Arcane Guardians

Chapter 5

"Wake up sweetie." A voice said. I opened my eyes to see Dylan standing over me. Dylan was chuckling. Leon, Luke and Vince was standing over me also. My head was on Alex's chest, and Alex's arm was around me. Alex was awake, and staring at me, smiling. I sat up and stretched. "Did I fall asleep?" I asked, but I already knew I fell asleep. It was just weird waking up with the guys hovering over me. "Ya, you fell asleep." Dylan said holding back his laughter. "So it seems you two are buddy-buddy again." I said. Leon and Dylan looked at each other. "Guess we are," they both said at the same time. "So Alex, how was your nap?" Dylan asked as he busted out laughing. "What's so funny?" I asked "Well when our kind really likes someone, our tail will come out without us knowing," Dylan stopped laughing and continued. "See look, Alex's tail is out." Dylan pointed towards the fluffy tail. I looked at Alex's tail. Alex was trying to hide his tail. All the guys busted out laughing, and falling to the ground. "Y-you l-like her!" Vince blurted out. "Ya, so what, I like her." Alex was blushing, and his tail was wagging. "Dude it's ok, but ya know you can't be with her." Dylan said as he and the guys stopped laughing. "Stupid wolf law," Alex whispered to himself, but I heard him. "What wolf law?" I asked. Alex looked at me, and frowned. "It's a stupid law. Us wolves can't be with a human. We have to be with a wolf like ourself, or possibly a half wolf. Never a human." Alex looked at my eyes. "But how is it that you have the violet eyes of a half wolf." Alex asked. "Umm... I don't know. I've always had violet eyes." I said blinking my eyes. "What I mean is, there was only one half wolf born, but she disappeared. Full wolf shapeshifters are born a wolf, but the half wolf shapeshifter, she was born human. The great Elder wolves say that she was taken by humans and raise to be only a human, thinking she could be normal, but even so, she is still half wolf. Her mother was a human and her dad was a full wolf shapeshifter. Her dad was killed by the alpha, because being with a human was forbidden. Her mother was killed also, looking for her daughter in wolf territory. The wolves killed her." Alex stopped to breathe. "So anyways, the half wolf is still out there." Alex look over at the guys, they were giggling. "Oh, that's cool. I hope I can meet her one day." I said cheerfully. "It would be a miracle if we could find her." Vince said. "Why?" I asked. "Because, we have to protect her if she was ever found. We are the guardian wolves. Oh, and there's a blood craving vampire that would love to use her powers." Vince said as he sat down in a chair by the window which was broken now because of Leon and Dylan. "His name is Victor. If ya ever meet him, stay away. He will drain your blood like a cold drink on a hot day." Vince chuckled. Shivers went down my spine. "It's ok, I'd protect you from him," Alex said to me. I looked at Alex and smiled. "Thanks," I told him. His tail started wagging faster. Alex grabbed his tail and held it down. I looked at his tail. "You wanna touch it?" Alex asked with a smile. "Sure, if ya don't mind," I leaned towards his tail, brought my hand closer and touched it. "It's soft," I said as I brushed it gently with my hand. I lifted my hand off of his tail and placed it on the bed. 'That was exciting." I looked at the guys, they were the giggle bunch. I guess they don't know how to stop. I scooted off the bed and stood up. Alex grabbed my hand. "I'm not leaving. I promise." Alex let go of my hand. "I'm going to the snack machine." I said. "I'm goin' with ya." Leon, Dylan, and Luke said at the same time. They laughed once more and followed me. The snack machine was one floor below. Leon and I walked to the door that said 'Stairs'. "Why are you taking the stairs?" Luke asked. I sighed. "Because the demon elevator tried to kill me and Leon." I stated. "And how is that possible?" Luke asked. "Well, I thought you'd already know since ya can read each others minds." I said. "Oh, well we try not to pay attention to each others thoughts," Luke told me. "Well here's the story." I continued with the story. Luke and Dylan started laughing really hard when I finished. "It's not funny!" I yelled. "I took the elevator in the first place because I was worried about Alex. And I'm even more terrified of elevators now!" I slammed the door open and ran down a flight of stairs. "Nice job idiots!" Leon yelled at them, and then ran down the stairs after me. "Ayden! Where are you?" Leon yelled entering the 5th floor. I was leaning against the wall by the bathrooms, my head buried in my arms. I wasn't crying, but I felt like I wanted to. "Ayden, please don't pay attention to those idiots, they have nothing better to do, so they laugh and make jokes." Leon sat beside me. I looked at him, and he looked at my eyes. Leon's eyes turned black and he froze. "Are you ok?" I asked. Leon's eyes slowly turned back to normal. Leon jumped up and walked backwards. "Your the half wolf!" Leon yelled. I stood up. "What now?" I asked. "You are the half wolf!" Leon yelled and stepped back again. "How can you tell?" I asked him. I can look into the past if I look deeply into someone's eyes, and that's what I did. I saw you being taken by the humans and I saw you grow up like them." Leon ran over to me and picked me up. And now we can take you to our pack, and you'll be safe there!" Leon said excitedly. Luke and Dylan came running down the stairs. "We heard the good news!" Dylan yelled and ran over to me. "We have to tell the alpha." Leon happily said. "Doesn't he already know, because of your mind reading?" I asked. "Nah, he doesn't pay attention to the guardian wolves thoughts, just the packs thoughts." Leon said in a happy voice. "Come on. We gotta see Alex." Leon grabbed my arm and pulled me up the stairs. Leon pulled me into Alex's room, followed by a happy Luke and Dylan. A nurse was in the room when we entered. Alex was changed and being discharged from this place. "Alex, why are you being discharged so early?" Luke asked. Vince smiled. "You didn't!" Dylan yelled. "He wanted to leave, so I just erased the part of the nurse's memory that had his discharge time, and put the new memory that told her to discharge him now." Vince smiled even bigger. "You stupid dummy," Dylan said to Vince. "He's not supposed to leave until tomorrow," Leon said. "Guys, it's fine. I feel better, and I'm ready to leave." Alex looked at me. "So, I've known the half wolf for some time now, and didn't even know it," Alex chuckled. I just smiled. "How could I possibly be the half wolf?" I asked myself. I clouded my mind with other thoughts to hide that thought. I guess it worked. They just continued in what they were doing. The nurse took the needle out of Alex's arm. "Ok, just let me sign you out and I'll be back to tell you." The nurse said as she left the room. I stood by the wall and looked around. "It's nice to finally know who the half wolf is. I thought I'd never get to meet her." Alex said as he walked over to me and leaned against the wall with me. The nurse walked in. "Your all set. You can leave now." The nurse said with a smile. She turned and left once more. "Time for us to leave," Vince said as he left the room and waited in the hallway. We all left the room, and headed to the stairs.
Outside it was getting dark. The guys said their goodbyes and left. All of them left, except Alex. "You should go home and get some rest. You'll meet the pack tomorrow." Alex said as we continued walking. "I'll drive ya home." Alex grabbed my hand and led me to a truck. The truck was black with neon green flames on it. "K." I said. I opened the passenger side and hopped in. Alex jumped into the driver's seat and started the engine and we drove off. It took about 20 minutes to get to my house. Alex drove up to my driveway. "Well, I'll see ya tomorrow." Alex said. "See ya." I gave Alex a hug and got out of his truck, then Alex drove off. I walked into my house and the coke was still spilled on the floor. I got a rag and cleaned it up the best I could. I threw the rag in the trash and headed to my room. I slammed my bedroom door like always, and then jumped onto my bed. I buried my face in my pillow. Eventually I lifted my head from the comfort of my pillow, and glanced at my clock. It said 8:17 pm. I got off my bed and went through my dresser to find my PJ's. When I opened it I found a note laying on top of my clothes. I took the note out and opened it. "Dear Ayden, please forgive me for what happened at the graveyard, I have to see you again. Meet me at the graveyard at 9:00 pm." Love, Demitry. I flopped onto my bed and held the note in my hand. I looked over at my window. Golden eyes were looking through. I closed my eyes, and when I opened them, the eyes were gone. "Could that be Demitry?"I asked myself. "Well, maybe I should go, I mean, well I have to apologize to him. " I told myself. I got off my bed, and walked to the bathroom. I check my clothes, and my face. "What am I doing? I'm just seeing Demitry." I left the bathroom and headed downstairs. I grabbed a jacket that was hanging on the coat hanger and I headed for the Kinyerd graveyard.
I made it to the graveyard and looked for Demitry. I searched for about half an hour until I found him. "Demitry," I whispered. He looked over to me. "Ayden, leave!" Demitry yelled. "But why?" I asked. "Please! You have to leave now." Demitry was on his knees, and he was scratching at his throat. I walked closer and saw that his neck was bloody. I ran over to him and grabbed his hands. "Stop hurting yourself!" I shouted. "Leave!" Demitry pushed me away. "No, I won't leave." I whispered. Demitry looked at me. His eyes as red as blood. "Please leave. I don't want to hurt you," Demitry whispered. "But I can't leave you. Your hurt." I said looking at his neck again. Demitry clenched and his body got lower. "Ah!" Demitry yelled in pain. Demitry slowly got into a crouching position and lunged at me. He held me to the ground- his fangs bared.