Arcane Guardians

Chapter 7

The wolves headed out first, then Demitry, Alex, and I followed them out. I could tell it was still morning. There was dew still on the grass and on the ground, and above all it smelled like morning. I stretched my arms and yawned. "Well let's head to the wolf pack site." I said. Alex nodded his head at the wolves, then they started walking. We followed them through the forest full of beautiful trees and other beauties. "We will be entering our territory soon, so be careful." Alex told me and Demitry, well I could tell he was mostly talking to me. "Hey, Alex?" I asked. "Ya, what?" Alex answered. "Why is your pack in wolf form alot?" I asked him. Alex paused for a moment to gather his thoughts. "Well, us wolves are in our training state, so we have to be in wolf form alot for the special training we get, but we can turn into a human when we want to during training. Most or maybe all of us like to stay in wolf form because it's easier on our bodies." Alex smiled at me then continued on his way.
I spotted a couple of wolves hiding behind the trees, watching us. "They are the guard wolves for our territory, they let the pack know if any stranger comes through here." Alex told me. "Oh, that's cool." I said to Alex telepathically. "The resting site for our pack is just past these bushes and trees." Alex walked ahead of everyone, and was greeted by wolves. I heard bushes ruffling behind us. Wolves came from behind me and Demitry, walking towards Alex. Alex stood there for a moment then headed back our way. Ayden, you can come, but the blood sucker has to wait here. I looked at Demitry and he rolled his eyes. "Ok fine, but if I hear any trouble then I'll be the first one over there, ecspecially if Ayden is involved in it." Demitry said seriously. I smiled in Demitry's direction. I sighed, "Ok, let's get this over with," I said as Alex and I walked forward. "So, why do I have to meet the pack?" I asked Alex. "I don't really know, but I think it's to see if your real or not I guess?" Alex told me as we walked towards the center of the den area. I looked around at all the wolves, they were staring at me with their beautiful wolf eyes. Alex stopped when we were in the middle. Wolves were in a circle around us, sitting on their haunches, or laying in the dirt. I looked all around me and looked at the wolves. I was very nervous at this point, and I was kinda' shakey. When I faced forward I was greeted by a big grey male wolf, and a smaller tan female wolf. "They must be Andrew and Lily," I thought to myself. "Yes, your correct," A female voice said telepathically. "Huh?" I asked. "I'm Lily, and this is Andrew. We are the Alpha pair of this pack." Lily looked pleased with herself. I felt stupid for not knowing that. "It's nice to meet you." I said aloud. "You too," I heard in my head. It was Lily's voice. Andrew just stood there, gazing at me. "Andrew?" Alex asked. Andrew blinked his golden eyes and nodded once. "Nice to meet you." Andrew's voice was in my head now. Andrew and Lily sat on their haunches and continued to looked at me. All the wolves fur moved with each passing gust of wind, following it. "So." I said. I looked at Andrew. He was once again looking at me with his piercing gaze. I grabbed a strand of my hair and twisted it. I started playing with my hair because I was nervous and didn't know what to say next. I started thinking about Demitry, wondering what he was thinking about all this. I let out a silent sigh. "So, why am I here?" I finally asked over the silence. "Well." Lily said. Lily looked at Andrew. "You are here for special training. It's the our duty to train all pack members." Andrew said. "And to train the special wolves how to use their powers right." Andrew added. "Oh." I silently said to Andrew. Lily nodded at me. "So, let's get to training the half wolf." Lily said with delight. I looked at Alex. "Do they know about... umm... you know what?" I asked Alex. "Well, no." Alex said with a frown. Andrew stood up and took a step forward. "Do we know what?" Andrew said with a growl. "T-That I'm half w-wolf and vampire." I said stuttering. Andrew crouched down and snarled, baring his teeth at me. Lily also showing her teeth and growling. Andrew lept at me. All I saw was a quick flash of fur in front of my face, then I was pinned to the ground. Andrew was snapping at me, but I had put my arm up to hide my face from his teeth. Andrew put his full weight on my chest, and I heard a cracking sound. "Stop!" I said taking in painful breaths. "Andrew!" Alex yelled at his brother. Alex was about to run over and help, but Lily and a grey pack member had pinned him against a tree. "Ahh!" I shouted in pain as Andrew took his claws and slashed my arm. Blood came running down my arm and onto my face. Andrew lifted his paw once more, but before he could hurt me again he was slung off me and onto the hard ground. I tried to get up, but It was to painful to move so I just lifted my head. I saw Demitry punching at Andrew's chest, and ripping at his fur. "Ayden!" Alex yelled as he broke the wolves grasp on him. I saw a blurry Alex running towards me. "Ayden, are you ok?" Alex asked panting. Alex was out of breath. I looked over at the fight against Demitry and Andrew then back at Alex. "Please Ayden, hold on." Alex said as his skin melted away into nothing. Standing over me was an angel dressed in white, with angelic white wings. I smiled and heard a howl coming from this angel with fur. The sky faded into darkness, as did the world.
"Ayden, wake up," I slightly heard as I slowly opened my eyes. I grabbed my chest, still feeling pain inside of it. I tooked in slow easy breaths to try to ease the pain. "I healed your wounds as best as I could, but your ribs are still fractured." A male voice said beside me. Still grasping my chest I looked to see who had said that. Alex was sitting near me. He stood up and walked over to me, pulling me into a hug. "I'm sorry my brother hurt you." Alex said still hugging me. Alex pulled away. His cheeks were wet from tears. I slowly lifted my hand and wiped the tears away. I looked at Alex. "I thought I died." I said so soft that even I could hardly hear what I just said. A tear raced down my cheek onto my hand. I looked at my arm realizing the wounds from Andrew had disappeared. "Why would you think that?" Alex asked in a whisper. I wiped my eyes off. "I saw an angel," I said softly. Alex took my hand. "That was no angel." Alex looked into my eyes. "That was my wolf form." Alex said with a slight smile. I answered with a smile. I closed m eyes and rested my head on Alex's shoulder. Many thoughts raced through my mind, but the one that caught my attention was about Demitry. I jumped up from the grassy bed I was laying on. "Ahh!" I silently yelled in my head as I fell to the ground in pain. "Ayden! Don't get up," Alex said as he kneeled beside me. "B-But, what h-happened to Demitry." I asked painfuly. I lifted my head up to see his face. Alex's worried face turned into a kind of normal face. "Well, Demitry's fine. I don't think that my brother will be attacking you anymore with him around." Alex smiled. I tried to smile, but the pain was to bad for joy. "Here, let's get you back onto the grass bed." Alex said as he picked me up and laid me on the bed. "I'll go get Demitry if you want to see for yourself that he's fine." Alex said to me. I just nodded my head."Ok, I'll be back in a moment." Alex left through an opening about as tall as me and headed towards a big den-like place.