Status: OH, HAPPY DAY! <-- if you don't know where that's from. Wow. Anyways, and off we go(:

Life Was Supposed to Be Better When He Noticed Me


*Ivy's POV*

The second the bell rang, Chris and I ran to the auditorium. I ran ahead of Chris, but he soon caught up to me. He grabbed my hand, pulled me behind him then ran faster. I caught up to him just when he reached the auditorium doors. I jumped on his back as he pushed the door open, and we went tumbling in. I was laughing so hard that my face was red. We started to wrestle on the floor, not caring who was around.

"Slut." I heard someone cough.

I looked up and saw Bailey standing there, arms crossed, glaring down at us.

I jumped up and got in her face. "Wanna repeat that."

"Slut." Then she put her hand on my chest and pushed me.

Hell no.

I raised my hand, and she took a step backward. I jumped at her, and she screamed. I put my hand down and laughed at her. Dumbass.

"Alright guys, I'm glad that all of you showed up. I see some unfamiliar faces, so I'm guessing not all of you are in the acting class. That's no problem, Ivy will just come up here and show you what you gotta do." Mr. Kelly smiled.

I walked up to the stage and did the exact same thing I did in class. When I was done, everyone clapped. I started to walk off the stage, but Mr. Kelly stopped me.

"Wait just a second Ivy." I stopped and looked at him as he looked at everyone else. "I want this play to be the best one yet, so I know that I need to cast the perfect people. Now, I know I told you that you only need a monologue and a song from The Little Mermaid, but I want to see how many of you are good under pressure, so I want you to sing a song that explains how you are feeling right now."

People started whispering about how they thought this was unfair and stuff like that, but Mr. Kelly just ignored them.

"Go ahead Ivy."

I nodded my head. I looked at Chris and told him to get on stage. I handed him a guitar and then stepped behind the drums.

"Um, this is Taylor Swift's new song Better Than Revenge."

"Now go stand in the corner and think about what you did
Ha, Time for a little revenge

The story starts when it was hot and it was summer
And, I had it all; I had him right there where I wanted him
She came along, got him alone, and let's hear the applause
She took him faster than you can say sabotage
I never saw it coming, wouldn't have suspected it
I underestimated just who I was dealing with
She had to know the pain was beating on me like a drum
She underestimated just who she was stealing from

She's not a saint and she's not what you think
She's an actress, Whoa
She's better known for the things that she does
on the mattress, Whoa
Soon she's gonna find
Stealing other people's toys on the playground
Won't make you many friends
She should keep in mind,
She should keep in mind
There is nothing I do better than revenge, Ha

She lives her life like it's a party and she's on the list
She looks at me like I'm a trend and she's so over it
I think her ever present frown is a little troubling
And, she thinks I'm psycho
cause I like to rhyme her name with things, but
Sophistication isn't what you wear, or who you know
or pushing people down to get you where you wanna go
Oh they didn't teach you that in prep school
So it's up to me
But no amount of vintage dresses gives you dignity

She's not a saint and she's not what you think
She's an actress, Whoa
She's better known for the things that she does
on the mattress, Whoa
Soon she's gonna find
Stealing other people's toys on the playground
Won't make you many friends
She should keep in mind,
She should keep in mind
There is nothing I do better than revenge, Ha ha

I'm just another thing for you to roll your eyes at honey
You might have him, but haven't you heard
I'm just another thing for you to roll your eyes at honey
You might have him, but I always get the last word

She's not a saint and she's not what you think
She's an actress, Whoa
She's better known for the things that she does
on the mattress, Whoa
Soon she's gonna find
Stealing other people's toys on the playground
Won't make you many friends
She should keep in mind,
She should keep in mind
There is nothing I do better than revenge,
And do you still feel like you know what you're doing,
Cause I don't think you do, Oh
Do you still feel like you know what you're doing
I don't think you do, I don't think you do
Let's hear the applause
C'mon show me how much better you are
See you deserve some applause
Cause you're so much better
She took him faster than you can say sabotage."

I laughed at the end and twirled my drumsticks. Clapping erupted from my fellow classmates. Bailey just stood there with her lips pierced and her arms crossed. Even Evan had a little smile on his face.

"Interesting..." Mr. Kelly laughed. "Alright, who wants to go next."

"Me." Bailey yelled as she stomped on the stage.

I met her half way, center stage. Everyone got quiet and watched us. I laughed a little at how dramatic this all was. I put my hand on my waist, tilted my head back and smiled down at her angry expression.


", Bailey?"

"You bitch!" She spat in my face.

I wiped my face, "Now, that's gross. Who knows what kind of flesh eating virus I could get from that."

Bailey growled at me.

I laughed and took a step closer to her. "You don't scare me, sweetie. Especially not here, not on this stage. This is my stage."

"Things change. Look at where you were last year, and look at you now. Sure, it doesn't look like things have changed, but soon you are going to be a fat worthless bitch that no one wants."

The whole room ohh'ed. I just smiled and laughed.

"And whose boyfriend is the one that did that? Oh yeah, yours. Obviously he wanted me enough to have sex with me."

"Obviously that's all you were, a hump and dump."

"At least I'm not the school's personal toilet that every guy takes a shit in." Yeah, I have no idea where that came from, but Bailey's expression was priceless.

"Alright girls, lets just get on with auditions." Mr. Kelly cleared his throat.

I walked past Bailey, and roughly bumped her shoulder.

I sat in my seat next to Chris and watched Bailey's audition.

She did a monologue from Mean Girls as Regina of course.

"Let me tell you something about Janis Ian. We were best friends in middle school. I know right, its so embarrassing. I don’t even…whatever. So then in eighth grade I started going out with my first boyfriend Kyle, who was totally gorgeous but then he moved to Indiana--and Janis was like, weirdly jealous of him. Like if I would blow her off to hang out with Kyle, she'd be like "Why didn't you call me back?!" and I'd be like, "Uh, why are you so obsessed with me?" So then for my birthday party, which was an all girls pool party, I was like, "Janis, I can't invite you because I think you're a lesbian" I mean, I couldn't have a lesbian at my party! There were going to be girls there in their bathing suits! I mean right, she was a lesbian! So then her mom called my mom and started yelling at her and it was so retarded and then she dropped out of school 'cause no one would talk to her and she came back in the fall for high school and her hair was all cut off and she was totally weird and now I guess she's on crack."

I leaned back in my seat with my jaw hanging open. Bailey had most definitely gotten better from last year. I looked at Evan, and he was smiling up at her. I looked back at Bailey and she was smirking at me.

Then, she proceeded into singing the exact same song from The Little Mermaid as I did.

That little bitch was trying to steal my role!

When she finished singing I groaned. She got better at that too. I rubbed my forehead as Bailey went into singing her next song. I just stopped paying attention at that point.

Finally, she was down. She walked off stage just to walk right in front of me and laughed in my face.

"Okay, next."

"I'll go." Evan smiled.

He got up there and did a monologue from Romeo & Juliet. What a douche. Then he sang a song. I almost barfed. Of course he would be going for the part of Eric.

"Uhem, now I'm gonna sing Like We Used To by A Rocket To The Moon."

I nearly chocked on air. I looked up at Evan with wide eyes.

"I can feel her breath
As she's sleeping next to me
Sharing pillows and cold feet
She can feel my heart;
Fell asleep to its beat
Under blankets and warm sheets
If only I could be in that bed again
If only it were me instead of him
Does he watch your favorite movies?
Does he hold you when you cry?
Does he let you tell him all your favorite parts
When you've seen it a million times?
Does he sing to all your music
While you dance to Purple Rain?
Does he do all these things
Like I used to?
Fourteen months and seven days ago
Oh, I know you know
How we felt about that night
Just your skin against the window
Oh we took it slow
And we both know
It should have been me inside that car
It should have been me instead of him in the dark
Does he watch your favorite movies?
Does he hold you when you cry?
Does he let you tell him all your favorite parts
When you've seen it a million times?
Does he sing to all your music
While you dance to Purple Rain?
Does he do all these things
Like I used to?
I know, Love
I'm a sucker for that feeling
Happens all the time, Love
I always end up feeling cheated
You're on my mind, Love
Oh darling, led her where that leaded
It happens all the time, Love, yeah
Will he love you like I loved you?
Will he tell you every day?
Will he make feel invincible with every word he'll say?
Can you promise me if this was right
Don't throw it all away!
Can you do all these things?
Will you do all these things?
Like we used to?
Oh, like we used to?"

"Good job, like always, Evan." Mr. Kelly smiled then wrote something down on his paper. "Next!"

"I'll go."

"Break a leg." I smiled at Chris.

"I will just for you." He winked.

I looked at Evan who had just reached Bailey. I laughed as she yelled at him. What a drama queen.

I watched Chris do his monologue. He sang the same song as Evan, and I laughed. It's so funny that Bailey and I are going for the same role and that Chris and Evan are also going for the same role.

I looked up at Chris just in time for him to start singing his second song.

"This is my song Trampoline.

And who would have thought
That a cutie pie just like you
Would have anything to do
With a smelly dude like me
I find it hard to believe
And who would have thought
That you ever would have
Kissed my cheek
In your backyard
On your trampoline that night
I never put up a fight
And I know that you’re all shook up
From a terrible relationship
He broke your heart
Yeah, he tore you in to pieces
But I promise you dear
I’ll never touch you like he did
So baby, please take my hand
And you’ll never be alone again
And every single time I look in to your eyes
I see a little bit more sunshine
I feel a little bit more like me
Instead of who I turned out to be
I wouldn’t trade it for a thing
Could I call you my baby?
And I know that you’re all shook up
From a terrible relationship
He broke your heart
Yeah, he tore you in to pieces
But I promise you dear
I’ll never touch you like he did
So baby, please take my hand
And you’ll never be alone again
Cause I know he broke your heart
But I’ll love you ‘til the end
So baby, please take my hand
And you’ll never be alone again
So baby, please take my hand
And you’ll never be alone again
So baby, please take my hand
And you’ll never be alone again."

I clapped my hands really loudly. Chris pointed at me then winked. A knot started forming in my tummy. Whoa.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I kinda just noticed how badly I portray theatre kids. We aren't nearly this awful, most of the time. Really, we're just a bunch of different kids that would never really talk to each other if it weren't for theatre. We're a family. Yes, there is bound to be drama, we are slightly over emotional because we act, but never this big. Just thought I'd let you know(:
So, next chapter might be a little boring, but it's still worth reading cause there's really big news!
But before that, Comment and Subscribe!