I Got a Gun the Other Day,It's Cute, Small, Fits Right In My Pocket


The shot was like a great crack of thunder, enough to cover the sky in a thick gray blanket. It was loud enough to rattle the very marrow in your bones. It was a terrible feeling but one I knew and felt too often. I caressed my small pistol as I rushed up the street to where I thought I heard the shot. I paced down the empty street, why is this damn town always so empty?

It had an eerie tone to it. Like someone whispering in your ear, "If you come here, you come here to die." It was the cold wind blowing down your back as you stood in the road. The place where the sun never shines as bright. The place where the only bright place was a little café. A little café that goes by the name of "Las Flores". The very café where I spent my first morning in, the place where I met a man named Josh, then ditched him for my identity.

I smelt something familiar and horrible in the air. A smell only a mass murder could identify. The crimson liquid ran like a stream in the street, creating a small puddle around my shoe. My eyes fallowed the steady stream to a body with a dagger stuck in it. Crouched above the lifeless human was a cloaked man. His eyes drilled into me, I felt like he just created two perfectly round holes in my body.

I dashed by him. He was not the source of the sound. Then my bones rattled and ears bled. The sound echoed again. It did not sound like any gun shot that you have ever heard. This one was so horrible that even a killer would couch in a corner and cry from the pain and sorrow. No this sound was like one of a gun but the cry of pain from a small child. Just try to imagine it.

I sprinted to where I was positive where the sound came from. I rounded a corner and there stood a man with a golden weapon in his hand. A weapon of which I did not know the name of, or even seen before. Across from the gruesome man was a brick wall, naturally red and dusty. Only this wall was splattered with the same crimson substance. At the bottom was a woman, leaned messily against it. Her eyes starred straight forward and mouth was hanging open.

Then I saw it, the golden tooth. I took a step back, gripping my pistol so hard that I was sure my bones would start to poke out. The man with the golden tooth took a step closer.

"Drop your weapon," he said in a relaxed tone.

"How do you know I have one?"

The man chuckled, "All hit men have weapons, I know cause I take them out."

My eyes widened, I thought he was on my team. My master told me to send the guy to him, what did he do?

"You're thinking what did I do to the guy you sent to me one week ago today. I was hungry..."

Cannibal! I ducked out of his sight before you could say, "where did you go?"

My heart beat at a million miles per hour. thatman thing ate the man that my master made me take out. I started to shiver all over. I shivered not because I was cold, but out of fear that my own flesh was going to be next.

Most people would love to have ne drop dead right here right now. But I would rather keep my life. Sure it's not all roses and puppies but it's my life and I choose to live by it.

"Come out come out wherever you are. You can't hid for ever, Jess"

My heart was like a jackrabbit. I had to escape somehow. I cocked my gun and shot it, than I ran. I ran as fast as I could to my motel and I was getting out of here. This town was hell on earth and I was certain to escape it.

I was doing dizzy and my legs started to slow. The last image I had was two men in black suits coming towards me.

My body felt like it was on fire. Every inch of it was prickly and I just wanted to die. The pain was so unbearable.

Than I blacked out and all noises ceased.
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I'm sorry that it's so short but i don't know how to make it any longer without killing the next chapter

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