‹ Prequel: This City, So Pretty
Status: Updating slowly but surly. I'm on vacation for the whole summer so updating will be slow until a little after July 28

The Cave

The Date

(May 22, 2016 12:00pm)
„So, tell us about that guy.“ Jason said.
„Well, his name is Ben.“ I started. „He's just visiting some family here in New York. He's from Pennsylvania, he plays a few instruments. Which i thought was awesome. He's very funny. He mentioned that he liked to play some video games every now and again. He's 26.“ I ended.
„You guys were talking for an hour, and that's all the guy told you?“ Jason asked.
„Well, we talked about other stuff, but i was drunk.“ I said. They laughed.
„That guy fits your dream guy list. Cute, plays an instrument, funny, and coinidentally has the same first name as Ben Burnley.“ Cole said.
„I know, it's weird. It's like god gave me the closest thing to Ben.“ I smiled.
„Are you gonna call him?“ Alex asked.
„Not today! I have to wait a couple days.“ I said.
„Oh that's bull shit. You can call whenever.“ Jason asked.
„I'll wait a little.“ I said.
(4 hours later)
„Guys! He's calling!“ I yelled. They all stopped talking.
„Hello? Oh hey. Yeah. I did too. Really? That would be cool. Ok. See ya later. Bye.“ I looked up a smiled like an idiot.
„He just asked me out on a date!“ I squelled.
„Good for you Nat.“ Cole smiled.
„I gotta go start getting ready. He'll be here in an hour and a half.“ I said getting up and going to my room.
„Nat!“ I heard Cole yell.
I came out from my room to see Ben standing in the doorway. My god. I didn't realize how tall he was. When i met him, he was sitting down. He had to be well over 6 feet. I smiled.
„Ready?“ He asked. I nodded. I said bye to Cole and Alex and Ben and i left.
„You have a really nice place.“ He said.
„Oh thank you.“ I smiled.
We got into his car, a hummer h3, and he drove me to a nice little pizza place. We got out and went inside. We took a seat at a booth and or we ordered what we wanted. I got a deep dish pepperoni and onion single slice and he got a meat lovers single slice.
While eating, we talked a lot. I learned that he is currently taking a break from work. He didn't say what he did though. I told him that i was in a band.
„Must be a very successful one to live where you do.“ He laughed.
„Yeah, we released our second studio album about 5 months ago, we've been touring like crazy.“ I said.
„Who have you toured with?“ He asked.
„Well, our first tour ever was Warped. Back in 2011.“ I said. He nodded. „Then we toured for a year around the world. We played Coachella 2012 with our good friends Mumford and Sons and Phenoix. In 2014 we toured with Blink 182 and Green Day. And last year we toured with Angels and Airwaves, Apocalyptica, The Black Keys, and Middle Class Rut.“
„Wow, so you've been busy these past few years.“ He said. I nodded.
„Oh yeah.“ We finished our food and got back in his car.
„Have you heard of a band called Breaking Benjamin?“ He asked.
„Yeah, they're great. Why?“ I asked.
„I'm Benjamin.“ He said. I stared at him, shocked for a few seconds.
„I knew it.“ I said.
„Really?“ He asked.
„I had a feeling.“ I told him.
„And you didn't freak out.“ He said.
„I'm not like that. I mean, i'm in a band too so i don't freak out over other famous people.“ I said.
„That's a relief.“ He said. We then pulled in front of my apartment.
„I'll walk you up.“ He said, getting out with me. We got up to the fourth floor.
„Thanks for tonight. I had a great time.“ I said.
„Me too, call me some time. I'll be in New York for a couple more weeks.“ He said, giving me a hug. He then went back to the elevator. Such a gentleman. I opened my door to see Cole wearing a robe and sitting on the couch with my brother watching TV.
„What's up hue hefner.“ I smiled.
„Oh ha ha.“ He said in a mono tone voice. „How was the date?“
„Well, i found out something.“ I said.
„You know how i wanted someone just like Ben Burnley?“
„Well, turns out, that was Ben Burnley.“ Cole's eyes got really wide and his jaw dropped.
„What?“ He said.
„What?!“ My brother asked.
„Yep. It was.“ I said.
„Holy shit!“ He smiled. „That is too weird.“
„I know. My life is just too great.“ I said.
„Just think of it Nat, you are now in a very successful band, you live in your dream town, and now you've met the guy of your dreams. The one you have fancyed since you started listening to Breaking Benjamin.“ He said.
„Isn't it weird how things work out bro.“ I said.
„You got that right.“
„Well, I'm gonna head to bed. See ya in the morning.“ I said, going to my room.