I Got a Gun the Other Day,It's Cute, Small, Fits Right In My Pocket


I rinsed the extra dirty blonde hair dye out of my short, straight hair. I resided a hotel room in Chicago for the night. I jumped from bus to bus for 6 hours straight. Putting a good deal of miles between my body and the dirty deed I had done.

I grabbed a white hotel towel, making sure that I had rinsed all the dye out so I was not to ruin their towel. I keep mind of all the small details. Nothing that may lead to future suspicion.

I wrapped my hair in the towel and twisted it so it was resting on top of my head. I expertly changed contacts. Now for the birthmarks. I dug threw my bag until I found my waterproof eyeliner. This stuff worked like a charm, it was fool proof. I placed a decent sized brown dot on my cheekbone. Then I pulled my shirt up, revealing my rock hard abs. I placed another on my hip. Random was the key to realistic.

I dug through my small black bag until I found my I.D. It still read Lilly Ferdinand. I sighed, remembering I would have to change it. It was a hard task, making a fake I.D. People say it's easy but all they use it for is to buy booze. No I use mine just like any other adult would use it.

I do not have a bank account. I do not have a credit card. Hell, I didn't even have checks. All of that would be changed every day if I did. There would be no point. My master pays for my needs, and I thank him greatly for that.

While pulling a black and white tank top over my head my cell started to go off. The song American Psycho was blaring at me. I loved the Misfits. I flipped open my phone.


"Did you complete the task Jess?"

"My name is not Jess, it is Sarah." I said blankly. I knew the drill, no emotion.

"Ah I have trained you well, Sarah."

"What's my next job?"

"Go to 324 Grove Street in the southern end of Chicago. There you will find a man named Henry Jackson. Bring him to a man dressed in black that will be waiting for you in the ally near a drugstore named Love Brothers. Take Jackson there and then leave the city as fast as you can. If there is anyone in the house, you know what to do." Then he was gone.

I snapped my phone shut. I hated to kill the innocent ones. However, a job is a job and there would be no way around it.

I finished up in my hotel room and checked out. There would be no use to come back. I carried my one black duffle bag. It was small for a duffle bag. I needed few things. I jumped onto a bus and paid the driver.

Why do people on buses always look so morbid? They never smile, always a sad or content face. It was silent, not even a baby's cry could be heard. I felt eyes on me. It was like they knew what I was up to.

"Jess we know your secret. We know what you are up to. It is a bad idea Jess. We are going to all die and it will be your fault. It would be your fault Jess."

My heart was beating a million miles per hour, I heard their voices but no lips moved. Only their poor forlorn eyes. Their eyes drove me crazy. Starring me down, making me feel small.

Call me crazy and I would laugh at you. Call me a liar and you will never know what it feels like to have the weight of the world on your shoulders. To have the guilt of thousands of people be absorbed into your soul. You will never know what it's like to be me.

I crept up to the front door. Holding my pistol so tight, my knuckles were a deathly white. My heart was beating so hard I could barley hear the chatter on the other side.

I took a deep breath. I heard the voice of a woman and several small children. I closed my eyes, did I really have to murder the innocent? Why couldn't we just flash their memory and everything would be fine. No wait we can't because no body has invented one that worked well enough.

I kicked the wooden door open while I pulled over my hood, "Get on the ground all of you." I screamed.

Five eyes starred wide eyed at me. Fear flecked each one of them.

"Henry Jackson, come with me." I twitched my black pistol to the side, motioning him to come. He slowly and shakily rose to his feet. He was a slightly chubby man with facial hair that resembled a chinstrap. He was balding a bit up top and had ape like arms. He looked buff but I was gladiator tough. I could bench 250 pounds. Sound impossible yet? I am just a figment of your imagination.

My patience was wearing thin, so I grabbed him around his thick wrist and twisted it behind him. I stuck the end of my gun into the small of his back. There would be no killing tonight, not from me.

"Stop," another man's voice called. I snapped my attention to him. The man charged me.


He was out like a light. The woman at the table started to cry, as so did the two small children. They were so young, so fragile. I shook my head to clear it and pushed Henry Jackson out the door, scooping up my black bag as I did so.

"Who are you and where are you taking me?" my capture asked. His voice was shaky, not sure if I was going to paralyze him from the waist down or not.

"My name does not matter to you; your outcome does not matter to me." I said in a husky voice.

He tried to wiggle free as we turned the corner by Love Brothers. The streets were deserted and the shop was closed. My master was very intelligent.

"Here," a deep voice called to me from the dark ally way. I pushed Henry into the darkness and entered myself. What did I have to fear?

"You are dismissed," the voice said to me. I could barley make out what the voice looked like. All I saw was the dim glow of his cigarette and one golden tooth.

I did what I was told, and ran.
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Comments make me write =)

Feedback much appreciated
love and hate both

xoxo marii