I Got a Gun the Other Day,It's Cute, Small, Fits Right In My Pocket

The Untitled City

I cowered under the voice and continued to bite at the rope.

“I what good would that do Jessica?” the voice asked, now closer than ever. I swung my head around, searching for contact, turning up empty. The empty air made my senses spin and lose control.

The voice had a booming laugh.

I gritted my teeth; I could feel the cold shiver that bounced up and down my spine. I strong, sweaty hand grabbed the back of the chair. Pulling it upright, bringing me with it. The back of my head smacked the wooden chair.

“I’m going to bring you somewhere Jessica,” The voice said. I felt my chair move, but no footsteps. I started to wiggle again, kicking my legs around.

“You know that won’t do any good.”

A sudden blast of heat scorched my skin. I could feel my hair sticking to the back of my neck and cheek bones.

“Here Jessica, we’re here, isn’t it a glorious site?”

I squinted into the now extremely bright, burnt orange light. My heaving lungs were being filled with a smog, and the stench was horrendous. All around us, the voice and I, where orange tinted buildings. It was like looking at an old photograph from your grandmother’s photo album. I just couldn’t wrap my mind around the sight.

“I’m most proud of this, Jessica,” the voice said. “You see, do you remember the golden weapon you saw when we first encountered? That was made right here in these factories.”
I remembered it well; it was the one thing that made my life flash before my eyes. I’ve never had that experience until today, twice.

“Why am I here?” I heard my voice whisper between chapped lips.

“Jessica, my dear Jessica, a man gets lonely observing a large plant without a woman to stand to his right. “

My mind went blank

“What does that have to do with me?”

The laugh entered my ears again.

“Don’t you see? I chose you Jessica. I find you quite fascinating, the life you lived. Just imagine our new lives, you and me, with little ones running around our ankles. It’s splendid really.”

With his last word, the rope snapped from adound my wrists. In one fluid motion I was free from the chair and at a door. I ran and ran, through the dark room and to the one glimpse of light I could see at the end of the never ending room.

The voice was yelling for me behind me, he was losing ground swiftly.

“Jessica! Oh Jessica! Why are you doing this to me? Jessica…” the voice was now only a whisper as I hit the meddle wall with my shoulder. I felt it creek and squeal. I slammed it again and it whined. I slammed it again, the wall gave in and a rush of fresh air and light blinded and suffocated me. I shielded my eyes and I ran blindly in the light.

I hear the voice again, “Jessica, I love you.”
I shook my head while I ran. The first open building I ducked into, it was a small mini mart. I ran breathlessly to the clerk.

“I need to use your phone,” I exhaled. The clerk turned around and I screamed. Roaches spilled out of his nose and his jaw hung open.

I bolted out of there as fast as I could. This town I was in had a sepia feel. I took a millisecond to reset my internal compass. I was lost in a maze of a strange city. I slowed to a walk, trying to figure out a way out. There was ally after ally; with each ally way a horrible feeling over powered the back of my neck.

I looked down at my attire. I was dressed in only my under garments. I huffed as I realized how chilly the air now felt. I wrapped my arms around myself. The sun was going down, fast. The common knowledge of when the sun goes down and you’re alone in a city dresses in only a bra in panties would alarm any woman. I shivered at the sheer thought of what could happen.

“Psst,” a voice said, I didn’t want to look but I couldn’t fight my curiosity. It was an older woman, maybe around the age of 74. I looked at her blankly and she rolled her eyes and beckoned me over. I felt my body take me to her, even though my brain yelled at me not to.

“Come in, quickly,” I obeyed as she buzzed me in.

I heard her rush down the stairs with an old bath robe, “here dear, put this on you must be freezing. I’m Georgina by the way,” she smiled kindly at me.

I forced a smile, it was harder than usual, and my lips forgot how to smile.

“What’s your name?” She inquired, sitting me down in a kitchen chair in a kitchenette room.
“Jess.” I whispered.

She handed me a cup of hot liquid. My insides smiled at the smell, I let it past my lips and it hit my stomach.

“What on God’s good earth are you walking around like a lost puppy in your underwear?”
I sighed, “I don’t know.”

She gave me a grandmother smile and placed a hand on my forearm, “where do you live?”
I shrugged, “no where really, I’m nomadic.”

“What a shame, you are free to stay here until you get yourself on your feet.”

“Thank you.”

“Don’t you worry about it honey.”
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i'm sorry i havent updated in so long, i guess i had a major case of writer's block.
well the good news is that i have an idea for the story and i should be continuing with it =)
comments are wonderful.
love you all,