Status: OH, HAPPY DAY! <-- if you don't know where that's from. Wow. Anyways, and off we go(:

Life Was Supposed to Be Better When He Noticed Me

Shit From Left And Right

*Evan's POV*

At the sound of a strumming guitar, I slowly creeped my way out of the sound booth at the front, or back, of the auditorium. I peeked around the corner, to the stage, and saw Ivy in all her glory.

"I wrote you a letter
Saying how I couldn't do better
And that's when you told me that you weren't over me."

She strummed her guitar, and I couldn't find it in me to step out of the shadows. Instead, I found myself wondering what she was singing.

"And now I can't believe
What I heard today and that you would say
All those things because you felt bad for me."

A new Taylor Swift song maybe?

"But really truly and honestly
We're over its done
You've hit the home run because I
I'm never gonna miss you
And I can see that that's who you wanna be
So go ahead and be him without me."

An original..

"I started to realize
All the effort put into us was on one side
And now I can't believe
What I heard today and that you would say
All those things because you felt bad for me
But really truly and honestly
We're over its done
You've hit the home run because I
I'm never gonna miss you
And I can see that that's who you wanna be
So go ahead and be him without me."

We've over. It's done. I really did hit the home run.

"One day you'll come back wanting me
But guess what? I won't be there
Because you messed it up, you blew it up
And I really don't care."

I care.

"We're over its done
You've hit the home run because I
I'm never gonna miss you
And I can see that that's who you wanna be
So go ahead and be him without me
And I can see that that's who you wanna be
So go ahead and be him without me."

Ivy sang her heart out, pouring it all into this song. I felt like such a douche. I broke up with her, broke her heart, and I didn't even give her a reason.

I owed her that reason.


Her head snapped up, like a cobra. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I was in the sound booth..I heard you playing and-"

"And you thought you would just stop and listen?" She shoved her guitar in it's case. "That song was fucking private, Evan."

"I'm sorry," I said just loud enough for her to hear, "I'm so sorry. I don't know how many times I'll have to say it."

Ivy walked off the stage, pausing at the head of the aisle. "How many times? Evan, that's the first time, since we broke up, that you have said those three words to me." She slowly walked up the aisle, "How can you even try to act like the victim in this?"

"I'm not trying to act like the victim!"

"Really? Cause it sure seems like it to me." Ivy stopped right in front of me. "Grow a pair or two. Be a man."

I didn't say anything so Ivy glared at me.

"What, do you not know how to be a man?" Ivy raised her eyebrow. "Well, you must be swift as a coursing river, with all the force of a great typhoon, with all the strength of a raging fire, mysterious as the dark side of the moon."

I laughed after she sang that, earning a glare from her.

"Sorry," I smiled, "But last I checked, we were doing A Little Mermaid not Mulan."

Ivy nodded, "You're right. Cause you don't have what it takes to be a warrior, only a prince in tights."

Has she always been this much of a bitch?

"Look, I know we broke up..but do you think we could at least be friends?" I ruffled my hair. "It would make doing this play so much easier."

Ivy looked at me. "How can I be friends with someone I can't trust?"

Like a knife in the fucking balls.

"You can trust me."

"Don't make me laugh," She smiled. "You can't even give me a logical reason as to why you dumped me. There's no trust in that."

Here's my chance. I should tell her now.

"Bailey is blackmailing me."

Ivy shifted her weight onto another leg as she stared me down. "With what?"

I looked at Ivy. "She caught me sleeping with your sister."

Ivy's whole body tensed up as she listened to what I said. I wish I could go back in time and take it all back. If only.

"I'm so sorry Ivy. I didn't mean for it happen, I honestly don't even know how it happened. It was only once, I swear to God. It didn't mean anything to me, I don't even remember it." I was rambling, something that did not help me.

Ivy just started nodded. That's all she did, nod. Then she picked up her guitar and walked away.

Away from me, and I knew it was over.

We were over.

*Ivy's POV*

I sped home, nearly running over anything that got in my way, and I'm surprised I didn't get caught.

I slammed my car door shut as soon as I pulled into the driveway. I tapped my foot impatiently as I opened the front door to my house. When I finally forced it open, it hit the wall from how hard I shoved it.

"Whoa, Ivy, calm that testosterone down." Maybelle laughed as she turned around to look at me.

I crossed my arms as her gaze met mine.

"Ivy, what's wrong?" Maybelle stood up and walked over to me.

She's getting too close, too fucking close.

Then she put her hand on my arm, "Sis?"

I looked at her hand on my arm then her, "Don't touch me."


I grabbed her wrist and threw her arm away from me. "I said, don't fucking touch me."

Maybelle grabbed her wrist. "Ivy, what's going on? I don't understand why you're being like this."

"You don't understand?" I screamed. "You don't understand?!" I laughed in her face.

"What the hell are you on about?"

I turned my back to her, walking into the living room. "God, I can't fucking believe this. It's so damn low of you."

"Ivy, what are you talking about?"

"You come back here, expecting everything to be okay, and I let it. But how the hell can you go and do that to me? Your own fucking sister?"

"Do what to you Ivy?!"

"Sleep with my fucking boyfriend!" I spun around to glare at her. "You slept with my fucking boyfriend. I trusted you, you bitch!"

Maybelle gulped. "Oh, so he told you."

I nodded, "Yeah, he did, cause I sure as hell didn't find out from you!"

"I wanted to tell you.."

"Then why didn't you?" I picked up a pillow from the couch and threw it. "You saw how I was when he fucking dumped me. I was a mess cause I didn't know what I did wrong! But it wasn't even my fault, it was yours!"

"It wasn't my fault.."

I looked at her like she was stupid, "Are you really trying to tell me that it's not your fault? Oh, Maybelle, I know you're not that stupid."

"I'm not stupid.."

"But you are. Only a stupid whore would sleep with someone's boyfriend, but you're not even that. You're a stupid backstabbing bitch of a whore for sleeping with your sister's boyfriend."


I glared at her, "How can you just stand haven't even fucking said sorry, Maybelle."

Maybelle look exasperated, with no fucking right to, "Of course I'm sorry, Ivy, you're my sister."

"I love how you said that to me in a bitching voice, like I'm wasting your time." I shook my head at her, "You may be my twin, Maybelle, but you will never be my sister."

This got her attention, "Ivy..of course I'm your sister.."

"No, you're not. A sister would never do this." I looked to my left, catching sight of a picture frame. I picked it up. It was of me and Maybelle when we were little. "No matter how much we fight, no matter how close we are, and no matter how different we are, I would never sleep with your boyfriend. I respect you too much to ever bring that pain upon you. Obviously, you don't feel the same."

Maybelle stepped closer to me, "Ivy, I didn't know you feel like that."

"Of course I do," I looked at Maybelle. "Cause I'm a better person then you."


"Stop talking." I looked back at the picture. "I don't want you to talk to me, ever again. I want you out of this house by morning. I never want to see your face again."

"How can you kick your own sister ou-"

"I told you, you're not my sister." I threw the picture frame into the fireplace. "So leave. And if you don't, I swear you'll regret it."

I walked past Maybelle and towards the stairs. I jogged to my room and locked the door behind me.

When I fell limply on my bed, that's when I cried. I swore to myself, though, that this would be the last time I cried over any of this.

The last fucking time.


I lay down on the, hard as a rock, bed and closed my eyes. Not even a second later, I was 'awoken'.

"Ariel! Ariel, wake up! Wake up!" An anxious Sophomore, that played Scuttle, yelled.

I sat up, looking confused.

"I just heard the news," He smiled at me. "Congratulations, kiddo, we did it!"

Chris crawled onto my bed, "What is this idiot babbling about?"

"Right, as if you two didn't know, uh? The whole town's buzzin' about the prince gettin' himself hitched this afternoon!"

I looked at Chris, smiled, and literally started bouncing up and down while still sitting.

"You know, he's getting married! You silly sidewalker!" The Sophomore ruffled Chris' hair. "I just wanted to wish you luck. I'll catch you later, I wouldn't miss it!" He laughs as he exits out my 'window'.

I look at Chris and then we both start running. We run out Ariel's 'bedroom' door and into the gigantic 'living room'. When I see Evan and Caleb, I hide behind one of the make shift pillars.

"Well, uh, err, Eric. I-it appears that I was mistaken. This mystery maiden of yours does in fact exist." Caleb scratches the back of his head.

Bailey walked around the corner, towards Evan, smiling. She puts her arms around him, and my jaw drops.

"And...and she is lovely. Congratulations, my dear." When he proceeds to kiss her hand, I cover my face.

"We wish to be married as soon as possible." Evan smiles down at her.

I start shaking my head profusely, even though it does nothing.

"Oh, yes, of course, Eric, but, er, but these things do take time, you know..." Caleb starts looking around the room, as if searching for something.

"This afternoon, Grimsby. The wedding ship departs at sunset." Evan's voice is sharp, commanding.

"Oh, oh, very well, Eric, as you wish." There is guilt in his voice.

I finally run off stage. Just as the curtain covers me up, I hear Mr. Kelly yell cut.

I walk back out and find my way into Chris' arms. I smile up at him, and out of the corner of my eye, I see Evan look at us.

It's only been a couple days since the Maybelle incident. I'd be lying if I said I was completely over it.

"Okay guys, that was great. Terrific. Let's skip to the wedding scene."

I walk off stage again, only this time to be met by a group of techies with a harness. I stand there, passive, as they strap it onto me. When they're done, I slip a dress over it.

"Dearly beloved.." Says the Junior that plays the Priest.

I start walking out with Flounder, played by a Freshman, and we make our way towards everyone.

"Don't worry Ariel. Ugh, we, we're gonna make it. We're almost there."

I just nod my head at him.

"Yes, um, do you Eric, take Vanessa, to be your lawfully wedded wife, for as long as you both shall live?"

Evan nods like a robot, "I do."

"Eh, and do you.." He looks at Bailey as his words get drowned out by the sound of birds. "...then by the power inves-"

That's when a techie standing above the stage throws a fake bird down at Bailey. She grabs it, and holds it close to her as it 'attacks' her.

"Get away from me you slimy little...Oh, why you little-" She lets the claw of the fake bird attach to her necklace, and it breaks off and falls to the floor. It breaks in half easily and fog comes out. Another techie with a fan blows it towards me, and I pretend to inhale it until it fades away.

I let out a random note, having my voice back, and Evan looks at me.


I smile, "Eric."

Evan walks towards me, his arms open. " can talk. You're the one!"

I smile and nod.

"Eric, get away from her!" There was no doubt in my mind that Bailey really meant it when she said that.

" was you the whole time." He looks confused.

"Oh, Eric, I-I wanted to tell you.." I looked at my feet.

"Eric, no!" Bailey yells just as 'the sun sets'.

I get pulled up by the harness as a heavy curtain of fog surrounds everyone. I rip off my dress, and throw it up to the techie that threw the bird. I look down as Bailey rips off her dress and throws it to the side, off stage.

As the heavy fog clears, and you can at least make out our shapes, Bailey starts laughing.

"You're too late! You're too late! So long, loverboy."

I get lowered back down, and as soon as my feet hit the ground, I un-clip the cords attached to my harness just before Bailey tackles me into the 'water'. Bet the bitch had fun doing that.


"Cut!" Mr. Kelly yells.

I sit up, pushing Bailey off me.

"That was fantastic you guys. I'm at a loss for words." Mr. Kelly starts clapping, and everyone that's not on stage follows him actions. "So, that's a wrap for today. I'll see all of you tomorrow."

Chris walks over to me and helps me up. Our lips only have a second to meet before we're interrupted.

"Oh my gosh!" Christy yells, "That was so great! I can't believe that! Like, the way you got pulled into the air, how did you even do that? Why didn't you tell me you could fly?!"

I laughed at her, "I can't. I was wearing a harness."

Christy looked at me wide eyed. "I couldn't even tell!"

"I know, the cords are so thin, but so strong!"

Justin made his way over, smiling. He put his arms around Christy and she leaned into him.

"You were really good out there, Ivy."

I blushed, "Thanks."

"So," Christy smiled up at Justin then looking at me and Chris. "We were thinking that the four of us could go out? Like a double date."

I looked at Chris, and he nodded. "That sounds great."
♠ ♠ ♠
You guys found out all lot in this chapter, so tell me you thoughts!
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Song from chapter-Home Run by Megan & Liz.
*skip to :30