Status: OH, HAPPY DAY! <-- if you don't know where that's from. Wow. Anyways, and off we go(:

Life Was Supposed to Be Better When He Noticed Me

Hallway Hook-Ups

*Ivy's POV*

I closed my eyes and crossed my fingers. "Don't let me run into a wall," I whispered as Chris directed me to where the cast list was posted.

"Never," He whispered back.


That's what was roaming and fluttering all over my stomach at that moment. I'm not exactly sure why, though. It could be the fact that I was nervous about the cast list for The Little Mermaid. That was definitely a reason. Also, maybe just the fact that Chris was around.

It seems like in the few weeks that school has started, things have changed between us. We've always been close, no doubt about that..It just seems more intimate now. Like there's this bond cause we've been best friends since forever, but there's also this sexual tension between us that's dying to be released.

At least that's how I feel. Who knows how he feels..

Chris turned me a little, then we stopped all together.

"Are you ready?"

"No," I squeaked.

"Well, you better get ready cause you're gonna be screaming in"

I opened my eyes and searched the cast list.

Prince Eric...Evan O'Brian
Ursula...Bailey White
Sebastian...Christofer Drew Ingle
Princess Ariel...Ivy Cape

"Oh my god!! I got Ariel!" I started jumping up and down.

"I told you!"

Wow, I totally forgot Chris was there.

I looked at him, standing there with his hands shoved in his pockets; loopy smile on his face, and I knew.

I threw myself at him. I jumped on him, throwing my arms around his neck and wrapping my legs around his waist. I looked him in the eyes for a split second, then I pressed my lips to his.

The world seemed to move in slow motion. People around us became dim, blurs. Kissing Chris for a second seemed like an hour. I love the way his lips morphed with mine, how soft his hair felt on my fingers, how his hands were just the right size for my waist.

I pulled away and looked at him.

"Wow," he whispered.

I nodded, "Wow."

"Umm..would you guys mind moving? Perhaps getting a room? Some of us actually care what role we got."

Damn bitch. Had to ruining the fucking moment.

I looked over Chris' shoulder. "Oh, are you talking to us? We care. What you just saw was us celebrating."

Bailey scowled at me, and Evan just stood there, face as hard as stone.

I smiled and jumped off Chris, settling for his hand instead. We moved over and let them look at the cast list. My smile only grew wider as I watched Bailey's face turn red with anger.

"Yes," Evan pumped his fist in the air, looking smug. "I got Eric!"

Chris smiled. "Have fun wearing tights!"

"Have fun being dressed up as a crab."

"Have fun kissing that." Chris said looking at Bailey with disdain.

"Have fun kissing no one!" Evan shot back.

Chris took a step closer to him. "Are you blind, or just that stupid?"

Evan stayed silent.

"While you get to kiss that thing, I get to kiss the most magnificent girl in the world."

"You're mom?" Evan smiled.

"More like Ivy." Chris took yet another step closer to Evan. "And bitch, don't even play like you don't know that kissing her is awesome."

Evan's jaw clenched. He took at step towards Chris with his fist ready to clock him. "If you even think about getting anywhere near Ivy, I swear.."

Chris spread his arms in that 'Bring It' kind of way. "Watcha gonna do? She's not yours, now is she?"

I saw it before it happened. Evan brought his arm back to hit Chris. Me, knowing Chris, I knew he wasn't much for fighting. I, stupidly, stepped in the middle of them just in time for Evan's fist to collide with my cheekbone.

My head whipped to the side, and I could taste blood in my mouth. I slowly turned my head back to Evan's horrified expression.

"I-Ivy I-"

"Save it, Evan!" I spit blood out at his feet. "Don't you ever try to hit Chris, ever again. Got it?"

Evan reached his hand out to my cheek. "Ivy,-"

I slapped him across the face. "And don't even think about touching me."

I grabbed Chris' hand and was about to start walking away when I remember Bailey. I turned around and watched her just stare at the paper with the cast list on it. I walked slowly behind her.

I leaned in and whispered, "Maybe next time you should remember who's stage this is before you get your hopes up."
♠ ♠ ♠
So, this is kinda short. But you should still bombard me with comments! I would love you all very much!
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