. The soap smelled like watermelons and kiwis. "My favorite." I said as I smelled the soapy-wet cloth. I place the cold soapy cloth under my left eye and scrubbed the make-up off. I finished that one and went for the next. I finished up scrubbing the rest of the mess off my face, and went downstairs to the kitchen. I walked over to the counter and picked up the folded money. I unfolded it and counted. "One, two, three, four..." I continued until I counted it all. " One thousand dollars. Thanks." I said sarcasticly. I picked up the note that was sitting beside the money on the counter. "Love you very much. We hope this is enough. Love, Mom and dad." I threw the note into the trash can beside the counter. I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a cola, then sat in the living room. As soon as I sat down someone knocks on the door, so I get up. "Who could it possibly be?" I asked my self not caring. I opened my cola and answered the door. "Ayden. Please come with me to the hospital. It's Alex, he's been hurt." I dropped my drink and it splashed on me and the brown haired dude at the door. "What happened!" I shouted in my head. "Please. Come on, you can ride with me." The brown haired guy grabbed my arm and dragged me towards a motorcycle. It was a black and red Kawasaki Ninja. He put his helmet on, then handed me one. He jumped on front and urged me to get on back. I hopped on the back and we sped off. We were going at least 80 mph, and the brown haired guy didn't even think about stopping at the red lights. We just zoomed through the traffic, dodging semi trucks and any other vehicles that were on the road.
We pulled into the hospital parking lot and parked at the 'motorcyles only' parking space. "Hey Ayden, my name is Leon. I'm Alex's best friend." Leon took off his helmet as he told me that. "How do you know my name and where I live?" I asked him as I hopped off the bike and took my helmet off. "Oh..." Leon smiled really big. "Alex talks about you alot, and he goes by your house almost every night. He stands in your yard and looks at your house." Leon was giggling. "And how do you know this?" I asked. "Well, because I followed him a few times to your house. He really likes you alot, and thats why I came to get you. He gets better faster if a really good friend is there with him. A good friend like you." Leon got off his bike and stood in front of me. "So, do you wanna see him, he might be awake now." Leon looked at me and awaited my answer. "S-sure, I would love to see him." I said stuttering. Leon took my hand. "Well come on then," Leon said as he smiled at me. We walked into the entrance and went to the elevators. "We're going to the top floor. Floor 6." Leon brought his hand up and pressed the up button. The button turned orange after he touched it. "So, how did you and alex meet?" Leon asked as the elevator door opened. We walked in to the small box-like elevator. "Well, I just noticed him at school on friday, but I think we had classes together in the past." I stopped talking to press the button with a six painted on it. "I think he started noticing me in like 5th grade, or some other grade, but I don't know." I backed up against the wall and held onto the railing. "Why are you holding onto the railing?" Leon asked. "I really hate elevators," I asnswered him. When I said that, there was a clanking sound above my head. I lifted my feet off the elevator floor and my breathing got fast. The clanking turned into a kinda screeching sound and the elevator stopped. We were only at the 5th floor. I clenched my teeth so hard that they started hurting. The elevator started going down, but it was going down really fast. Leon ran over to me and held onto my arms. We were falling down an elevator shaft. "Ayden, get on my back, I'll get us out of here." Leon let go of my arms and I jumped onto his back. Leon reached upwards to push up a part of the elevator ceiling. The falling sensation was making me dizzy, and I fell backwards. "Ayden!" Leon yelled as he grabbed my arm and pulled me back onto his back. "Please hold on. Alex can't lose you, he needs you there beside him." Leon said to me. Leon grabbed onto the rest of the ceiling and pulled himself up with me on his back until we were standing on the top of the elevator. Leon grabbed me and held me in his arms. He closed his eyes and chanted something. I heard a ripping sound behind him, so I tried to see what it was. Leon look at me, "I'm sorry you had to find out this way." He said as he jumped off the elevator into the air. "What are you doi..." I couldn't finish my sentence, for what I saw was enchanting.