Sequel: Infinite


Letter R.

I unlocked the door to Ronnie's apartment and called to to him, "Babe? Where are you?"

I heard him reply from his room, "In here!"

I dropped my bag onto the floor and hurried into his room, throwing myself onto his bed next to him. "How was your morning?" I questionde as he leaned in and kissed my lips.

"Alright. I missed you, though," he laughed, "I'm so whipped."

I rolled my eyes. "I have something to show you," I told him as I pulled my leg up so that I was almost sitting criss-cross. Ronnie eyed the bandage on my ankle.

"What the hell is that?" he questioned as he reached out and tried to poke it. I smacked his hand away roughly.

"Don't touch it!" I hissed, "It hurts!"

Ronnie looked confused as I pulled the bandage off, revealing an inch and a half black, upper case, letter 'R' on my ankle. "Is that real?" Ronnie questioned as he ran his finger over it, feeling it protruding from my skin.

I nodded, "Yup. I just went out and got it."

Ronnie looked to me, "You did this for me?"

I shook my head, "I did this for me, Ronnie. I want you in my life and I want people to know that you're mine. That's what this 'R' stands for, besides your name obviously."

I smiled to myself as Ronnie tangled his fingers in my hair and pulled me close to him. Our lips met softly and we kissed passionately. I stradled his lap, carefull of his healing leg, and wrapped my arms around his neck, tangling my fingers in his hair as well. Ronnie ran his tongue over my bottom lip, begging for entrance, but I pulled back just enough that our breath was mixing.

"A family friend invited us to lunch," I told him as he nipped on my bottom lip.

"I don't want to go," he said before pushing his lips to mine.

I pulled back again, "It means you could get on the good side of my father's friend," I replied, supressing that moan that was bubbling out of my throat.

When Ronnie realized that I wasn't backing down, he groaned. "Fine," he said, "We can go out to lunch with him."

"And his god-son," I added with a smile as I rolled off of him.

Ronnie glared, "Him too."

I smiled and kissed his lips lightly. "Then get dressed, we're going to a little cafe in about a half an hour."

Ronnie rolled his eyes but slid out of bed and flipped the t.v off. Ronnie's leg was healing nicely, he could walk now, but limped slightly when he put too much pressure on his left leg. He had to wear a cast that would support his weight, but he was happy to as long as it meant his own freedom.

Ronnie's car insurance covered his car and he had it sent to the shop to be repaired, causing the two of us to have to drive my car around, much to Ronnie's dismay. But other than Ronnie's leg and car, everything was good with him. Although he hadn't been back in the studio since the accident, because of his leg, the guys were keeping him on top of everything, even about my father, who seemed to be taking his anger out on Ronnie's bandmates by being short-tempered and seemingly uninterested in their album all of a sudden.

I decided that Ronnie and I should both talk to my father before Ronnie went back in there, just so that Ronnie didn't actually end up in the hospital again. We hadn't planned a day to ambush my father at home yet, but we knew we'd have to soon, before my father stopped claiming me as his daughter all together.

"There," Ronnie pulled me from my thoughts, "All dressed."

I glanced to the end of the hallway from my spot on the couch and smiled at his dressed and ready appearance. "Then lets go," I said, "You have to be as hungry as I am."
♠ ♠ ♠
Here's 24.
It's kind of just something to pass the time, but we should be getting back into the good stuff again soon.

Look at my newest story (another one?). It's called Heir Children and it's a Matt Sanders fanfiction. :) Another one. :P Check it out please!

And just so you guys know why updates have been a little slow; here's a list of the stories I'm writing:
In The Hands of a Monster - Matt Sanders
Paint Me An Image - Matt Sanders
Mystery Boy - Jacky Vincent (Guitarist of Falling In Reverse)
Jerimya Jude - Original Mystery
Brave The Storm and Embrace The Rain - Original Romance (On hold temporarily)