I Got a Gun the Other Day,It's Cute, Small, Fits Right In My Pocket

Four Days

I gently massaged my achy mussels as I sat in a small café in an unmarked town. I slept a sleepless night in a crack motel.

"More coffee Miss?" a young waitress of about the age of 17 asked.

I smiled and nodded as she poured the black liquid into my mug. I took a sip and placed it back onto the wooden table set for one. The table is always set for one. Solitude is my life; the closes thing to love is my master. Only a mad man would call that love. I have no feeling. No Love, No regret, no heartache. I walk the world like a robot, a killing machine.

I pulled my still blonde hair back off my face. There was no reason to change my appearance. I wore a hood over my head; there was no view of my face.

I took another sip from my drink and a bite of my toast. Then patting my face carefully with a paper napkin. I made my decision to stay here for a while, or at least until my next mission.

The bell rang singling another costumer to the hole in the wall café. I turned my attention to a young man, about the age of 23. He had slick brown hair and a tall, muscular frame. He was attractive with his piercing blue eyes. He looked in my direction and I smiled. Sure, I couldn't love but I could flirt all I wanted.

I gave the man a look that was very inviting and he took a seat at my table set for one.

"Hi," the man smiled and extended his hand, "I'm Josh."

I smirked and took his hand, "I'm Sarah." Lying was too easy for my tongue.

The same waitress who waited on me before smiled and took 'Josh's' order.

"I haven't seen you around this hick town, what brings you here?" His voice was seductive to my ears but I knew he was just making small talk.

"It had to be the mystery of this place." I continued to smirk, never taking my eyes off him as I took a sip of my coffee.

He slightly furrowed his eyebrows, "mystery?"

I eyed him, "Any new place is mysterious if you have not been there." I said simply finishing off my toast. I got up and took out my money for my food. Josh had a slightly bewildered look on his face.

"Let me get that," he softly placed a hand on mine to make me discontinue my movement.

I looked up and smiled at him. The words, "I want to get lucky" ran through his eyes. I can read people like books. I smirked and slowly pulled his hand away from his. Josh seemed satisfied and handed over the appropriate amount of money.

"Can I walk you to the place that you are staying?"

"I don't know, can you?" Oh, I am such a smart ass.

Josh found it amusing though. "Ok, may I walk you to the place you are staying?"

I flipped my hair, "If you would like."

We walked in silence, down the cracked sidewalk, passed the supermarket and gas station. It was not long until we found ourselves standing in front of my motel.

"Can I call you sometime?" Josh said in a low, hushed voice.

"No." I stated and walked though the door of the motel. I closed it behind me and bolted it. He was a nice enough person, not nice enough to blow my cover.


It has been four days. My cell has been deathly silent those four days. The motel room has been my home for those four days. One pack of cigarettes have found their way to my lips and down my throat. I have been on my toes for those four days. Anxious for my life to start back up.

Sadly, it did not.

Four days never felt so long. Four days never felt so lonely.

I've never stayed in one town ever. Never one time in my life. My parents were on the movie with me. Jumping between states and countries. But, they are gone now and I took up their lifestyle, their lifestyle of lies and violence.

There was a crack of a gun shot in the distance. My eyes shot open and strapped my pistol to my leg.

This night may become more interesting then I thought…
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sorry that this one is so short XD
i'm grounded so I can't really get any typing time in.

comments are the fucking sex =)