‹ Prequel: When You Were Young

I Can't Remember That Was Us

I’ll Eat, You Guys, I Promise.

“Pumpkin, you have to eat.” Jimmy told me, putting a bowl of soup in front of me.

“Like hell I do!” I said, looking away from him.

“I wouldn’t even fucking hassle you like this if you weren’t pregnant, but since you’re pregnant, I’ll fucking force you to eat if I have to.” Jimmy threatened, raising his eyebrows and tilting his head to the side.

“He’s right, you know.” Stephanie told me quietly as she played with her food.

“I’ll eat, you guys, I promise. I’m just not hungry at the moment.” I told them truthfully. I had eaten earlier today; they’re just a little paranoid.

“Well, you’re supposed to be eating more!” Jimmy told me shaking his head.

“I just throw the shit back up! Besides, my doctor told me that even though I’m pregnant, I still need to maintain a healthy weight.” I told them, taking a sip from my soup.

“I know you’re upset about Matt being missing and stuff…” Stephanie told me with a sigh. Yeah, you heard right, he’s still missing. He has been missing in the deep blue sea for 3 days now.

“No, really, I’m just fine.” I lied, looking down.

“Hayleigh, I’m worried about you. You’re not acting right.” He said. I shunned myself for letting Jimmy get to know me so well. He knew that I was hiding all of my emotions. I have made myself numb for the past 2 days because that’s the only way I can deal with this shit. I’m used to Matt sleeping beside me every night now. It’s just hard to sleep. I try to pretend that he’s only on tour and that he’ll be home soon, but my subconscious keeps telling me everything that I don’t want to think about.

“No, seriously. I’m fine because I know that Matt is out there somewhere and he’s going to come back to me any minute now.” I told him with false hope.

“Hayleigh, when you come to your senses, please call me so that you’re not alone.” He told me, shaking his head.


When I opened my eyes, all I could see was blue. Am I dead? I thought as I felt a slight pounding in my head. I always thought the good thing about dying is that there isn’t any pain. WRONG! I thought as I moved my hand to my head. I pulled my hand back and there was blood on it. Huh. I’m bleeding, too. There was also a loud swishing sound that I just couldn’t place. It sounds familiar, though. I also felt extremely wet and cold. I moved my hand beside me, feeling the sand slip through my fingers. No, I’m not dead…I’m at a beach… I realized as I sat up and looked at the ocean ahead of me. A million questions went through my head. What beach am I at? How did I get here? Am I alone? Who am I? FUCK! What’s my name?!?!?!
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Shorter than hell, but straight to the point. Just to let you guys know what's going on.

Also, I am going to be Co-Writing a story with awake my soul;(check out her stories as well, they rock!)...It is a story that I started a long time ago and then I deleted it because I felt that it wasn't up to par with my expectations... but now it's back and BETTER! You may have read it. it's called abSYNthe. It's a little crazy, and it's very different than the stuff that I usually write, but I think you'll like it. We haven't started it yet, but it's coming SOON! Subscribe if you are interested in reading it!

Also, another story that I've had for a while now is Don't Tell Your Mom the Babysitter was in My Bed ... it's different from this one, it's a lot more mature and... idk, just go read it if you're interested.