Status: OH, HAPPY DAY! <-- if you don't know where that's from. Wow. Anyways, and off we go(:

Life Was Supposed to Be Better When He Noticed Me


*Ivy's POV*

I sat down on the bench that circled the fountain. I could feel little speckles of the water hit my back as the wind blew my hair around. I watched couples walk past me, and wondered just how happy they really are.

Do they fight? Do they really truly love each other? Do they think they will last forever? Do they have that Spark?

Do they have all the things I thought I had?

I shook the shake I had in my hand before I lifted the straw up to my mouth and took a long sip. The cold milky substance slid down my throat and I felt the brain freeze.

"So," Christy said as she settled next to me. "How did auditions go?"

I looked in the direction the wind was blowing, away from Christy. "They sucked. I'd be lucky if I was Ariel, if not her understudy."

"What's with you? You've never been like this after an audition, ever. What do you have to worry about? It's not like you have any real competition."

"Oh, but I do." I looked at her. "Bailey."

"Puh-lease!" Christy rolled her eyes, and I looked away. "That girl sings like a cow, and she can't even act."

"That was last year. Things change, people change."

Christy stood up and got in my line of view. "Okay, I've honestly had enough of this. What happened to Ivy, what did you do to her? Huh?"

I said nothing.

"Answer me, dammit!"

People all around stared, but none of them dared to stop.

I looked at Christy with rock cold eyes. I stood up. "What the hell do you want me to say, Christy?! Huh?! You want me to act like nothing happened? Like my life hasn't changed and will keep changing? You want me to pretend like everything is all hunky-doris? That's bullshit! I may be an actress, and a good one at that, but I know what reality is!"

"No, that's not what I want you to do. I'm not ignorant, Ivy, I know that things happened and that things are still happening. I just want you to deal with it the way the old you would have dealt with it!"

I didn't answer her, instead I started walking away.

"You can't run away from your problems forever, Ivy!" She yelled after me.

I stopped walking. People around me seemed to move two times slower then normal.

"You can run, but trust me, they will catch up to you. Ivy, look at what you are doing with your life. You're doing exactly what Bailey wants you to do. You're playing into her hands. You're pushing your friends away, hell you're lucky you didn't lose me this summer!"

I turned around. "You think this is easy for me? It's not! I based my fucking life around Evan, and he left me..He left me with no one to put the pieces back together. For the second half of summer, do you know what I did?"

No response.

"Do you?!" I screamed, "I spent the rest of my summer in my room, crying, piecing myself back together, trying not to think about what happened that night..

"You have no idea how hard it was.." I looked up at Christy. "No idea. Justin, he's perfect for you. He would never even think about leaving you. You two will probably end up growing old together, getting a house, sitting on the porch together and watching the sun rise. Together.

"You have no idea how lucky you are. You have someone. I have no one. My parents are never around anymore. Maybelle, well, she might as well be gone too."

Christy shook her head. "What the fuck are you talking about, Ivy? Maybelle's not going anywhere, she's home, and that's where she's staying. And you have me, you will always have me. Christofer Drew doesn't seem like he will be going anywhere any time soon, either. Julie's here too, you just need to talk to her. You have people, Ivy, you do."

I sniffled, "Really?"


I gave Christy a hug.

"Lets get out of here," She smiled, and I suddenly thought that I would get through this.

Only for a second.

*Evan's POV*

"I heard." Ethan said as he walked towards me.

I bang my head against the wall behind me and slammed my fist against the ground I was sitting on. "Who hasn't?"

"What are you going to do?" He asked me as he slid down next to me.

"I have no idea."

"Have you tried talking to her?"

I nodded, "We talked for about a total of five minutes." That's the most we've talked since..

"What she say?"

"Basically, she's not getting an abortion, she's not gonna let me be a part of the kid's life, and she's gonna go through this all by herself."

Ethan smiled, "Same old Ivy, huh?"

I gave a small smile. "Yeah."

"So," Ethan turned to me, and I knew what was coming. "What even happened with you two?"

That was a good question. What did happen to us?

That night..I don't like thinking about it, especially now.



"I made a mistake." I looked Ethan strait in the eyes. "I made a huge mistake, and I couldn't stand letting it hurt her."

Ethan nodded his head slightly and was silent for a moment. "Did you ever think that by breaking up with her, you hurt her more?"

"All the time." I took a deep breath, "But I know for sure that the truth would have made things worse."

"And what's the truth?"

"I..I slept with her sister."

"Maybelle? What?" Ethan scooted away from me. "How could you do something like that?!"

"I told you, it was a mistake. I don't know what happened..I don't even remember it happening."

"Then how do you know it even happened? It's not like you woke up next to her naked..right?"

I shook my head. "No. I did wake up next to her, just not naked. Sure, a few of our clothes were off, and we had sex hair, but other then that, nothing seemed like we had sex."

"Then what makes you think you did?"

I looked back at him. "Bailey said she saw us."
♠ ♠ ♠
So now you finally know why Evan did it.
I should get a ton of comments about it, just saying. Plus I'm not in a good mood, so it'll make me feel tons better.
Do any of you have like a weird possesion type thing over your exs? Like, you don't like seeing them with other girls?
That's kinda why I'm in a shit mood right now. It's just weird, cause he's not even technically my ex. He's just a guy I talked to. I guess it's just worse cause he's kinda talking/kinda not talking to my friend now.
I HATE that I'm always putting my friends before myself. I know that's really bad to say, but it just hurts sometimes. I'm tired of letting my friends be happy with someone I liked, even ones I loved. I feel like they shouldn't even have to make it an option for me. Cause I would never go after a guy my friend even remotely liked..