Good Life

Someday I Will Understand

-Brian's POV-

It's been six months since Jen and I got married and we couldn't be happier. So much had happened since then. I still remember the conversation we had when we were in Greece. The talk of one day having a baby. Looking back on it now I kick myself for saying I wanted to wait. I did want any children we had to be safe but I couldn't protect my child from everything even if I wanted to and now was no different.

After our honeymoon we headed back to Italy. Both of us were becoming home sick and I knew we'd eventually have to go home. Jen had gotten sick about a month later so I took her to the doctor. I of course had no idea what they were saying but I soon realized that the sickness my wife had wasn't as life threatening as it could've been.

She was pregnant.

I was scared shitless when I found out. Not only for Jen and our unborn child but because I had no clue how to be a father. Jen was able to calm me down and reassured me that we were in this together, that we were a team and she was right. As long as I had her by my side I knew I could do anything.

We both knew we wanted our baby to be born in the states which we'd have to come back home. After talking about it we decided that New York would be the safest place for us to go so last month we packed our things and headed state side. It felt good to be on U.S. soil again.

Jen's father had a house in the Hampton's which was about a three hour drive from New York City. He wasn't using it and offered it to us for as long as we needed it. He helped us to get settled in and told us to call if we needed anything. He knew what was going on and was just as worried about everything as I was.

I had been keeping in contact with Jimmy. He was letting me know everything that was going on and that they were getting closer to getting Shadows off the streets. That thrilled me. I couldn't wait to get home.

Today was a big day for us. Jen had a doctor's appointment and we were going to find out the sex of our baby. We had a few names picked out and some stuff bought but we really couldn't do much else without knowing.

I'd really like to have a son but I'd be happy with a daughter too.

We planned to do some shopping while we were out and get some of the must have things we were going to need. We had a color scheme picked out regardless of the sex. Blue and brown for a boy, pink and brown for a girl. We just thought the colors worked well together.

Jen had just finished getting dressed when I walked into our bedroom. I had to admit she was even more beautiful pregnant. We had been documenting everything and taking pictures left and right. These were moments that neither of us wanted to forget. We were excited and couldn't wait to meet our baby.

"Need some help with your shoes?" I asked as Jen sat on the bed. She nodded and told me which ones she wanted. I got them and put them on her feet smiling to myself a bit as I imagined putting tiny baby shoes on our child.

"Thank you." She smiled.

"You're welcome baby. Ready to go?"

She nodded and I helped her up before leading her out to the car.


-Jen's POV-

I had been waiting for this moment since I found out I was pregnant. I remember how shocked Brian was when I told him and I had wondered if he was happy about it. He seemed a bit off at first but once it started to sink in everything changed. He was just as excited as I was.

We knew the baby was healthy and growing nicely which we were thrilled about. Once we had got to New York I had made an appointment just to double check everything just to be on the safe side. Hearing the doctor say the baby was healthy and I was doing everything right meant the world to me. The last thing I wanted was to do something that would harm my baby.

"Good morning Jenna, Brian. How are you both today?" My doctor smiled coming into the room.

"We're good, excited." I told her as Brian took my hand in his.

She smiled at me before pulling up a stool to sit down. "Let's get started then."

She did all the usual stuff first like taking my blood pressure and what not before doing the ultra sound. I hated how cold that gel was but hearing our baby's heartbeat was all worth it.

"Everything looks great. Now I understand you want to know the baby's sex is that correct?"

I nodded. "Yes."

Looking at the screen she smiled and explained where certain things were like the baby's head and stuff like that. "Well it looks like your baby wants you to know too." She chuckled seeing that the baby's legs were spread wide open. "It's a boy."

I felt Brian squeeze my hand and neither of us could stop the smiles from appearing on our faces. I had always said I wanted a girl but when I found out I was pregnant I knew I wanted it to be a boy. I wanted to give Brian a son and now I was. I couldn't be happier.

The doctor went over a few more things with us before wiping the gel off my belly. We scheduled our next appointment before leaving. The second we got outside Brian pulled me into his arms and held me tight.

"Do you know how happy I am right now?"

Brian was all smiles and I couldn't remember the last time I had seen him this happy.

"I think I have a pretty good idea. Congradulations Daddy." I said kissing him. I could feel his smile as he kissed back.

"Congradulations Mommy. Now we have to actually pick his name."

"Well why don't we talk about that on the way to the store?"

"Sounds good. You wanna stop and get something to eat first?"

"Yes I'm starving."

Brian kissed me again before helping me to the car. Once inside he hopped into the driver's seat and we were off.


It shocked me at how many bags were sitting on the floor of the nursery. We had gone a little crazy buying things for our son. Our son. I liked the sound of that.

We had a list of all the things we were going to need so we just went down the list and by the time we were done we had roughly three carts full of stuff. This baby is going to be so spoiled.

We knew we wanted a theme for the nursery. The crib, changing table, and dressers had already been bought, all we needed to do was pick what we wanted to go with. The choice was pretty easy. Giraffe's. We didn't know why but Giraffe's just seemed perfect for him and we were able to find the exact set that we wanted.

Brian had also stopped at the hardware store to pick up some paint. There was no use painting the room until we knew what color we would be going with. On the day Brian would be painting I'd be spending the day outside by the pool. The weather was still warm so he wanted to get it done before the snow started flying and I'd end up stuck inside with all the fumes.

We also narrowed down our list of names to three and having a hard time choosing which one we wanted. At first we thought we'd give the baby an Italian middle name since that was where we got married. Then we thought maybe we should give him a Greek middle name since he was conceived during our honeymoon. We then decided that no matter what we named him it would be perfect. He was our baby and we could name him anything we wanted.

I was getting more excited and everything was coming together. That's also when reality set in for me. In just a few short months I was going to be a mother. I was responsible for another life. A life I had helped create. That thought brought a smile to my face and I couldn't wait until the day I got to hold my baby in my arms.

It was late when Brian finished painting the nursery. He was exhausted and I knew he'd end up crashing soon.

"I am so tired." He said as he slumped down in the chair beside mine.

"You look exhausted." I said as I picked up a plate of food I had made for him just before he came down. "I thought you might be hungry."

Brian's eyes lit up when he saw the plate and I couldn't help but giggle. My man needed his food.

"Thank you baby." He said and took the plate from me. "So what did you do while I was slaving away upstairs?"

"Well.. I rested mostly. Talked to my dad for a while then talked to Jimmy. He's so excited to be a godfather."

Brian smiled taking another bite of his sandwhich. "I know. It's all he ever talks about when I call him. He's been begging to come out for a visit and as much as I'd love to see him I'm just afraid Shadows will follow him."

"Well.. couldn't we do some video chat thing over the internet?"

"Why didn't I think of that? Baby you're a genius. I'll call him tomorrow and we'll set something up."

Once Brian finished his food he headed up the nursery to see how the paint was drying. He didn't want me to come inside until the paint fumes were gone. Coming back outside with a blanket in his hands Brian laid it over me and told me it would be about another hour before it was safe for me to go in. I didn't mind. I was enjoying the fresh air. It was just nice to be able to sit outside for a while.

"That sounds good." I said with a yawn.

"Getting tired babe?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

"Well I think it'll be okay to go inside now. I need a shower anyway."

"Yes you do. I'm not getting into bed with you with all that paint on you."

Brian had wore some old clothes while he was panting and had managed to get blue pant all over him. His white shirt was more blue than white.

"Yeah yeah. Come on."

Brian helped me to my feet and carried the dirty dishes inside while I followed with the blanket. I was glad the room was painted and now we could get to the fun stuff. Decorating.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's a boy! I usually always give Jen a girl but I decided to change it up this time. Also using a different name than what I normally use. Comments?
