Status: Writing

Against Peace

Chapter 1

My eyes flew open and I was gasping for air. I stared up to the night sky and had no idea who or where I was.

Getting up I noticed I was at a school and had my uniform on.

"excuse me..." I said to the girl crouching down with her back to me. She had long reddish black hair and also had a school uniform on.

"Do you remember how you died?" she asked boldly.

"What?" I raised an eyebrow, was this chick crazy?

"You don't remember?" she turned to face me. She had a nice looking face but cold eyes. "that's strange...My names Amy by the way"

"Where am I?" I asked. "What the...Is that a real gun?" She held a shotgun in her hands and was aiming at something.

"Welcome to the after life battlefront" she smirked like it was something funny to say. "where you cannot die"

I stared at her and she sighed. "You don't believe me..." she went back to her gun.

"what are you aiming at?" I asked. We were on a balcony of a building and she pointed to something below.

It was dark and foggy so I had to squint. I gasped when she pointed to a girl our age. She was walking around the building as if she was looking for something...or someone.

"Her names Angel...I'm glad you turned up" Amy smiled. "we really need another guy recruite on the Afterlife Battlefront."

"hey I never said that I'll join" I started to walk away from her. What the hell was up with this girl? Afterlife Battlefront?

'hey! where're you going?" Amy yelled at me.

"To see that girl and ask her where the hell I am" I shook my head and skipped down the stairs.

"She'll kill you!" she yelled again. "get back here!"

Once I got out of the building, or what looked like part of the school I rushed over to the so called 'Angel'. She turned around when she heard my footsteps and stared at me with a blank expression as I gasped for air.

The 'Angel' had long blonde hair and was beautiful.

"hey" I panted. I had ran down 4 stories. "theres a girl up there pointing a gun at you"

"I know" she nodded with a quiet and song like voice.

"And she called you an angel"

She looked confused and cocked her head to the side and said. "I'm not an angel..."

"thought so...where am I, where's the adults around here?"

"you're in the afterlife, you've died adult can help you" she didn't smile or show any sign that she was lying and it scared me. I can't be dead, no.

"prove it" I nearly yelled. I was freaking out and she noticed it.

Suddenly a small sword appeared in her hands and she lunged forwards...

...and stabbed me straight through the heart.

I gasped for air and I looked around. I was surrounded by kids my age in a room, but they were looking at Amy who was aying something.
I touched where the girl had stabbed me and gasped when there was no stab mark, just blood on the uniform. I really was in the after life.

"hey, the guys awake!" the short one standing above the couch that I was lying on said. Amy got up from her seat and walked over to me.

"I told you it was dangerous to go near her" she said.

"where is this place?" I looked around the room and to the sea of faces.

"this is our Afterlife hideout meeting area" she said in one breath. "these are the members, it'll be nice if you join us"

"We have people create weapons for us and we use them to get rid of Angel" the short one piped in.

"Don't worry, if you die you wake up a couple minutes later" A big guy behind me patted me on the shoulder. He handed me a new uniform and told me to change later.

"so what's your name new guy" Amy asked.

"um.. Kayne" I said trying hard to remember.

"Memory loss, eh" one of the guys came forward and put his arm around me. "don't worry, you'll get it back someday"

"hope so" I shrugged.

The door suddenly opened and a nother guy stood there holding a massive axe. "we are NOT recruiting him, he pissed you off Am-" A hammer twice his size came down from the cieling right besides him and knocked him out and flung him out the window.

"That idiot" Amy sighed.

"He forgot to say the password before her opened the door..." another girl smirked.

"Is that a automatic hammer?" I asked. The others nodded.

"Well, let's introduce ourselves!" Amy clapped. "I'm Amy, the leader of this group that's against the Angel and the guy next to you is Derek, the guy with the glasses is Greg, he might look smart but he's actually a idiot like the rest of us"

He said hi and went back to cleaning his glasses. Derek had blue dyed hair and he smiled alot.
"We call the short one Short-round and the big one is called Matsushita, he's a judo master" The judo guy nodded proudly.
"The one that flew out the window is Nate and these are our band members Kelly, Sam and Fey" The girls nodded and smiled. "Fey's the singer and guitarist also bass, and Kelly's on 2nd bass and Sam's on drums"
"The one in the corner is Shiina, she's from japan and doesn't speak much english and T.K doesn't either but he dances alot" Amy finished.

"hey buddy!" T.K started to dance.

"Everyone that comes to this world had an unfair life, Angel wants to get rid of us, and that's why we're fighting her" She held out her hand and smiled. "join , you'll have a great time"

I looked at her hand and to the kids in the room.

I sighed and held out mine and we shook our hands. "I'll join" I said.
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I bet your thinking "what the hell is going on??? well if you read on you'll find out :)