Arcane Guardians

Chapter 9

"Thanks for saving me again," I said in a weak voice to Alex. "I owe it to you. For hurting you back at the den site. And plus, I will never let anyone hurt you." Alex moved my hair out of my face. "Thanks," I said with a smile. I leaned my head on his chest and and looked around. The fog looked like it was leaving because I could see the stars in the sky. "No problem," Alex answered back. I looked behind me to see that not only Demitry was coming, but Sintry was coming too. "I wonder why he's coming?" I asked myself. "He wants to train you," Alex told me. "How's he going to train me?" I asked Alex. I looked closely at Sintry and remembered that he does magic. "He's wants to teach you how to use magic, and how to fight against it. He thinks that if your going to live, then he has to train you to." Alex didn't like that idea to much. Alex just knows that Sintry's going to be a pain in the butt. "Well, when he's training me, will he try to kill me again?" I asked looking back at Alex. "I doubt he'll try that stunt again, but if he does, you know I will always be there for you." Alex smiled at me with a glimmer in his eyes. I appreciate that Alex will help be when I need it, but I got to work things out by myself sometimes too don't I? "We'll be back with the pack in a couple minutes." Alex was looking outward towards where his pack mates were.
The rest of the way there, Alex checked behind him to see if the two mortal enemies where playing nice- They were. Demitry would say something a few times to Sintry, and Sintry would answer, but mostly they were as quiet as could be. I kept my eyes forward, and my ears opened. Finally we reached the pack, and was greeted by several wolves. Sintry on the other hand got deadly glares, baring fangs and growling. I laughed silently at him. "Sintry, if ya don't wanna get eaten by the pack then I suggest you stay out of here until we get things settled down," Alex said. Sintry nodded his head, but before leaving he stuck his tongue at one of the wolves. It was Leon he stuck his tongue at. Leon looked over at Alex, to get some kind of approval. Alex nodded, and Leon ran after Sintry and bit his leg. "Ah! Get off of me stupid wolf," Sintry yelled as he tried to shake Leon off. Eventually Leon found biting his leg was no fun anymore, so he let go. "Learn to hold your tongue," Alex said to a limping Sintry. "Ya, sure, whatever." Sintry left and sat right at the edge of the den area on an old fallen tree. "That was kind of funny," Alex chuckled to me. "Yeah, he deserved it." I glanced over Alex's shoulder to see Sintry. He was looking at the bite marks on his leg. I put my attention to the den-room that Alex and I were headed to. "Get some rest when we get there," Alex said in a serious tone. "Ok, I'll try." I closed my eyes until we got there. Alex walked through the entrance, and over to the grass bed. Alex set me on the bed and took a step back. Demitry walked in moments later. "Sintry doesn't talk very much," Demitry said walking over to me. "Guess so," I said yawning. "Get some sleep now. Alex and I will leave so you can rest," Demitry said giving me a hug. "K," I said as the two of the disappeared outside. I looked around the room- it was pitch black. "Goodnight world," I said. My eyes fell shut, and my dreams were awakened.
"Hmm..." I said as I woke up. "Hi." Someone said. I quickly opened my eyes to find Sintry standing over me. "Ahhh!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Sintry fell backwards to the ground, hitting his head in the process. "Why can't you just say hi like everyone else?" Sintry asked as he sat up rubbing his head. My heart was racing from the surprise, but it calmed down when I saw that Sintry wasn't gonna kill me. Demitry and Alex raced in here as fast as they could. "What's wrong!?" They both said at the same time. Demitry ran over to Sintry and grabbed onto his coat collar. "What did you do?" Demitry demanded. "All I did was greet her when she woke up." Sintry said still rubbing his head. "Is that true?" Alex turned and asked me. "Yeah," I told them. "Why did you scream then?" Alex asked. "Umm... he kinda scared me when I woke up." I admitted to them. "Oh," Demitry said as he let go of Sintry's collar. Sintry got up and dusted himself off. "I already told you two that I wasn't going to kill her. I'm an honest person ya know," Sintry said. Sintry walked over to me. "If you get rid of the ones that want us dead, then I will even help protect you. But if you kill Thierry and Sabian, then I'll have to kill you." Sintry was standing beside me. "But I thought you killed all vampires?" I asked confused. "No. If we killed the most important vampires, then the world would end, and plus, we kill mostly the vampires that kill humans, but we can kill basicly any vampire-except Thierry and Sabian." Sintry looked at me. "Oh," I said in my mind, but Sintry saw that I understood. "Well, I'll be heading out soon, and I'll be ready to train you. When your ready for the training of a lifetime, then call for me. I'll be around in the territory." Sintry left, and went to who knows where. "That's the same for Alex and I. We'll be out here if ya need us, or if your ready for training." Demitry walked out of the den-room. Alex started walking out. "Oh, ya. I forgot to tell you, but... I went to your house and brought you some clothes to change into. They are over there in the corner," Alex said as he pointed to a dark corner in the left side of the den-room. "I hope it's ok that I went inside your house and your room." Alex looked sorry. "Ya, it's fine." I looked over in the corner and faintly saw a backpack. Alex left moments later.
I stood up and grabbed the backback in the corner. I opened it up and looked at the contents. Black skinny jeans, black and green plaid shirt, and a drink. "Thanks Alex," I said quietly. I grabbed the drink and opened it. I gulped it down, then threw the can back in the backpack. I walked back over to the bed with the backpack in my hand. I took out the skinnies, and changed into them. "My favorite skinnies." I said to myself, then changed into the shirt Alex brought me. I tossed the backpack in the corner and walked out. I looked around and the sun caught my eyes. "Bright sun." I said softly to myself. I glanced beside me. Alex was talking to Demitry and a couple of wolves. Demitry looked over at me and stood up. I walked over to him as he walked towards me. "So..." I said stopping infront of him. "I'll be training you today." Demitry smiled and took my hand. We walked by Alex. "Please be careful." Alex's voice said in my mind. I nodded, "Ok," I said back to him using my mind. "So, what are we going to do today?" I asked Demitry. "You'll see when we get there." Demitry's smile got a lot bigger. I looked forward and continued on my way.