Arcane Guardians

Chapter 4

Black wings, as dark as night were attached to Leon's back. The back of his shirt was ripped, and blood surrounded where the wings ripped out, and blood dripped down Leon's back. His wings moved gracefully through the air. Leon flew to an opening and landed. One of his wings touched my face. It was silky and smooth, and a comfort to my skin. His wings slowly went back into his back as he chanted again. "You shouldn't have seen that." Leon said as he walked away. "L-Leon, wait." Leon didn't stop. "Come on, we have to visit Alex," Leon said as he turned and held out his hand. I ran up to him and held onto his arm. "We are on the 1st floor," Leon said. "If your wondering what I am, then I might as well tell you." Leon stopped and I halted. "I'm a Guardian wolf. I can also turn into a wolf, and so can Alex and the rest of our friends: Dylan, Luke, and Vince. Only Guardian wolves have wings, but we have to chant something to get our wings to come out, but when we are more experienced at this, then our wings will come out when ever we want them to and without chanting. Guardian wolves protect the Alpha pair of the pack, and the rest of the pack. The Alpha male of the pack is Andrew, he's Alex's brother, and Andrew's mate is Lily, she's the female alpha. None of the pack is allowed to touch the alpha male or female. That's why Alex is in here. He disobeyed and shoved Lily, so Andrew attacked him in wolf form. Alex hit his head against a tree and lost alot of blood." Leon sighed and started walking again. "So that's why Andrew always hurts Alex." I said in my head. "Ya," Leon said softly. "Wha..." I started to say. "We can also read minds." Leon said as he smiled. "That's unfair," I told him. "Ya, it is unfair. The pack can also read my mind, so yeah, it's very unfair." Leon stopped infront of a door and opened it. We entered into the main part of the hospital. Leon took my arm and we stood in front of an elevator. "No! I am not riding in that again!" I yelled as I ran to the back wall. Leon busted out laughing. "You should of seen your face," Leon said in between laughs. I stuck my tongue at him. "Ya, we should take the stairs." Leon said still laughing. I sighed and followed him to the stairs. "First floor stairs," Leon said as he pushed the door in front of him open. I entered through the door right after Leon did. I looked up the flight of stairs, "Well it's better then riding in a demon elevator," I joked. Leon and I climbed the flights of stairs. "Why don't you use your wings, it might be easier to fly up to the 6th floor." I said as I tiredly climbed another flight of stairs. "We can only use our powers for protecting our pack, or in emergencies like what happened in the elevator. If we use our powers in other cases for just fun or messing around, we get punished and may get our wings taken away." Leon continued up the stairs, and so did I. We eventually made it to the 6th floor. Leon opened the door and stepped into the hospital hall. I stepped out panting. "T-that was a l-lot of stairs." I said in between breaths. "Ah come on, it wasn't that bad." Leon said as he patted my back. "Ok, Alex is down this hall and to the left, in the recovery room. He just got out of surgery before I came to get you, he had a gash on his head, so they had to do immediate surgery. The doctor said he'd be fine though." I smiled when Leon said that he'd be ok. Leon looked at me and saw I was smiling so he smiled back. "So, come on get the lead out of your feet, we have to see Alex." Leon grabbed my arm and drug me down the hall to the recovery room. We stopped in front of the room Alex was in. "Ayden, wait here for a second." Leon stepped onto the room. I leaned against the wall waiting to be invited in. Leon stepped out into the hall. "Ok, Alex is awake, you can see him now." Leon stepped back inside the room. I followed him into the room. There were three other guys there, they were talking to Alex. I stood in the doorway, not knowing what to say. Alex turned my way, "Hey Ayden come here. I want you to meet my friends." Alex said in a hoarse voice. Alex tried to sit up as much as he could. I walk over to the opposite side of the guys. "Nice to meet you all," I said in a shy voice. The red haired guy walked over to me, "Hiya, I'm Vince. It's nice to finally meet ya. Alex talks about you all the time." Vince said as he laughed, then he held out his hand. "Shut up vince!" Alex yelled in a low voice. I smiled and shook Vinces hand. "Nice to meet you," I said back to Vince. I let go of his hand and looked at Alex. "So anyway, thats Vince as you already know. These two over here are Dylan, and Luke." Alex pointed towards the two guys beside him. Luke was the really tall one with blonde hair and blue eyes. Dylan had spikey brown hair with frosted tips, and brown eyes. I looked at Vince and saw that he had grey eyes, well they were such a light blue they looked grey. I smiled at all of them and continued standing beside Alex. "So Alex. are you feeling any better." I asked as I patted his shoulder. "Ya, actually I feel pretty good." Alex pulled himself up, but then he held his head. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Oh, umm I gotta headache." He told me. "So what did you do to deserve this from your brother?" I asked. " Umm... I." Alex couldn't think of anything to say. "Alex, she knows." Leon said softly. Alex's eyes widened. "What do you mean?" Alex asked. "She knows of our kind." Leon walked over to me and put his arm on my shoulder. "Did you tell her!" Dylan yelled. Dylan walked over to where Leon was standing and grabbed the front of Leon's shirt. Leon took his arm off of my shoulder. "No. It's a long story." Leon said in a low voice. "Well get to telling!" Dylan yelled, gripping Leon's shirt tighter. "Ok." Leon said as he yanked Dylans hand off his shirt and shoved him to the ground. "Right after I kick your skinny little butt into the ground!" Leon shouted then leaped at Dylan. "Guys! Not here!" Alex yelled at them. Leon had a handful of Dylan's hair in his fist. "Don't ever touch me again." Leon shouted. Dylan was being held face down on the ground by Leon, and Leon was pounding on Dylan's head. "Ah! stop you stupid mutt!" Dylan started kicking behind him, landing a few kicks on Leon's stomach. Leon let go of Dylan to hold onto his stomach, and Dylan turned himself around and kicked Leon once more in the stomach. "I'm sorry their acting like this, us wolves don't like to be touched, we are very temperamental." Alex told me as I watched the fight. "Do they always do this?" I asked. Alex looked at me and smiled. "Ya, alot." Alex said looking back at his fighting friends. Leon was coughing up blood, but Dylan still didn't stop. Dylan grabbed Leon's hair and pulled him upwards. "You really shouldn't have held me down." Dylan said as he pounded on Leon's face. "Guys! Stop fighting before you transform!" Alex was trying to get out of the hospital bed. "No Alex, you need to stay in bed," Vince said as he got closer to the bed. Alex sat back down and sighed. Dylan punched Leon in the face once more and let go of Leon's hair. Leon fell to the ground. "Here it comes," Alex said in an mad tone. I looked at Leon. Leon was breathing really heavy and his muscles were so tight they looked as if they were going to bust. Leon stood up, blood dripping off his face onto the ground. I heard a chant coming from Leon, and then a ripping sound. His black wings ripped through his back and appeared out in the open. "You retard, why are your wings out?" Dylan asked as he walk forward. Leon looked up, his eyes were black and full of rage. "So I can do this!" Leon leaped at Dylan. Leon then transformed into his wolf form. It was as if his skin just melted away into nothing. His clothes were laying on the ground where he leaped. Leon's fur was as black as his wings, pur black. His eyes were gold, and his white fangs were bared. Leon grabbed Dylan and jumped through the window. "Finally. Leon has enough sense to take it outside." Alex said relieved. I ran over to the window and placed my hand down forgetting that the glass was broken. "Ow!" I yelled. Vince grabbed me and brought me over to Alex. "Don't be scared," Alex said as he grabbed my hand. My hand had a bloody gash on it, and a piece of glass in it. Alex got the piece of glass out of my hand, then he chanted something and closed my hand. "There, it should be all better now." Alex said and smiled up at me. I opened my hand and looked at it. The gash was gone. "Wha.. how did you do that?" I asked amazed. "I can heal people, well it's supposed to be used only for pack members, but I made an acception for you." Alex explained to me. "Oh, thank you. I appreciate it." I leaned over and gave Alex a hug. "Excuse me." Vince said softly. "Should I go find them?" Vince asked. "I'll go with ya," Luke said. "Sure, ya can go look for them if you want, but I would waste my time looking for them though." Alex said as he looked at the window. "And if your gonna go through the window, please don't let anyone see you." Alex added. "K, we won't be like those two," Luke said with a smile. Luke and Vince chanted and their wings appeared, then their skin melted away and in return fur appeared. Vince, a red wolf with red wings. Luke was a grey wolf with black wings. Luke and Vince jumped through the window and took flight. "I wonder what color wolf Alex is?" I thought. Alex chuckled. I looked at Alex. "I'm a white wolf." Alex said. "Wow! White wolves are my favorite!" I said excited. Alex smiled at me. I smiled back. "I have a question." I asked. "K, go ahead." Alex replied. "It's in the morning, and there's lots of people outside. How were they not seen?" I asked confused. "Oh, we have a cloaking chant we can say and it makes us invisible to the humans." Alex said as he fixed his covers. "But how did I see them?" I asked Alex. "I thought you might ask that." Alex told me. "If a human knows about us, then we can no longer be invisible to them." Alex continued messing with his covers. "Oh, that explains it." I said with a chuckle. "Yup, that's it." Alex stopped fixing his covers and looked at me. "Do you wanna sit down?" Alex asked me. "Umm... sure." I said. I sat down beside him. "So, how are you taking our secret so far?" Alex asked. "I think It's awesome that you can change into a wolf." I told him. "Does it hurt to change into wolf form, or does it hurt when your wings come out?" I asked curious. "Well, when we change into a wolf, it just feels like changing clothes, but when our wings rip out of back, it stings a little, but we've gotten used to the pain." Alex leaned forward and showed me his back. "The spot that our wings rip out, there are scars there. When our wings retract back into our back, the wounds heal immediatly, but leaves a scar. Alex laid back down and closed his eyes. Alex yawned. "You should get some sleep." I told him. "Maybe." Alex said as he opened his eyes and looked at me. "If I go to sleep, will you still be here when I wake up?" Alex asked. I paused for a moment. "Ya, I'll be here until you get discharged from this hospital." Alex smiled. I laid down beside him. Alex smiled and closed his eyes. Minutes later he was fast asleep. "Sweet dreams." I said and closed my eyes. I fell asleep in seconds.