‹ Prequel: This City, So Pretty
Status: Updating slowly but surly. I'm on vacation for the whole summer so updating will be slow until a little after July 28

The Cave

The Bar

(May 21, 2016 8:00am) 6 years later

„Get up Gasfart!“
I opened my eyes to see a smiling Cole in my room. I pulled my blanket over my eyes.
„Go away.“ I said.
„Your brother's gonna be here soon.“
„Soon!“ He said really slow. I sighed.
„I'll be out in a few.“ He left my room and i walked into my bathroom.

Let me get you caught up on what's been going on. It's been six years since you've last heard from me. Long time huh? I'm 21 now, official for everything. Neil and i broke up about 6 months after getting together. I've dated since them, now being single. I haven't found the right one yet.
Anyway, for the next year after Warped Tour 2011, my band made a CD and went on a world wide tour. After that, we were the next big hit. We changed our sound also, probably the best thing we have done. Instead of that „Anti-Flag“ sound, we sound more like „Mumford and Sons“ and „The Decemberists.“
Because of our sound change, we became huge hits. Top of the charts. Mostly in England, my homeland. We made a lot from our first record. More than we expected.
We all live in New York. Joey now lives in a nice 3 bedroom condo with his girlfriend Hayley and his two dogs Octavian and Bella. Jason lives in a loft. And Cole lives with me in our 2 bedroom loft. My best friend Micah couldn't stand being away from me so he lives in the same apartment building as Cole and I one floor down.

„Hey!“ My brother Alex smiled, hugging me as i walked in the living room. It's been a long time since i last seen him. He's been on tour and so has my band.
„Hi Alex.“ I smiled.
„How's tour been?“ He asked. Cole went to make us all coffee.
„Good, very exciting. You?“
„Great, great.“ He smiled. „Man, you're growing up so fast. I feel so old.“
„Well you are 27.“ I laughed. He pointed his finger at me.
„Watch it little girl, I can still beat your ass. And I still look 21.“
That was shockingly true. How he managed to look the same all these years i don't know. He looks the same like he did when he was 23. No joke. I looked different though. My blonde hair came back and this time i decided not to dye it. I haven't grown though. I'm still 5'3.
„Here's the coffee.“ Cole said, handing it to Alex and I.
„So, meet any guys?“ Alex asked me.
„A few, none of the right ones.“ I smiled.
„What type are you looking for? M.Shadows or Ben Burnley?“ He smiled. I had a weird like interest in guys. I liked guys with muscle and that bad boy look, but i also liked those nerdy gamer guys who are sweet, cute, and sensitive.
„I don' know.“ I laughed.
„You're young, you'll find true love someday.“ He said, kicking off his shoes and sitting back on the recliner.
I sure hope so. My last boyfriend was cute, funny, and adorable. But, he was too controlling. If it wasn't for that, i would be with him right now. Neil and I worked out good. We only broke up because i was going on tour. He said he couldn't date anyone on the road. We're still good friends. Which is a relief because those guys are all my best friends.
„Hello.“ Alex smiled, waving his hand in my face.
„What.“ I said.
„Spacey! I said we should hit the bars tonight.“
„Great idea bro.“ I smiled. Cole and Joey couldn't go because they already made plans. But Micah, Jason, Alex, and I were going.
„Ready?“ Alex asked.
I finished up my eye liner and went into the living room. Alex was wearing a GK tee with skinny jeans. I had on a cute tank, shorts, and chucks. My hair looked awesome and so did my make up.
„Let's go.“ I said.
We walked out of my apartment building to see Micah and Jason standing in the parking lot. We were gonna walk because we were only about 10 minutes from some good bars in New York.
(3 hours later)
„Go talk to him sis.“ Alex smiled.
Alex, Micah, Jason, and I were all sitting a booth. Some guy has been shyly glancing at me since i sat down. I wasn't going to let this pass because he reminded me a lot like Ben Burnley from Breaking Benjamin. I always fell for guys like him since i started listening to them. I got up and went to the bar where he was sitting. I asked the bar tender for a () and sat beside him. I looked at him and smiled.
„Hi.“ I said.
„Hey.“ He said nervously.
„So, I noticed you keep glancing over at me.“
„Sorry. I do that when i see a really pretty girl.“ He said, looking at his beer. I smiled.
„I'm Natalie.“ I said, extending my hand. He shook it.
„I'm Ben.“ He smiled.
Whoa, this was weird. I want a guy who looks like Ben Burnley, and this guy has the same first name and looks like him, weird. The bar tender placed my drink in front of me. I threw down some money.
„So, Ben, are you from New York?“ I asked.
„No, I'm visiting some friends and family. I live in Pennsylvania.“ He said. I nodded.
For what seemed like forever, we talked. About anything and everything. At around 2 in the morning, Alex wanted to leave. Ben and i exchanged numbers and we all went to my apartment to crash.