Status: OH, HAPPY DAY! <-- if you don't know where that's from. Wow. Anyways, and off we go(:

Life Was Supposed to Be Better When He Noticed Me

Double Trouble

*Evan's POV*

My vision was blurred with red, I was so pissed. All I could do was stare at the wall and try not to break everything else in sight.

It was no wonder that I didn't hear my phone continuously ring or several doors being slammed.

All I knew was the next time I was focused, Bailey was standing right in front of me. And she looked fucking pissed.

"Are you fucking kidding me? I've been calling you for the past ten minutes, with no answer! So I rushed over here, hoping to find you at least breathing, and what are you doing? Just staring at a fucking wall."

I looked at her, not saying anything.

"And now you're not even going to say anything?" Bailey crossed her arms. "When did you become such an ass? What happened to the kind, loving boy that I used to know?"

I gritted my teeth. "He was blackmailed into dumping his girlfriend and is now forced to watch her make goo-goo eyes with a stupid pop-star every fucking day. That's what happened to him."

She rolled her eyes. "Cry me a damn river. Why would you want her anyways?! The bitch is fat and ugly."

I think we were both surprised at how fast I jumped up and backed Bailey into a wall. I put my hands on her hips, holding on tightly. "You have the fucking nerve.."

Bailey looked up at me, lustfully, "You know it babe."

And then her lips were on mine.

She put her arms around my neck and she sucked on my bottom lip. I spun us around and pushed her down, onto the bed. I jumped on top of her and we were at it again.

It was kind of amusing, that we were about to have sex. But I guess I was used to it. Even when we were dating, the only time we had sex was when we were about to rip each others throats out.

I ripped her shirt off and she looked like she could slap me.

"That's my favorite shirt!" She twisted so she was on top now. "You're gonna pay for that."

She latched onto my neck and I could feel the hickey forming. I grabbed her boobs and squeezed them, hard. She groaned and started taking off my pants. I pushed her skirt up and slid her underwear down.

She grabbed my junk and let herself down on it. She stopped moving, trying to adjust, but I was impatient. I grabbed her hips and started moving her up and down.

My mind was so clouded. I heard my name being called, but I let it slip my mind. I let myself think it was Bailey, even though deep down I knew that wasn't the sound of her voice.

I just wanted to lose myself, I wanted to forget about the pain. Even if it was only for an hour or so.

*Ivy's POV*

I was worried when Evan didn't answer my text. I thought we could at least be civil about this. I thought that maybe he was being serious when we talked about him being apart of Clay's live.

Why couldn't he just answer my fucking text?

I don't deserve this shit. I shouldn't have to be watching out for his feelings, he should be watching out for mine. I shouldn't have to be the grown up all the time, I shouldn't have to look out for my friends all the time. I should be looked after too.

But I guess it was just a sign. I was born with the motherly, nurturing instincts.

I gritted my teeth as I turned into Evan's drive way. I was beyond pissed, I didn't even notice Bailey's car.

I rang the door bell a few times, no answer. He was home though, I knew he was.

I decided to test my luck and tried the door knob. Being the lucky person I am, it was unlocked.

I walked in and quietly shut the door. It's rude to slam someone else's house door. I called out Evan's name a few times before deciding that he wasn't downstairs.

I walked up to his room, hating how familiar I was with his house. I could hear fairly loud music as I got closer, and I was starting to bet that that was why he couldn't hear the doorbell or me calling him.

I walked right in, knowing he wouldn't hear my attempts at knocking.

"Oh shit."

I stopped a few steps into the room. I looked up and saw Evan laying on his bed, half naked, looking at me. Bailey's head snapped in my direction.

"Are you fucking serious?" Bailey screeched. "She interrupts us enough at school, and now she's fucking interrupting us in the privacy of your own home?!"

Evan pushed her off. "Ivy, what are you doing here?"

I looked at the ground. "You didn't answer my text, so I thought you were upset. I was just trying to make sure you were okay.."

"Why in hell would he answer your text, whore?" Bailey laughed.

"Because it was about our son you vapid bitch!" I snapped.

Bailey glared. "Make her leave, Ev."

I rolled my eyes. "No problem."

I turned and ran out of his house. I didn't even stop when I heard him calling my name.


I smiled, "This is World's Gonna End.

I thought I knew, everything about you,
Down to your last move.
I thought you knew, everything about me,
Like you were my diary.

I looked around at my classmate's faces and gave them a sad smile.

"Time, time ticking by, looking for the reasons why you left.
The day you come back around, the world's gonna end, the world's gonna end now.
When you say you're wrong, the sky will fall down, the sky will fall down now.
That day won't come, were over and done.
The world's gonna end, the world's gonna end now

I walked slightly to the left and planted myself again.

"Your twisted ways.
Were nothing knew, and I thought I knew,
How to handle it this time, thought I'd be doing fine

I smiled back at my friend Emma as she echoed me.

"Time, time ticking by, still looking for the reasons why you left,
The day you come back around, the world's gonna end, the world's gonna end now.
When you say you're wrong, the sky will fall down, the sky will fall down now.
That day won't come, were over and done.
The world's gonna end, the world's gonna end now

"Now. Now. Whoa, whoa, oh." Emma sang.

"Here's the sun, you're really gone now,
Am I sure I don't want you around

Emma shook her finger, "Don't want you around."

"If the moon fades to black,
Oh, are you ever really gonna come?

The day you come back around, the world's gonna end,
The worlds gonna end,
The world is gonna end now.

Come back around, the world's gonna end, the world's gonna end now.
When you say you're wrong, the sky will fall down, the sky will fall down now.
That day won't come, were over and done

"Yeah were done, yeah were done." Emma sang as she started walked toward the front of the stage.

"The world's gonna end, the world's gonna end now.
The world's gonna end, the world's gonna end now

"It's gonna gonna end, its gonna gonna end now." She stopped when she was right next to me.

"The world's gonna end, the world's gonna end now." I leaned towards her as I sang.

"My world, my world." She leaned towards me.

"The world's gonna end, the world's gonna end now."

"Our world, our world."

"The world's gonna end, the world's gonna end now."

"Our world, our world."

"The world's gonna end, the world's gonna end now."

"Our world, our world."

We joined hands and sang the last line together. "The world's gonna end, the world's gonna end, now."

The whole class started clapping, some politely while others couldn't clap any louder.

Emma and I sat at the foot of the stage as Mr. Kelly quieted everyone down.

"So," He pulled out hid Ipad to begin the questioning portion of our grade. "Why did you girl's choose this song?"

I looked at Emma, telling her to answer since she was the one that picked it.

"Well," She started, "We were at Ivy's house going through our play lists, trying to agree on a song. But we thought they were either all over done or they just had no meaning to them. So I was looking at the files on Ivy's computer when I came across a file labeled 'Originals'. Before she could stop me, I found this song, and I knew it was the one."

Mr. Kelly nodded. "And why is that?"

Emma shrugged, "We all know that Ivy writes amazing songs. But there was something different about this one. It's sad, but you also get the sense that this girl is strong and won't let it get to her. She's not saying that the world is gonna end because he left, no she's saying the world's gonna end if he comes back."

Mr. Kelley looked at me. "A song merely reflects the emotions of it's writer."

With that the bell rang and we were dismissed.

It wasn't until we were out of the classroom that Chris spoke.

"How long ago did you write that song?"

I turned to him. "I'm not sure. Why?"

"But it wasn't like, recently was it?" His eyebrows came together as he thought.

"No, not recent." I stopped walking and forced him to look at me. "Why?"

He looked at me sternly before answering. "Because, recently Evan has been popping up a lot. I don't understand why either. You broke up moths ago, he's had all this time to talk to you, but he's only doing it now. When you're with me. Coincidence? I don't think so."

I was going to say something, but he kept talking.

"And you just let him, too! I mean, you say that this guy broke your heart and all that, but you're willingly give him your attention when he wants it. I mean, the other day? Just because he didn't answer your text you had to run off to find him. What the hell?"

When he took a breath, I took my chance. "Hey, he's the father of my son. I can't just throw him out of my life."

"Why not? I mean, I'm here for you and Clay. Am I not enough?"

"No!" I nearly screamed in his face.

Chris looked at me like he couldn't believe what I just did. But somewhere, he knew it was the truth. He just looked at me for a second longer, then he turned around and left.
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally, an update!
I know it's been awhile, so sorry! My excuse is the same as ever, school. Drama rama, seriously. But at least I got this update in before the New Year.

Anyways, none of you had any theories about their son's name. Clay Elliot, 'C' because of Christofer Drew, 'E' because of Evan. Duh!

Also, ahhhhhh. Ivy and Chris are having their first fight! Should it be resolved or is this the end for them? We'll have to seeee!

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