NO ENDINGS just small beginnings


This story you should know is not depressing not romantic nor happy its just all of the above,but dont mistake it for a fairy tale cause this story has no happy ending. It actually doesn't have an ending at all, just has small beginnings.Every fairy tale starts with "ONCE UPON A TIME," but this story is far from a fairy tale. Yet it starts just like one.

Once upon a time was a typical girl. Brown eyes, brown curly hair, complexion not dark and not light but short very short. Lived in a small town. With a family of regular size. A scatter of one or two brothers, or sisters and parents not loving nor hating. Goes to high school like any 14 year old and has tons and tons of friends, but dont underestimate her for a popular girl. She's just like any teenager. Calm, sensitive, dramatic, romantic. Anything can describe that girl and trust me anything.

Kinza. That's her name. Coming to this new town "Kitchener" was something she never expected, but life is always filled with unexpected surprises. She's not the youngest of 4 neither the oldest, just in the middle.Like not being a tom boy neither a girly girl just a mix of both.

Friends, that's what she lives on. She has way to many friends to write about but these are the ones that actually count and matter to her and her life. Kyle, only guy in the list. Funny small cute toughtful and charming. Dont think its prince charming cause if you want either prince charming to come save you or him, choose him you will never regret it. This is the boy you will read about a lot. Dont mistake him for a jerk cause this is the boy kinza falls in love with. And kinza doesn't fall in love with jerks just with the best friend.Taylor, small cute open minded has to much to give to the world but she doesn't seem to know how. She's leaving kinza and the rest cause she is switching schools but kinza loves her dearly and wants to make her happy but she doesn't even know how either. Her moms a witch and yes thats how kinza describes Taylor's mom. Kelli, cares to much for people wants to fix everything but seems to loose her way easily. She thinks about other people to much and needs to live her life a little bit too. Kinza has faith in her that she and her will always be best friends. Haley, magical is what kinza thinks. She's a witch not like Taylor's mother but a good witch, so not evil. That's how kinza and her friends describe this particular person. You might not understand but just read ahead and everything will be clearer, promise. Katlyn, man what girl. Sensitive but crazy is two words you may think of this girl at the end of this story. Amber, my goodness. This one is Kinza's favourite best friend. She's awesome pretty lovely nice just a like snow white that's what kinza thinks. But description wise she has black hair so pretty much not snow white but for kinza she's way better. So including kinza these are 7 best friends. Now let me hand it to Kinza to tell you the story. So listen carefully and dont get lost, cause you might.