Status: On pause Writers Block sorry :/

Life Goes on, With or Without You

Let's get the show on the road

The summer was ending and we could all feel it; it didn’t matter what anyone said I was content the way things had turned out. My summer had everything I could have asked for and more. There was Landon, my boyfriend, we had been best friends since elementary school and still are. We had changed our status to couple the beginning of our junior year.

“May do you need help packing anything else?” My mom asked. My mom was happy that I was going to a good college but she was sad that I was going to be boarding there. I guess she couldn’t have everything she wanted.

“No mom just getting some last minute stuff,” I said as I grabbed my bag. I looked at my room one last time before walking out. I walked downstairs but for some reason it didn’t feel like I was leaving, it felt as if I was just going to be spending the night at a friend’s house.

“Remember if you need anything at all you call me right away okay. And if it doesn’t work out I’ll go get you right away” she was interrupted by the door.
I opened it and smiled. He immediately mirrored my smile and pulled me in for a hug.

“You weren’t going to leave without saying bye right?” Landon said jokingly

“You know I would wait for you” I said as I let him inside.

“Good afternoon Mrs. Milton” he said to my mom.

“See May why would you want to go far from Landon and me.” She said and I rolled my eyes jokingly. “Alright I’ll be in the den, tell me when Miranda gets here.”

“Alright, alright.” I said as I waved her away and sat on the couch with Landon.

“I thought Amanda was giving you a ride?” He asked

“She is I’m just tired of correcting my mom.” I said tracing the tattoo on his wrist. I still remember when he got it, I thought he was so dumb but sweet. It read Faith. Hope. May. He told me that instead of faith hope and love he put my name because I was his love. We sat there in silence just enjoying each other’s company.

“I can’t believe how fast time has gone by.” Landon sighed.

“Yeah…” I whispered as I leaned my head against his shoulder. He ran his fingers through my hair, I groaned, “you know that makes me sleepy.”

Then there was a knock at the door, I got up and opened it.

“What it do M-doggie doggie!” Amanda said pretending to be some hip gangster or something like that.

“Doggie doggie?” was all I could respond with

“Ok, so are you ready?” she asked

“Yeah, I just have two bags the rest was sent on the truck,” I said

“Alright well I’ll be in the car when you’re done saying your byes” she said walking towards her car.

I turned around to see Landon staring at me

“What?” I asked starting to feel a bit awkward

“I just want to have the perfect image of you in my head before you go.” He shrugged.

“You and my mom swear I’m going to be gone for years; you know I’m always going to visit.” I said

“You should call your mom and say bye” he said

“Right I’ll just go say bye to my mom so this might take two hours” I said and he just laughed
When I walked into the room my mom was checking her email and forwarding those dumb chain letters.

“Mom I told you, you need to stop sending those out its annoying.”

“Well I know but there’s always that chance.” She smiled

“Well Amanda’s here, so I just wanted to say bye before I go.” I said and she stood up from her chair.

“Okay,” she hugged me tightly, “Make sure you call me when you get there and don’t get to wrapped into college that you forget to call us. But don’t worry about us to much that it starts to affect your school work.”

I honestly think she could on and on but I just had to stop her.

“Mom I got it, now let me fly” I laughed

“Good luck May,” she said and I hugged her one more time before I left the den. I walked to the entry way to see Landon wearing my backpack and holding my other bag.

“Eager to see me leave,” I joked

“No just want to help out my lady,” he smirked.

“Well let me get the door my good sir,” I said as I opened the door and gestured for him to go.

Once I closed the trunk, we just stood there. It was going to be hard to be far from him but it wasn’t like we were breaking up or something. But it was still a sad moment of comforting silence. He took me into his arms and we stayed that way. I looked into his eyes, and he stared right back.

“May?” he whispered


“Promise you’ll be back soon,” he said

“Only if you promise to be here upon my return,” I replied

“Always.” He said and he leaned down and gave me a soft kiss. His lips lingered on mine and he whispered his last words to me, “I love you May”

“I love you too.” I said and we broke apart and I got into the car.

“Some man you got there huh?” Amanda joked

“Yeah,” I sighed

“So we got a two hour ride ahead of us… oh reach into my bag and get my I pod. I’ll let you be dj for today.” She said

“What!” I jokingly gasped, “Amanda is letting me be in charge of the music. The world must be ending or something”

“Shut up and put some music before I change my mind.”
I looked through her IPod she listened to some things I liked and some artists I’ve never even heard of…

“Ah at last!” I said pushing play to Fighting for nothing by Meg and Dia.

“I love this song” she said.

“Duh it’s on your IPod.”

“When I was younger I wish that I would have known better…” she sang along.

3 hours later

“Dude we’re lost just admit it,” I groaned

“I know we’re lost! Please be quiet you’re making me nervous.” She said frustrated

We had been driving for what seemed like forever and what made it worse was that we were on a one way highway. It also didn’t help that this highway had a lot of twists and turns, and did I mention it was on the mountain.

“Does your phone have any signal yet?” She asked

“Nope,” I said solemnly

“I swear to god, why does this,” she started but there was a loud bang and Amanda lost control of the car. Its often said that before you die you see your life flash before your eyes but in all honesty it happened too fast for me to even picture the best memory…
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello :)
If you notice any errors of any sort with spelling, grammar, or misuse of words please feel free to let me know.
Thank you,