Arcane Guardians

Chapter 8

I tried sitting up but failed to do so. I finally gave up and just laid still. I looked around to see exactly where I was. It looked like a den, but like a room, sorta. I looked towards the opening Alex went through earlier and standing there was Andrew, in human form. I gasped. "Don't worry, he won't mess with you." Demitry entered the den-like room. A big smile replaced the horrified look on my face. "I taught that mutt a lesson." Demitry said smiling. Andrew growled under his breath. "If she lives, then the world shall fall into darkness and there will be nothing left." Andrew said with a growl. "That's why you have to train her. She's the most powerful of all creatures like us, so teach her how to use her powers, so that she may have a fighting chance against the evil one's in this world." Demitry paused and looked at Andrew. "I can't possibly train a creature of her kind," Andrew said with a snarl and disgust. "And it's your fault she's this thing!" Andrew yelled at Demitry. "You train her. Your the one who made her into this." Andrew snarled. "Well, I was going to but your mutt squad attacked me. If they stayed away for another day, then Ayden would at least have a day of training, and besides, we both have to train her." Demitry angrily said to Andrew. "And why would that be so?" Andrew silently growled at him. "She is half of your kind, and will need proper wolf training." Demitry said with a smile. Andrew looked at me. "I will never train..." Andrew was interupted by Alex walking in. "I'll do it." Alex said with a smile. "You shall not!" Andrew barked. "Yes I will." Alex's voice was over powering Andrew's. Andrew started growling louder, and louder. Andrew's skin melted away and fur appeared. Andrew stepped toward Alex with his teeth bared. "Please, not again," A female voice said aloud. A girl walked in. She had brownish-tan hair and blue eyes and looked to be about 18 years old. Andrew stepped back. "Thanks Lily." Alex said with a smile. "No problem," Lily said smiling also. "Lily?" I asked. "Yeah?" Lily said as she looked over at me. "It's nice to finally meet you in human form." I said to her as I held out my hand. Lily walked over to me and shook my hand happily- unlike her mate Andrew, he's to full of himself. "So, when will I be training?" I asked Lily trying to sit up. "When your wounds are healed all the way." Alex said before Lily could speak. Lily looked at Alex and sighed. "Don't you know your place yet Alex?" Lily said to him. "What? I thought I could tell her. She is one of the pack members now is she not. And I have a right to speak to all pack members since I'm a guardian wolf." Alex walked over to me and sat on the little space left on the grass bed I was on. "Ok, but don't make it a habit." Lily said that with a rough tone. Alex smiled when she said that. "Thanks," Alex told Lily. Alex looked over at me and grabbed my arm. "Let me check your arm." Alex said as he looked my arm over. He pressed his fingers where the wound was. "Does this hurt?" He asked. "No," I said softly as I shook my head. Demitry was watching Alex closely. Alex took his hands off my arm. "Well, your arm is completly healed." Alex said looking at my arm. "Guess you and me are gonna be training buddies." Demitry chuckled as he put his arm on Alex's shoulder. "No thanks." Alex said as he pushed Demitry's arm off his shoulder. "Are you two gonna be enemies still?" I asked. Demitry looked at Alex, and Alex looked at Demitry. It was like they were trying to solve the world's hardest question, but what I asked was the easiest question. "Ok, we might try to be friends," Demitry finally said breaking the silence. "Huh?" Alex said when he heard what Demitry said. "How can I be a friend of someone who hurt you Ayden, and turned you into a bloodsucker?" Alex asked angrily. "Well I'm only half vampire." I corrected him. "Half, whole? What's the difference!" Alex yelled. "I hate all bloodsuckers!" Alex yelled as he shoved Demitry. Demitry stood there looking at the angry Alex, knowing that fighting wouldn't help. "Even me?" I quietly asked under tears. "No!" Alex yelled at me. His outburst scared me and I jumped up. I painfully walked to the opening leading out. Alex knowing what hurt he caused me fell to his knees and buried his face in his hands. "I'm so sorry," Alex whispered as I left the den-like room. I put my arms around my chest and walked forward.
A fog had covered the forest surrounding me, but I just kept my head down and went where my feet took me. I lifted my head to the foggy sky. It was getting dark out here in the woods. I came upon an old oak tree and sat down, leaning against it. "Please, go away." I said to the voices in my head. Lily's and Andrew's voice wouldn't leave me be. "Would you be willing to take something to make them disappear?" A male voice said. The voice sounded like it came from inside the oak tree. I stood up and gathered my thoughts. "Who's there?" I asked in a weak tone. "Would you like some Lithium? Maybe something else to make those nasty voices go away?" The voice asked. "Please leave me alone." I said to the voice. Silence fell over the forest so I decided to lean against the tree again. "This place is beautiful." I thought to myself. "Yes you are." There the voice was again. I placed my hand on the tree to help myself up, but when I tried to take my hand off I couldn't. "Huh? Why is my hand stuck," I asked myself. "Don't struggle. You'll only hurt yourself." The voice chuckled. The voice was ghostly sounding and it frightened me. "Let go of my hand!" I yelled. "Don't be scared. It's not that scary to meet a total stranger that wants to kill you." The voice was getting closer. "What..." I paused. "Are y-you Victor?" I asked stuttering. "My, my. Why would I be him? I'm not even a vampire my dear." His chuckling was growing closer. I lifted my other hand and tried to break free, but it got stuck in the process. "I'm simply a human that knows a bit of magic." His face appeared out of the foggy distance. His coat was long and black. Around his waist he wore a belt with a gun on it, and had a small dagger attatched to his boot. His hair was brown and it came down to his shoulder. "Since you won't be knowing me long, then I might as well just tell you my name." He paused for the slightest moment. "My name is Sintry." He smiled. "And what might be your name?" He asked as he pulled his dagger out and placed it on my throat. "That's none of your concern!" Someone shouted from behind the vampire hunter. I knew that voice so I looked behind him and saw a black figure standing in the fog. Stepping forward through the fog was Alex. "Yeah. You have no right to mess with Ayden," Another voice said from behind Alex. Demitry stepped out of the fog so he could be seen. "Heh-heh." Sintry laughed. "A vampire and a wolf working together to save a vampire. Tell me wolf-boy, why save a vampire?" Sintry asked. "Have you no eyes?" Alex answered. Sintry looked confused, but shook the confusion off. "What do you mean by that?" Sintry asked as he looked at me. "She is the vampire-wolf," Alex said with an evil smile. I looked at Sintry's hand with the dagger. It was slowly leaving the presence of my throat. His face was whiter that Demitry's now- whiter than snow. "I'm sorry," Sintry begged. "Finally. Maybe he'll undo my hands now." I thought to myself, but that thought was ruined when Sintry raised his arm with his dagger in hand. His arm came racing down, but was immediatly stopped by Alex and Demitry. They grabbed the dagger from his hand and slung him to the ground. "If you wish to kill Ayden, then it will be your funeral, because if she dies, then you die." Alex barked at Sintry. "If she lives, then it's everybody's funeral!" Sintry yelled. "Then let it be." Alex said. "If Ayden is trained properly, then she can take the evil out of this world." Demitry interupted. Sintry struggled to free from their grasps, but failed. "Ok!" Sintry yelled from under Alex and Demitry. "I won't kill her... yet." Sintry said but whispering the last part. "What? I don't think I heard you correctly." Demitry said as he pushed Sintry's head into the dirt. "Ok! I won't kill her." Sintry said angrily. "Ok, good boy." Demitry joked. Alex let go of his Sintry's arms, and Demitry let of his head. "Umm..." I said to Sintry trying to move my arms. "Oh, ya. Sorry about that." Sintry moved his hands over in my direction and said something under his breath. My hands were freed from the tree, and I was glad about it. "Thanks," I whispered to him. I stood up quickly forgetting about my chest. "Ah!" I yelled in pain as I slipped back to the ground holding tightly onto my chest. "Ayden!" Alex and Demitry said in unison as they ran to where I was. "Let's get you back to the pack." Alex said as he picked me up and headed to the pack territory. "Is she ok?" Sintry asked confused. "Dude. Your asking how she is after you try to kill her? That's quite confusing." Demitry said to Sintry as he slapped him on the back. "Oh. Well. I guess it is." Sintry admitted. Sintry thought for a moment. "If she is gonna live, then she's going to need to know how to fight against magic, and I'm the perfect trainer for that." Sintry said stopping in front of Demitry. "Well... your kinda right, but how can we trust you?" Demitry asked as he pushed Sintry aside. "I could of killed her even if you two were there, but something told me not to, so I didn't." Sintry said catching up to Demitry. "We'll see." Demitry said.