Arcane Guardians

Chapter 6

His fangs pierced my neck, when he did that, fire spread through my entire body. I let out a scream. Minutes later the burning was taken over by a weird kind of numbness. My world was fading fast. Demitry stopped and looked at me. Around Demitry's mouth was covered with blood, my blood. "I'm sorry," He whispered. An evil laughter in the distance caught the wind and found it's way to my ears. I looked into the direction of the laughter. Golden eyes pierced the darkness in my direction. My sight was blurred, and then darkness took over.
"Ayden, wake up," I heard as I opened my eyes. Demitry was holding me in his arms. "Huh?" I asked in a sleepy voice. "Oh, your awake now." Demitry smiled. I jumped up. "What did you do to me?" I asked as a burning feeling filled my throat. "Why is my throat burning?" I asked as I grabbed my throat. Demitry stood up and walked towards me. I stepped backwards, away from Demitry. "Did you do what I think you did?" I asked as I looked at Demitry. I was mad at him for some reason. "Ya, but it's not my fault." Demitry wasn't smiling anymore. "Umm... ya it is your fault." I said angrily. "No it's not. I told you to leave, but you wouldn't." Demitry sat on the ground like he was mad at me. "You wouldn't stop hurting yourself. Your neck was all bloody from you scratching it so hard." I said as I looked at his neck. The blood was gone and there were no scratches on his neck. Thinking of blood make the burning in my throat unbearable. "Ah!" I yelled. "Why does my throat burn!" I yelled at Demitry. "Well. It's because you need blood." Demitry smiled, showing his fangs. "Blood? Why the heck would I need blo..." I stopped and looked at him. "You did, didn't you?" I asked. "Ya, I just told you I did." Demitry stood up. "You stupid!" I shouted as I ran at him. I pushed him down and he hit the ground hard. "How are you so strong?" Demitry asked laughing. "Why did you turn me into a vampire?" I asked annoyed at him. "Well, it wasn't on purpose. That night I was craving blood. Human blood." Demitry picked himself of the ground. "But if you knew that you might be craving human blood, then why invite me to meet you here?" I asked as I pulled the note out of my pocket. Demitry looked confused.
"But, I didn't invite you here." Demitry said as he brush himself off. "Yeah, ya did. Here's the note." I handed him the note. Demitry skimmed through the note. "Holy crap! This isn't from me! This note is from Victor! Crap!" Demitry grabbed me. "We gotta hide you." Demitry was holdng onto my arm. "Victor?" I asked myself. "Alex's friends told me about him." I thought to myself. Demitry dragged me through the graveyard, and out the back gate. "I have a secret place I can hide you at." Demitry told me. "Sure, like where? Six feet under?" I joked. "No. Its like a cave." Demitry said. "Oh great, I get to be a cave woman," Joking about it. "Would you be serious please," Demitry asked as we stopped infront of a cave-like entrance. Demitry let go of my arm and faced towards me. "This is where I spend most of my time," Demitry said with a smile. "Don't you have a home, and parents?" I asked him. "A home, yes. Parents, no." Demitry grabbed my hand and we walked into the cave together. "Why don't you have parents?" I asked him as we walked down a narrow path in the cave. "Well, I wasn't a vampire my whole life. I was human once." Demitry paused as we came across a door. Demitry opened the door and we walked in.
Crystals dangled from the cave roof, and hung to the walls. Demitry even had furniture in this place. "I was turned into a vampire at the age of four. Before I was turned into a vampire, the one who turned me had killed my parents." Demitry sat down on a black couch. "Oh. I'm sorry." I said as I stood infront of him. "Nah, it's ok. I barely knew them." Demitry smiled. "Oh." I said as I walk over to a one-seat couch. "So... How do you know Victor?" I asked. Demitry frowned when I said his name. Demitry stood up and balled his hands into a fist. Demitry faced the wall and gave it one hard punch. I got up and ran over to him. "What's wrong?" I asked. Demitry turned towards me. "That stupid vampire." Demitry said with a evil chuckle. I looked at Demitry. He was smiling, but looked as if it was an evil smile. "Victor's my master. The one who turned me into this." Demitry grabbed my shoulders. "Whatever you do, please don't let him get near you." Demitry's face was down, facing the cave floor. I pulled his face up. Demitry looked like he was in pain, and all his anger was building up inside. "I won't. I promise." I smiled. Demitry brought me into his arms, pulling me into a hug. I surrendered to him and hugged him back. "And if for some reason he captures you and he asks you to change into your other form..." Demitry stopped and sighed. "Please, don't let him capture you." I looked into Demitry's eyes. "We will work together to keep him away." Demitry let go of me. "Ok," I said. Demitry walked over to the black couch that he was sitting on earlier, and sat down. "Wait." I said. "Do you know that I'm the half wolf?" I asked. "Well, ya kinda. I could feel the wolf vibes coming from you." Demitry laid down on the couch. "Victor somehow found out that you were the half wolf, and wanted you to be at your most powerful state, so he made that fake note to make you come to the graveyard." Demitry looked at me. "And what state would that be?" I asked. "Half wolf-half vampire." Demitry was laying on his back but shifted to his side. "In legends or sayings, if the half wolf ever got bitten by a reborn vampire, like myself, and got turned into a half wolf-half vampire, then she would have unspeakable powers. She could kill the most powerful of vampires; Thierry and Sabian, they created the first vampires thousands of years ago and they keep peace between the vampires, humans, and others like shapeshifters and stuff. Only the great half wolf could kill them in her most powerful state." Demitry's eyes were closed. "If Thierry and Sabian died, the world would fall victim to the evil ones. The world would have no humans. No shapeshifter, and nothing else. Only vampires." Demitry opened his eyes and sat up. "Eventually the vampires would die off, and so would the world. But Victor doesn't see it that way. He wants to be the ruler of all, and destroy everything. Victor would keep you as his weapon in an unescapable room of some sort. He would threaten all powerful beings with your powers." Demitry walked over to be. I was crying, but I hadn't noticed it. I was in all sorts of fear. Demitry picked me up and opened a door to a separate room he had. He placed me on the bed. "You should get some sleep. I'll teach you how to fight and hunt tomorrow when your good and rested." Demitry left the room, closing the door behing him. I laid my head on the black pillow and covered up in the silky black covers. They felt like Leons wings. "Oh, no. I was supposed to meet the pack today." I whispered as I sat up. I heard a loud thud and then the room door opened.
Alex was standing in the doorway. I jumped up off the bed. "What did that stupid vampire do to you." Alex said softly. I was speechless. I didn't know what to say. I walked over to Alex. "Now you smell like one of them." Alex said as he frowned. Alex took my hand and we walked into the next room. Demitry was on the ground hissing at the wolves that were on top of him, holding him face down on the ground. A black wolf and a red wolf were holding him down. "Leon? Vince? What are you two doin' here." I asked. I heard something that sounded like paws on dirt, so I glanced over to the shadowy corner of the cave. Two wolves were lurking in the shadows of the cave. There was a grey wolf and a brown wolf. "They must be Dylan and Luke," I said as I walked over to the wolves holding Demitry down. "Please get off of him," I asked them. They looked at me, then at Alex. Alex nodded his head and the wolves got off. Demitry slowly got up. He had blood on his face. "Did you hurt him?" I asked in a low tone almost whispering. "Well, he wouldn't let us go to you, so we attacked him. But we only attacked him to get him on the ground." Dylan said to me by his mind as he trotted up to me. His fur brushed against my hand. It was really soft. I lifted my hand and brushed the back of his neck, pushing the fur on his neck backwards. "Soft isn't it," Dylan joked to me with his mind. "Ya, it is." I said to him. I scratched his head then walked over to Demitry. "Ok, so what now? Demitry asked. Alex glared at him. Finally Alex answered. "She has to meet the pack." Alex said to Demitry. "I'm comin' with ya'll." Demitry said. "You would get torn to pieces by the pack." Alex said with a smirk. "I can protect him." I told Alex. Alex looked kinda' disappointed when I told him that. "Fine, but if they attack you two, then I'm only protecting Ayden." Alex said as he stepped towards me. I gave Alex a smile. "Thanks for letting Demitry come." I told Alex through my mind. Alex gave a sigh. "Your welcome." Alex's mind told me. It's nice to be able to talk telepathiclly, I mean, it's nice not having to blurt stuff out in front of everyone and stuff.