
It was New Years in Time Square. Crowds of thousands, possibly millions were awaiting the ball to drop, and awaiting the start of 2009.

At 11:55 pm, a bomb is dropped on New York, Chicago, and Los Angles. All major cities of the Us, causing the economy to decline.

Now, three years later, there's only a few cities still in tact, and very few live there. Most Us citizens fled to other countries, such as England and France, where ancestors once were. The Us population is now 90% less than what it was. But there's still one safe place.
it's called the Underground.

The underground doesn't even have a quarter of a percent of citizens than what the US had. It's simply tunnels, built for the few people that survived.

All citizens of the underground are below the age of 25.

We follow the story of one particular group: The Outsiders. The leader is Tink, an orphan who was able to find refuge in her hall closet in her New York City apartment. then there's Fin, who's got bad burns across his chest and as developed heart problems.
Then there's Frank, who's from Pennsylvania, and is the only one of his brothers left after the take over of Philadelphia. There's also Cara, an eighteen year old who's in denial of the whole thing, Bo, an eleven year-old mute, and Miracle, a five year-old who suffers from amnesia and had to think of a new name.

As the children live in the tunnels under what used to be Central Park, we feel each emotion through each story. But when the underground is found and taken over as well, what will happen to the dwellers of the darkness?