There She Goes


"Liz, wait up!" I whispered loud enough for her to hear.

"Why should I keep waiting. I'm always the one who's waiting while you're living it up. I'm sick of it!"

"I promise, this is the last time,"

"It was the last time two years ago, Zack. You promised me everything would be alright, but it's not and never will be."

"Liz, just stay with me,"

"Goodbye Zack,"

I replayed what just happened over and over in my head. I couldn't face that the girl I love was done with me. How can she say that after everything we've been through? Yes, I've been unfaithful. Yes, I haven't been the best friend ever since all the touring started. But I love her; she's always been my best friend and she'll always have my heart.

"Hey man, are you okay?" Alex asked looking at me as I was sick or something. I did feel sick, but not in the flu kind of way. Maybe if it was the flu, my heart wouldn't hurt this much.

"Um, I wish I could say yes, but no. Liz had enough."

"Wait, what? What do you mean?"

"I mean she's done with my constant cheating and stuff. Even though I gave her the world, she still can't forgive me."

"Well," said Rian coming into view, "Sometimes, girls don't want the world. Sometimes, girls just want you for you. Sometimes they rather get nothing to get the world. She cares for you and all you do is get her material things while you cheat on her."


"Zack, chill out man! I'm just telling you the truth."

"He's right, Zack," Alex said, "You know Liz doesn't give a damn about material things. You know she cares for you, and just you. She sees you with those girls, and that just makes her feel not good enough for you. You make her feel like dog shit."

"You guys are right. But now it's too late. She's gone and I don't think she'll ever take me back."

"Where did she go?" Jack asked finally speaking up.

"Probably home,"

"Then go after her!" Rian said.

"And leave tour?"

"What's better, getting a chance with Liz or just play bass for the next two weeks and get some money?

"Liz, sorry guys, gotta go!"

"We'll get someone to cover for you, but you better get Liz back!" Jack said.

"I will," I said, with only hope and not facts.

The guys booked me the next flight to Maryland while I packed my things in a matter of minutes. I said my goodbyes, hugged my best friends tight and promised myself I'll do whatever to get Elizabeth back.
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Please tell me if you love, it or hate it. Either way goes.