‹ Prequel: This City, So Pretty
Status: Updating slowly but surly. I'm on vacation for the whole summer so updating will be slow until a little after July 28

The Cave

The Studio

(June 20, 2016 3:00pm)

„Did you get that?“ Cole asked. Joey, Jason, Cole, and I were in the studio in LA recording our new album.
„Yeah, go ahead to the next part.“ Our porducer said.
We've been in LA for about a week now and are wrapping up on our first song called, 'Make Them Believe.'
„Guys, go get something to eat while i get everything set up for the next couple songs.“ Our producer said.
„We'll bring you back something.“ Joey said.
We got in Joey's car and went to In N' Out. We got 5 burgers, fries, and drinks and took them back to the studio. We sat and ate and prepared for our next song called, 'Down By The River.' We had 2 acoustic guitars, a banjo, a harmonica, 3 back up singers, a lead singer, a chello, and a violin all in the song. We all picked up different instruments over the years, making it possible to get the sound we wanted.
For this album, the network wants us to record some behind the scenes stuff for our upcoming DVD about our third studio album. We had a camera crew in the studio with us recording certain things for the movie. Also when we go on our next tour, they were going to make a concert/behind the scenes movie out of it. Kind of like 'Bullet In A Bible' by Green Day.
Cole recorded the harmonica while i did lead guitar and joey did rythem guitar. After a few mess ups, we flew threw it. Jason then got on the chello while i recorded violin. Then cole did lead vocals while Joey, Jason, and i did back up. It was about 1 in the morning by the time we finished the song.
We drove back to our house up in the hills. It was really nice. Big four bedroom home with a view of the Hollywood sign. The camera crew was going to come to the home in the morning to start recording again.
„I can already tell this album is going to be amazing.“ Cole said as we walked in the home.
„This year is going to be our year guys. We are doing so much.“ Joey said.
„It's amazing to look back and see how much we have accomplished in so little time. It seems like just yesterday we were playing coffee shops in Baltimore, now we're recording our third studio album, making two DVD's, and going on tour.“ Jason said.
„I'm so happy to be in a band with you guys and not some stuck up glam rockers.“ Joey said, putting his arms around us, pulling us into a group hug.
„Mushy.“ Cole said. We laughed.
„I love you guys.“ Joey said.
„Yeah, me too.“ I said.
After our little 'hug it out' session, we went to our rooms, calling it a night.