Old Dirt Road


Dressed in their swimsuit tops and short jean shorts, two girls layed in the middle of the road. A road that never saw any cars. An abandoned, dusty, dirt road.

They were best friends and had been for years. Actually, for as long as they could even remember.

The friends had come from the river just to the left of the old dirt road. It had been their favorite place to hang out since they were kids. No one else knew about it, so they were always alone there. They loved each other's friendship very much.

The river and dirt road had been the place they went when they were sad, happy, mad or heart broken. It was a place for them to dream about their futures. One day they would tell their kids about the road.

On this specific occasion they were there to reminisce. They were quickly finding out how much harder life gets the older you are. They just wanted to be kids again, back on that old dirt road.
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This is my first picture drabble.