‹ Prequel: This City, So Pretty
Status: Updating slowly but surly. I'm on vacation for the whole summer so updating will be slow until a little after July 28

The Cave

Jack and Rian

(June 5, 2016 2:00pm)

„You know, i just met you like 2 weeks ago, and i feel like i've known you for most of my life.“ Ben said. We were at Starbucks.
„Really?“ I asked. He nodded.
„Some people just connect like that.“ I said.
„Maybe this was meant to happen.“ He said.
„Us meeting?“ I asked.
„I'm sure glad we did.“ I said. He smiled.
„I just wish i didn't have to go back home tomorrow.“ He said. He was flying back to Pennsylvania.
„We can still talk and stuff. Do you have any social networks?“ I asked.
„I have a skype, MSN, and Twitter.“ He said. He wrote down all his names and handed them to me.
„Wait, you said you had xbox live right?“ I asked.
„What's your gamer tag? I have xbox live too.“ I said.
„killemloud.“ He said.
I wrote it down. After about 15 minutes, he had to go back to his Aunts house where he had been staying to gather up some of his things. I walked back home, seeing as i only lived about 10 minutes walking distance from where we were. I walked into my apartment, only to be tackled to the floor.
„Jack!“ I yelled.
„How did you know!? I came out of nowhere.“ He said, helping me up.
„Because you always tackle me.“ I smiled, hugging him.
„How have you been kid?“ He asked.
„Great. I met the guy of my dreams, literally.“
„Ben...uh whatever his last name is?“ He asked. I laughed.
„Yes, we've been on a couple dates.“ I said.
„Congradulations. That's great.“ He smiled.
„Is my brother here?“ I asked, putting my purse on the kitchen counter.
„No, but Rian is.“ He said. I squelled and ran into the living room. I jumped on Rian's lap. He huffed, then wrapped his arms around me.
„Hey girlie.“ He smiled.
„Hi Ri! I missed you so much.“ I said.
„Me too.“
„Rian, she met Ben.“ Jack said.
„Ben who?“ He asked.
„Ben Burnley, from Breaking Benjamin.“ I said.
„Isn't that the guy you fantisize over?“ Rian asked. I nodded.
„We've been on some dates.“ I said.
„You're dating him?!“ He asked, shocked.
„Well, we're not official.“ I said.
„Wow, how lucky are you.“ He smiled.
„I know. So, how have you been?“ I asked him. Him and Jack went on to tell me what i've been missing in LA and Baltimore.

„Do you guys have any tour dates planned for this year?“ Rian asked.
„No, we're suppose to be getting in the studio pretty soon.“ I told him.
„Third album.“ Jack said. I nodded.
„It's going to be called 'Colder Than My Heart, If You Can Imagine.“ Cole said. I nodded.
„That's awesome.“ Rian smiled.
„We're going to mess with different tunings for this one.“ I said.
„Yeah, it's going to be our best yet.“ Cole said.
„What recording studio are you gonna be at?“ Jack asked.
„Somewhere in LA. They have this house in the hills for us to stay in while we are recording.“ I said.
„Cool. Yeah, that's how it was for us until we just got our own apartment.“ Jack said.
Rian and Jack stayed a while longer because we started watching 'The Orphan' on TV. After the movie, they left because they were suppose to go to a friend of their's show downtown.
„You guys should come down with us. These guys are really good.“ Rian said.
„You want to?“ Cole asked me.
„Sure.“ I smiled. We left and got in Rian and Jack's rental car, heading downtown.
„They're are having a CD release party.“ Jack said as we got out. We went through a side enterance and went straight backstage where the band was.
„Hey.“ Some guys said, hugging Jack and Rian.
„Hey, these are some friends of ours. Nat and Cole.“ Rian said.
„Yeah, i know. Your band is amazing.“ The guy with blonde hair said.
„Oh thank you.“ I smiled.
We talked for a few before they went on. They were really cool guys. They soon went on stage and they were amazing. Really good. After their set, we hung out.
„It was really nice meeting you guys.“ The lead singer said to Cole and I.
„You too. You guys are really good.“ Cole said.
We let Rian and Jack stay at our apartment for a few nights until they're flight back to Baltimore.