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An Unexpected Something New

I have to be somewhere tomorrow morning.

I walked through the doors of the Pittsburgh club and out of the air the was progressively getting colder every day. The sky was crystal clear so every star was visible but inside was much more vivacious. It had been a long day capped off with a game so I wanted to blow off some steam with the guys. I wasn’t much for going out and partying because I hated being bombarded by screaming girls and I wasn’t into random hook ups. Don’t get me wrong- I’m not saying I’m perfect and that I’ve never taken a girl home, and I’m not saying that I wouldn’t do it again but it’s not my thing because usually those girls are way too easy. If you ask Jordan he’d probably be whistling the tune to a different song, but that’s where we differ. I’m more chill than he is, he’s the party animal and I prefer it that way.

I knew what I was walking into that night and I had to be up early again the next morning. I had plans, I had places I had to be, and if I wasn’t there it would be noticeable. I took a deep breath as I looked around and finally found where my buddies were waiting for me, beers in hand. They smiled and waved me over when they spotted me and I happily obliged while secretly hoping I wouldn’t be jumped on the way over. I hated the scenes that chicks would make—it was embarrassing.

“What took so long el captain?” Geno greeted me and handed me a beer. In the ten seconds it took me to make my way over I noticed my friends had scattered about and I didn’t know where they had gone to but I could only assume they were with girls.

“I had to talk to the press.” That wasn’t a surprising revelation as I had to do it every night.

“Well you are the golden boy. Their mouths hang open waiting for you to speak,” he said with a laugh.

“Yeah, I’m lucky,” I rolled my eyes as I took a sip. “It can be a real pain in the ass sometimes. I hate complaining but seriously man, it’s a real job sometimes.”

“I’m happy I’m not as stalked as you,” he said relieved. “I mean, you get all the praise when things are good, but you get all the shit when things go bad—and you have to answer every question in between.”

“Tell me about it. Where is everyone else anyway? I saw Jord and Letang when I walked in but I don’t see them now,” I asked as I looked around for the rest of my friends.

“Well,” Geno said with a smirk, “if you look to your left you will see Jordan bumping uglies with a girl—maybe two at this point—on the floor. They’ve been going at it on and off for the last half hour or so and I’m thinking within the next half hour they’ll be making their way to his place.” Then he turned to the other side and pointed with his beer bottle in the direction of Letang. “And if you look over there you see Kris wrapped up in the same type of behavior with another lady.”

“And what about yourself?” I asked amused.

“Oh,” he sighed. “Crosby,” he put his hand around my shoulder and gave it a squeeze while he pointed to a girl a few feet in front of us. “If you look right there you’ll see what I’ll be going home with sooner rather than later.”

“Oh yeah?” I looked at him then back to the girl who had his attention at least for this evening. She had her eyes on the prize alright as she shook her ass into another guy but kept her gaze locked on Geno. She was teasing him, tempting him to come and get her, but my friend was smart and was playing his own game right back. I knew how this would turn out, he’d be gone in an hour.

I shook my head with fascination and laughed as I put my mouth to my beer bottle again. “I guess you guys are doing a good job at blowing off some steam, huh?”

“There will most certainly be blowing.”

“Oh I’m sure there will be.” I said as the brunette who was currently trying to dig her claws into my buddy finally grew tired of waiting and strutted on over. I leaned against the bar and took my seat for the show they were about to put on.

“You should let loose and get some of your own,” he said as his interest stood in front of him, then he turned his attention to her.

“If you wanted to dance with me all you had to was ask,” she said with a big flirtatious smile. Her get up was less than desirable for me. I had no problem letting loose, but she looked like a whore (for lack of a better word.) A low cut top that showed her bolt on’s coupled with low-rise jeans that showed more skin…it was a hot outfit, I guess, but left nothing to the imagination.

“I figured it’d be more fun to let you dance with that guy until you realized you wanted to move onto a real man.”

I rolled my eyes as I listened to their ridiculous banter and laughed to myself.

“A real man, huh?” she rested her hand on his stomach and began to twirl her finger around.

“I’d like to think so. If you don’t believe me I guess we’ll just have to bet on it.” He now rested his hands lightly on her hips.

“Bet? What kind of bet?”

“How about….I bet you’ll come home with me tonight and find out all the answers to your questions there.”

She looked up at him and smiled as she grabbed his hand and led him onto the dance floor. I shook my head and laughed as he threw his head around and looked at me. “Relax and get some,” he mouthed before he turned back and began swapping saliva with his current conquest.

I watched as my friends were tangled up with their new friends. It was always the same thing, same result. There was no substance, and I knew they wouldn’t call—well, I was almost sure. Jordan definitely wouldn’t. Geno and Letang, doubtful. I stood and relaxed against the bar by myself and didn’t realize the brunette that had approached me until she spoke.

“You’re Sidney Crosby.” Her statement was almost a question but it was simple enough, an attempt at breaking the ice.

I nodded my head. “Yup.”

“I go to games sometimes,” she said hopeful. “You look good on the ice.”

“Thanks. I do my best.”

“You certainly do. Are you here with anyone?” she looked up at me with wide eyes as if she were nervous I’d turn her down.

I looked past her to Geno who disconnected himself from his partner to look at me and give an approving nod that told me to go for it. His words echoed in my mind as I contemplated taking her home. She was easy on the eyes but I knew I wouldn’t call her again. I could use a release and getting my rocks off was the best one I could think of.

“Nope, all by myself,” I turned my attention back to the girl who was practically begging me to make a move.

“Wanna dance?” she did the same thing to me Geno’s girl did to him. She put her hand on my abdomen and tried to sneak it under my shirt.

“I was thinking of skipping the dancing tonight and going straight home.”

“Want company?” her hand was under my shirt and grazing the muscles of my stomach.

I paused for a moment before nodding my head. “Sure.”

I gathered my belonging’s, paid my bill and led her out of the club and into my car. I didn’t live far so it didn’t take long to drive back to my place. When we made our way into my home she wrapped her arms around my neck the second I closed the door behind us and pressed her lips, and body, hungrily to mine.

I took off her shirt and let her take off mine. I felt her tits in my hands as we made our way to the couch. She took off her pants then helped take off mine before grabbing my package and making a trail with her lips down my chest and stomach until she was completely taking me in her mouth. It felt good, her mouth and tongue bathing my cock and the more I got into it the more I wanted to feel a pussy around it. I pushed her away and pulled her panties down. She had a condom in her back pocket (quite a classy lady), reached for her pants, pulled it out, and put it around me before sitting on top of me and impaling herself on my dick.

I let her ride and held her bouncing tits until I felt the familiar tightening in my stomach and exploded into the plastic raincoat that engulfed my cock. I wasn’t sure if she got off or not, and the sad part was I didn’t really care, but when we were finished, we were done. I got what I wanted, what I needed, and she got what she wanted—to be able to tell her friends she had sex with me.

She tried to kiss me but I didn’t give her much reason to hope it’d go much further. As she put her clothes back on I took the condom off and cleaned myself up before pulling my boxers back on.

“It’s pretty late,” I said as I stood up. “You should probably get going. If you need cab fare of anything I’ll give it to you.”

She looked at me a little shocked as she pulled her shirt over her head. “You want me to go home? Now? I was thinking we could do that again…”

“As much fun as that would be I have to politely decline. I have to be somewhere tomorrow morning.”

“You do? A game or something?” she asked as I walked her to the door.

“No. A wedding.”

“Oh!” her eyes lit up like most girls do at the prospect of marriage. “A wedding! That’s fun! Who is getting married?”

I looked at her then at the door before responding emotionless. “I am.”
♠ ♠ ♠
HEY! Yes, another Crosby story. Why not?

I didn't think I'd ever get started on another story, but i finally did. I will start Tazer, this month, if you guys still want to read it. Let me know.

So, Sid's kinda coming across like a douche. But it's for a reason..and don't get too mad at the ending of this chapter. Things aren't always what they seem. Let me know if you'll keep reading! Thanks!!