Status: Dedicated to iEatRainbows :)

Loving Vincent


I find him interesting, him and that sexy red hair of his. Yes, that perfectly combed hair that was set just so, and had the right amount of mystery to the styling that it made me nothing if not hot and sweaty just thinking about it.

His pale skin and deep sinful eyes, made me lick my lips. Now, if he only realized that that stupid girlfriend of his was not worth his time. I on the other hand would understand his needs much more than that stupid bitch!

Really, I mean look at her, she was nothing! I was so much better looking than she could ever be, plus I was a Vampire, she was just a little Witch, nothing special.

Why her? I was just as hot as her, I was just as smart as her, I was better dressed than her! What did it have to do with the fact that I was a guy?

So? I deserved this! I wanted him! I never got what I wanted, why couldn't I just get one thing?

My brother had told me that people would not understand me. I had ignored him, I was a freaking Vampire, just because I was gay, doesn't mean I could be any more odd.

I had made some friends, and my name as a fashion designer had scored me some points but not in the things I wanted, I did not care if my teachers wore the things I made or if the cheerleading team wanted me to design the new uniforms. All I wanted was to date Vincent.

He was the man of my dreams! I knew of him before coming to the school, I suppose a lot of people know his name, more than mine even. Vincent Hurbert Oswald the Third, not exactly the sexiest name, but as a writer his name stands out, he has been dominating book shelves, under pin names for hundreds of years, I happen to have a book case dedicated to him at home. Vincent and his ambition was one of the reasons I decided to get into fashion.

I know what you are thinking, huge jump right?

Well, when I was younger, I was given a lot of shit for who I was, I was the love child of two successful business women, yes women, that alone left me destined for rude comments and bullying. Imagine the magnitude of the bullying when the kids found out I wasn't straight, but just like my parents. Life became unbearable.

Human and Magic children alike made fun of me, when I was thirteen and came out, things became even more difficult.

Mimi who was my best friend, odd as it may sound, hated me. I think in a way she was in love with me, but after finding out that I was gay, she shunned me, my best friend turned on me like-like a monster!

She hated me, I think she had been in love with me, but when I told her that I had not interest in her sexually, she flipped like a pancake.

As odd as it may sound Mimi, was one of the sweetest, kindest, nicest girls around, until I royally pissed her off... Maybe I shouldn't have made out with her first boyfriend. (Another story all together!)

He was almost as hot as Vincent, an Abercrombie Model. I think his name was Gary, that's right, now I remember Gary Lynn Davison.

I think he hangs out at the local gay bar back in Cali. Human, but still very tasty.

Vincent though, now Vincent was something I could play for keeps.

Humans didn't do the trick, I wanted something that would last, with someone I could see myself with.

Like I said Vincent had influenced me. After the Mimi incidence I stayed locked up in my room. All I did was read, and draw. That was all I really had.

While reading Vincent's books I realized that I could do things that I had never thought about doing before. His words made me realize that I could do anything that I ever wanted to do.

While reading Vincent's books I would doodle on the pages, drawing what I saw fit, cloths mostly. Eventually I noticed that I was actually really really good.

Although, I did not understand how good I really was until I went to a book signing, that book signing changed my life.

I had dreamed about meeting Vincent my entire life, and after watching him sign my doodle laden inside cover he had made a comment that had changed my life forever.

"These are good you should have them looked into, I would buy some of these designs." He said his lips just as tantalizing as they are today.

How odd, I doubt he would think such easy going words would change my life, but they did, that is why I love Vincent.

Vincent has made me who I am today.

I will wait no matter how long, until Vincent sees that I am the perfect person for him!
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:) Just a short fun spin'off :)